Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-86720-7 - Tales from Spandau : Nazi criminals and the Cold War - by Norman J. W. Goda


Sentenced to long prison terms at the Trial of the Major War Criminals at Nuremberg, seven of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates – Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer, Karl Dönitz, Erich Raeder, Walther Funk, Konstantin von Neurath, and Baldur von Schirach – were to have become forgotten men at Berlin’s Spandau Prison. Instead, they became the focus of a bitter four-decade tug-of-war between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies – a dispute on the fault line of the Cold War itself that drew in heads of state, military strategists, powerful businessmen, vocal church leaders, old-world aristocrats, international spies, and neo-Nazis. Drawing on long-secret records from four countries, Norman J. W. Goda provides a new perspective on the terrifying shadow thrown by Nazi Germany on the Cold War years and how that shadow helped to influence the Cold War itself.

Norman J. W. Goda is Professor of History at Ohio University. He is the author of Tomorrow the World: Hitler, Northwest Africa and the Path toward America (1998) and coauthor of U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis (Cambridge, 2005).

Tales from Spandau


Norman J. W. Goda
Ohio University

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University Press
32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA
Information on this title:

© Norman J. W. Goda 2007

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First published 2007

Printed in the United States of America

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Goda, Norman J. W., 1961–
Tales from Spandau : Nazi criminals and the Cold War / Norman J. W. Goda.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-521-86720-7
1. War criminals – Germany. 2. Spandau Prison (Berlin, Germany) 3. Cold War.
4. Germany – History – 1945–1955. 5. Criminal justice, Administration of – Germany –
Berlin – History. 6. National socialism and justice. I. Title.
DD244.G63    2006
365.48092243155    2006005656

ISBN-13 978-0-521-86720-7 hardback
ISBN-10 0-521-86720-7 hardback

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Acknowledgments page ix
Abbreviations and Terms xi
Introduction 1
1   “To the Gallows with All of Them” 19
2   An Enduring Institution 53
3   Von Neurath’s Ashes: The Battle over Memory 93
4   Hitler’s Successor: A Tale of Two Admirals 134
5   The Foiled Escape: Albert Speer’s Twenty Years 176
6   “I Regret Nothing”: The Problem of Rudolf Hess 221
Burials: An Epilogue 265
Appendix: Prison Regulations for Spandau Allied Prison 279
Notes 295
Bibliography 351
Index 371


I incurred more debts in writing this book than I can ever repay, so sincerely heartfelt thanks will have to do. But they are indeed heartfelt.

   As all historians, I could have done nothing without able, helpful, professional archivists. At the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, William Cunliffe, David Van Tassel, Dick Myers, Robert Wolfe, Amy Schmidt, Eric Van Slander, Fidel Taperra, Sean Morris, and Michael Peterson located hard-to-find records on the history of Spandau Prison. In the Amherst College Library’s Archives and Special Collections department, Peter Nelson located key files in John J. McCloy’s papers. In the Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Bureau des Archives de l’occupation française en Allemagne et en Autriche in Colmar, I am indebted to Nathalie Moreau, Pascal Penot, Valérie Flury, Odile Dufour, and especially Michel Chauffeton for their painstaking search through partly classified records. As always, the entire staff of The National Archives in Kew was as professional and as helpful as could be.

   At the Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin, my friend Knud Piening was of tremendous assistance as always. Manuela Vack helped me to navigate the massive collection of Albert Speer’s personal papers at the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz. Frau Hartmann helped me with East German Communist Party records at the Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv in Berlin. In the Allied Museum of Berlin, Florian Weiss provided important help, locating lost British Kommandatura records as well as a trove of photos of Spandau. The staff of the Landesarchiv Berlin was also of great assistance. In the ThyssenKrupp Konzernarchiv in Duisburg, Dr. Manfred Rasch and staff generously helped me with Walter Rohland’s papers. Michael Bing of the Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart helped me to locate key sections of the Theophil Wurm papers.

   Closer to home, I am grateful to Ohio University’s master bibliographer, Dan Olsen, who procured microfilms for me over the course of some five years. Large sections of this book were written at the Hannah McCauley Library at Ohio University at Lancaster, and I am indebted to the professional librarians there: Sharon Huge, Julia Robinson, Tami Walker, and Joyce Mohler for graciously allowing me to monopolize desk space, their printer, and their microfilm reader. Members of the Berlin United States Military Veterans Association, particularly those who served as sentries at Spandau Prison, shared their memories with me and some, including Don Galuoppo and Joseph Gnoffo, generously shared their photos of the prison. Arsen Djatej at Ohio University located and translated Russian-language memoir sources that also add to Spandau Prison’s history.

   My friends Gerhard L. Weinberg, Steven M. Miner, Richard Breitman, and Charles Sydnor read the manuscript as a whole and made invaluable comments, as did my father, Herbert L. Goda. Jeffrey Herf, Frank Buscher, Dick de Mildt, Robert Hertzstein, Peter Hoffmann, Francis Nicosia, Robert Gellately, Ronald Zweig, Michael Marrus, Peter Hayes, Agnes Petersen, Timothy Naftali, Carole Fink, Günther Heydemann, Robert Wolfe, John Brobst, Mark Ruff, Jonathan Wiesen, Geoffrey Megargee, and JonDavid Wynecken either commented on parts of the manuscript or gave me different angles to think about. Lewis Bateman and Ciara McLaughlin at Cambridge University Press immediately had faith in this project, and my production editor Camilla Knapp and copy editor Sara Black made the manuscript far better than it otherwise would have been.

   This book could not have been completed without the generous financial support of Ohio University’s College of Arts and Sciences, its International Studies Program, and its Office of the Vice President for Research, which financed my travels to Europe and photographic reproduction costs. I am also indebted to Ohio University for the leave time they generously provided in the fall of 2004.

   Last and most importantly: My wonderful, wonderful boys, Grant and Lucas, put up with my absences in Europe, disappearances into the library, and the occasionally missed youth hockey game. And my loving wife and best friend Gwyneth put up with much, much more. For all she has given me, here as always, I gratefully and lovingly dedicate what follows to her.

Lancaster, Ohio

Abbreviations and Terms

AA Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Ministry, Federal Republic of Germany)
AAP-BRD Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
AAPS Archives of the Allied Prison Spandau (NARA, RG 84, Berlin Mission, Records Relating to Spandau Prison, 1947–1987, Microfilm Publication A33520)
ACA Allied Control Authority
ACC Allied Control Council
AEG Allgemeine Elekricitäts-Gesellschaft
AFS American Field Service
AHC Allied High Commission
AK Allied Kommandatura
AMB/SlgD Alliierten Museum Berlin, Sammlung Dokumenten
BA-B Bundesarchiv (Berlin) (the letter “B” afterwards denotes Bestand [Record Group])
BA-K Bundesarchiv (Koblenz) (the letter “B” afterwards denotes Bestand [Record Group])
BASC Berlin Air Safety Center
Bd. Band (volume) – for German archival citations
BKA Bundeskanzleramt (Office of the Federal Chancellor)
BRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany)
CDU Christian Democratic Union
CSU Christian Social Union
DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labor Front)
DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic)
DM Deutschmark
DzD Germany, Bundesministerium des Innern, Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik
EDC European Defense Community
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
GBI Generalbauinspektorat
GDR German Democratic Republic
GMFB Gouvernement militaire français de Berlin
GSFG Group Soviet Forces Germany
FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FO Foreign Office
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FDGB Freie Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (Free German Federation of Trade Unions)
FDP Free Democratic Party
FRUS Foreign Relations of the United States
HC Cabinet du Haut-Commissariat de la République française en Allemagne
HFRH Hilfsgemeinschaft Freiheit für Rudolf Hess (Freedom for Rudolf Hess Aid Society)
HICOG U.S. High Commissioner for Germany
HICOM Allied High Commission, Germany
ICC International Criminal Court
ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
KPD Communist Party of Germany
LAB Landesarchiv Berlin
LKA-S Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
LCO Lord Chancellor’s Office (London)
LF Lot File
LPD Liberal Democratic Party of Germany
MAE-AOFAA Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Bureau des Archives de l’oc- cupation française en Allemagne et Autriche (Colmar)
MGFA Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
MP Member of Parliament
NARA National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NKFD Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland (National Committee for a Free Germany)
NKVD People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs (includes Soviet State Security Police)
NL Nachlaß (Personal Papers)
NPD National Democratic Party of Germany
OCCWC Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes
OMGUS Office of Military Government, U.S. Zone (Germany)
OPC Office of Policy Coordination
OSS Office of Strategic Services
PA-AA Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (Berlin) (the letter “B” afterwards denotes Bestand [Record Group])
POW prisoner of war
PREM Records of the Prime Minister’s Office
RAF Royal Air Force
RG Record Group (relates to NARA records-entry numbers in bibliography)
RM Reichsmark
SA Sturmabteilung
SAPMO Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv (Berlin)
SD Sicherheitsdienst
SED Socialist Unity Party of Germany
SIB Special Investigations Branch
Sig. Signatur (Archival designation for Speer and Wolters Nachlaß)
SMERSH Soviet Military Counterintelligence, 1943–1946, the acronym of which means “Death to Spies”
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany
SRP Socialist Reich Party
SS Schutzstaffel
   SS-Obergruppenführer (rank comparable to U.S. Army Lieutenant General)
   SS-Gruppenführer (rank comparable to U.S. Army Major General)
   SS-Obersturmbannführer (rank comparable to U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel)
   SS-Sturmbannführer (rank comparable to U.S. Army Major)
   SS-Hauptsturmführer (rank comparable to U.S. Army Captain)
SSD Speer, Albert. Spandau: The Secret Diaries. Translated by Richard Winston and Clara Winston. New York: Macmillan, 1976
TKA ThyssenKrupp Konzernarchiv (Duisburg)
TMWC International Military Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945–1 October 1946. 42 vols. Nuremberg: International Military Tribunal, 1949
TNA The National Archives (U.K.), Kew
TWC-CC10 United States. Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946–April 1949. 13 vols. Washington, DC: GPO, 1949–1953
UdSSR Jochen P. Laufer and Georgij P. Kynin, Die UdSSR und die deutsche Frage, 1941–1948: Dokumente aus dem Archiv für Außenpolitik der Russischen Föderation. 3 vols. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 2004.
VdS Verband deutscher Soldaten

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