Cambridge University Press


H  Hospitaller, Order of St John

T  Templar, Order of the Temple

Aaron, brother of Moses

Aberín, T preceptory




Abū-Bakr II ibn-Yahya, Hafsid ruler of Tunisia


fall (1291)

Ad abolendam (1184)

Ad extirpanda (1252)

Ad providam (1312)

Adam of Crécy, Abbot of Prémontré

Adam of Walincourt, T knight

Adhemar of Chabannes, chronicler

Adhemar of Esparros, T knight

age structure of the Ts

Agen, diocese

Aimery VI, Viscount of Narbonne

Aimery of Villiers-le-Duc, T serving brother

Ain Jalut, battle (1260)

Alan of Lille, theologian


Albert of Anhalt, Bishop of Halberstadt

Albert I, King of Germany

Albert of Rumercourt, T priest

Albert of Schwarzbourg, Visitor of the H in the West

Albertus Magnus, theologian


Albigensianism, see Cathars

Albizzo Guidi

Alcántara, Order of

Alcobaça, abbot of

Alexander III, pope

Alexander IV, pope

Alexander Neckham


Alfonso X, King of Castile

Alfonso XI, King of Castile


Alma mater (1310)

Almourol, T castle

alms and the T


Amalric, King of Jerusalem

Amanus Mountains

Amaury of La Roche, Master of the T in France

Amaury of Lusignan, Governor of Cyprus

Amiens, bailli, see Denis of Aubigny

Amiens, bishop, see Robert of Fouilly

Amiens, diocese

Amisius, Archdeacon of Orléans, royal clerk


Amposta, castellan of the H , see also Martin Peter of Orós

Anagni, attack on Boniface VIII

Anastasius II, pope

Ancelin Gara, T knight

Ancona, march of

Andravilla, T preceptory

Andrew of Siena, T

Andrew Tartarol, canon of Famagusta

Angers, see

Angevin empire

Angevin kings

Angevins of Sicily

Anjou, county

‘Anjou, countess of’


Anricus of Anglesy, T knight

Ansell of Rochière, T knight



Antonio Orso, Bishop of Florence

Antonio Sicci of Vercelli, Italian notary

Anthony Fage, monk of Valmagne

Anthony, Abbot of Saint-Pierre, Tarbes


Apulia, commander of the T, see Odo of Valdric

Aquila, L’


Aquileia, patriarch, see Ottobonus of Razzi

Aragon, Aragonese

proceedings against T in Aragon


al-Arīmah, T castle

Arles, T preceptory

Armand Fouquères, Cardinal of Sabina

Armand of Périgord, Grand Master of the T

Armand III of Poitiers, Count of Valentinois

Armand, Viscount of Polignac

Armenia, Armenians


Arnold of Auch, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano

Arnold of Banyuls, Preceptor of the T at Gardeny (Aragon)

Arnold Calis, T serving brother

Arnold of Faugères, papal chaplain

Arnold, Abbot of Fontfroide and papal Vice-Chancellor

Arnold Nouvel, Cardinal-Priest of St Prisca

Arnold of Soler, H

Arnold of Villanova, Catalan doctor

Arsuf, battle (1191)

Arsuf, H castle

Artaud Carat

Arthur II, Duke of Brittany

Ascalon, siege (1153)

Ascó, T commander, see Berengar of San Marcial

Ascó, T fortress

al-Ashraf Khalīl, Mamluk Sultan of Egypt and Syria

Asia Minor


Astarac, count, see Bernard

Athis-sur-Orge, treaty (1305)

‘Atlīt, T castle

Ato of Salvigny, Preceptor of the T at La Chapelle (Cahors)

Aubert Aycelin, Bishop of Clermont

Audebert of La Porte, T serving brother

audientia causarum

audientia litterarum

Audon of Montaigu, Prior of the H of Auvergne

Audovinus, Bishop of Périgord

Augustine, Saint

Augustine Trionfo, theologian

Augustinian canons of the Holy Sepulchre

Ausculta fili (1301)


Auvergne, bailli, see Stephen of Noirestaing

Auvergne, count, see Robert VI

Auvergne, prior of the H, see Audon of Montaigu

Auvergne, master of the T

Auxerre, bishop, see Peter of Belleperche, Peter of Grez



Avis, Order of

Aygue of Bethsan, Constable of Cyprus

Aymar III of Poitiers, Count of Valentinois

Ayme of Oselier, Marshal of the T

Aymo of Pratimi, T

Aymon of Barbonne, T


Baghras, T castle

Baignes, monastery

Bailey, Derek Sherwin, historian

baillis, bailliages, royal

Bait Jibrin, H castle

Baldwin, T serving brother

Baldwin of Cery, T knight

Baldwin of Ibelin

Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem

Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem

Baldwin Lambert, Bishop of Famagusta

Baldwin of Luetzelburg, Archbishop of Trier

Baldwin, canon of the cathedral of Nicosia

Balearic Islands

Balian of Ibelin, Prince of Galilee

Balian of Montgisard

Balnoregio, T preceptory

Balo, T preceptory



Barbará, T castle


Bari, T preceptory

Barking, All Saints’ Church

Barletta T preceptory

Bartholomew, Abbot of Alet

Bartholomew Bochier, T knight

Bartholomew, Archbishop of Brindisi

Bartholomew of Gordo, Turcopolier of the T in Cyprus

Bartholomew of Puyravault, T serving brother

Bartholomew of Turri, T priest

Basil, Saint

Bath, diocese

Baugy, T preceptory

Bautier, Robert-Henri, historian

Baybars, an-Nāsir Rukn-ad-Din, Mamluk sultan

Bayeux, bishop, see William Bonnet

Bayeux, hearings (1307)

Beaucaire, sénéchaussée

Beaune, T preceptory

Beauvais, diocese

Beauvoir, castle (Auvergne)

Beck, Andreas, historian


Benedict XI, pope

Berengar of Collo, T knight

Berengar Frédol the Elder, Cardinal-Priest of SS. Nereo and Achilleo, then Cardinal-Bishop of Tusculum

Berengar of Mazan, Bishop of Carpentras

Berengar of Pulcronisu, T

Berengar of Rivosicco, T knight

Berengar of Saint-Just, Commander of the T at Miravet

Berengar of Saint-Marcel, Commander of the T at Ascó

Berlio of Illino

Bernard, Count of Astarac

Bernard of Banyuls, Treasurer of the T at Cornela

Bernard, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux

In Praise of the New Knighthood

Bernard, Count of Comminges

Bernard of Comminges, Viscount of Turenne

Bernard F.

Bernard of Fargues, Archbishop of Rouen

Bernard of Foix, T knight

Bernard of Fuentes, Preceptor of the T at Corbins

Bernard Gui, inquisitor in the Toulousain

Bernard of Parma, T serving brother

Bernard Pelet, Prior of the Mas-d’Agenais

Bernard of Puente, knight, Aragonese ambassador

Bernard Saisset, Bishop of Pamiers

Bernard of Vado, T priest from Albi

Bernart Cespujades, Viguier of Tortosa

Bertram, Master of the T in Germany

Bertrand of Got, Archbishop of Bordeaux, see Clement V

Bertrand Guasc, T serving brother

Bertrand, Prior of Saint-Cassiano in Béziers

Bertrand of Saint-Paul, T

Bertrand of Sartiges, Preceptor of the T at Carlat (Rouergue)

Besançon, diocese


Bigorre, hearings (1307)

Bigorre, sénéschal

Blanca, daughter of King James II of Aragon

Blanche of Anjou, wife of King James II of Aragon

Blanche of Artois, wife of Charles, Count of La Marche (Charles IV of France)

Blanche of Artois, Countess of Champagne, mother of Joan of Navarre

Bohemia, king, see John of Luxembourg

Bohemia, kingdom


council (1309)

T preceptory


Bolsena, lake

Boniface VIII, pope

disputes with Philip IV

posthumous proceedings against

Bonlieu, T preceptory


T hearings

Boswell, John, historian


Boulogne, count, see Robert VI



clerical assembly

Boyle, Leonard, historian

Brescia, T preceptory

Brian le Jay, Master of the T in England

Brie, bailliage

Brindisi, hearings (1310)

T preceptory

British Isles

see also England, Ireland, Scotland

‘Brittany, count of’

Brittany, duchy

Brown, Elizabeth A.R., historian

Brundage, James, historian

Bruno of Cologne

Bulst-Thiele, Marie Luise, historian

Burchard of Scrapelau, Archbishop of Magdeburg

Burgundy, duchy

Burlegio, T preceptory

burnings of Ts (1310)

Cadiz, gulf of

Caen, hearings (1307)

Caesarius of Heisterbach, Cistercian

Cahors, diocese

hearings (1307) , (1308)

Cahors, bishop, see Hugh Gerald, Peter of Cazilhac



Calatrava, master of the Order

Calatrava, Order of

Cambrai, bishop, see Philip of Marigny, Peter of Levis


Cantavieja, T castle


council (1309)

Canterbury, archbishop, see Robert Winchelsey

Caorsetta, wife of William Lambert

Capetian monarchy

Caporsoli, T preceptory

Carcassonne, diocese

hearings (1307)

Carcassonne, inquisitor, see Geoffrey of Ablis

Carcassonne, sénéschal

cardinals, Sacred College


Carpentras, bishop, see Berengar of Mazan

Carthusian Order

Castell’Araldo, T preceptory

Castel Fajola

Castellote, T castle

Castelnaudary (Aude)

Castel Branco, T castle


proceedings against the T

Castro Marim


Cathars, Catharism

Catherine of Courtenay, wife of Charles of Valois, funeral

cats, worship of

Cecco of Lanciano, T serving brother

Celestine II, pope

Celestine V, pope

Cerdagne, county

Cervera, hearings (1310)

Cesena, hearings (1310)

Chalamera, T fortress

Châlons, riot in

Chambre des Comptes

Chambre aux Deniers

Champagne, count

Champagne, county

Chancery, papal

Chancery, royal

chansons de geste

charges against the Ts

Charles of Anjou, King of Sicily

Charles, Count of La Marche (Charles IV of France)

Charles II, King of Naples

Charles of Valois, brother of Philip IV


council (1309?)

Chartres, bishop, see John of Garlande

Chastel-Blanc, T castle


Chaumont, hearings (1307)

Cheroy, house of the T

Chichester, bishop, see John Langton




Christ, master of the Order, see Gil Martins

Christ, Order of

Christian Spinola

Chronique d’Amadi

Cistercian Order Rule

Civitavecchia, T preceptory

Clement IV, pope

Clement V, pope

coronation and beginning of pontificate


posthumous trial of Boniface VIII

role in the trial of the Templars


clergy, taxation of

and assemblies of French estates

Clericis laicos (1296)



Clermont, bishop, see Aubert Aycelin

Clonfert, T church

Clovis, King of the Franks

Cohn, Norman, historian

Colonna family

Comminges, count, see Bernard

Comminges, see

Compostella, archbishop, see Rodrigo of Padron

Comtat Venaissin

confessions of the Ts

Conrad, Bishop of Hildesheim

Conrad of Marburg

Conradin of Hohenstaufen

Considerantes dudum (1312)

Consolin of Saint-Jory, T knight

Constantine, Roman Emperor


Constantinople, emperor


Corbins, T castle

cords, touching idols

Corneto, T preceptory

Corrand of Mangoncia, T priest

Cotentin, bailli

Courtrai, battle (1302)

Coutances, bishop, see Robert of Harcourt

Crawford, Paul, historian

Cremona, bishop, see Rainier of Casoli

Cresson, springs of, battle (1187)

criticism of Ts

Crusader states, Palestine and Syria see also Cyprus, Holy Land, Jerusalem, Outremer

crusades, crusaders






Frederick II (1228–9)

Louis IX

against Aragon


proceedings against the Ts (1310–11)

Cyprus, commander of the T, see James of Doumanin

draper of the T, see John of Villa

treasurer of the T

turcopolier of the T, see Bartholomew of Gordo


Dalmacio of Pontons, Aragonese ambassador

Dalmacio of Rocaberti, T



Daniel Briton, T priest

Darbsak, T castle



defence of the T

Deminutio laboris examinantium processus contra ordinem templi in Anglia

Demurger, Alain, historian

denial of Christ

Denis of Aubigny, Bailli of Amiens

Deodat Jafet, T

Diakover, Bosnia, see Guichard of Troyes

Dieudonné, Abbot of Lagny, papal inquisitor

Dijon, T preceptory

Dinis, King of Portugal

Domenico of Palestrina, inquisitor

Dominican Order, Dominicans

Dominican prior in Paris


Dragon, Abbot of Aurillac (Auvergne)

Dublin castle

Edmund of Lancaster, brother of Edward I

Edward I, King of England

Edward II, King of England, role in the trial of the Ts

Egypt, Egyptians

Egypt, sultan

Elias Aymerici, T serving brother

Elias Costat, T serving brother

Elias of Jocro, T serving brother

Elias Talleyrand, Count of Périgord

Elm, Kaspar, historian

Elne, diocese

Empire, the (Holy Roman)


proceedings against the Ts

England, prior of the H, see William of Tothale

Enguerrand of Marigny, royal Chamberlain

Enguerrand of Villers, royal knight

epic and romance literature

Episcopi, canon

Ermengarda of Oluja, Preceptrix of the T at Rourell


Esquin of Floyran, Prior of Montfaucon

Essex, T estates

estates in France ; (1302) ; (1303) ; (1308) ; (1312)

Etsi de statu (1297)

Eugenius III, pope

Everard des Barres, Grand Master of the T

evil eye


Faciens misericordiam (1308)


Falco of Milly, T knight


T preceptory

Fano, bishop, see James

Favier, Jean, historian

Fawtier, Robert, historian

Ferdinand IV, King of Castile

Ferinsius Mareschal, knight

Ferrer of Lillet, T priest

Ferrer of Bilgleto, vicar of James II of Aragon at Tarragona

Fidenzio of Padua, Franciscan

Finke, Heinrich, historian

Flanders, county



T preceptory

Forey, Alan, historian

Forez, count, see John I

Frale, Barbara, historian

France, French

France, prior of the H, see Ithier of Nanteuil

Franciscan Order, Franciscans

Frederick I, German Emperor

Frederick II, German Emperor

Frederick II, King of Sicily

Frederick of Alvensleben, Preceptor of the T in Germany

Frederick Ballaco, Bishop of Rimini

Frederick of Salm, Preceptor of the T in the Rhine Province

Friedlander, Alan, historian

frogs and toads in heretical assemblies

Fulk V, Count of Anjou

Fulk of Villaret, Grand Master of the H

Gaetani family

Gaillard of Preissac, Bishop of Toulouse

Gainneville, fief

Galceran of Tous, T

García Ramírez, King of Navarre

Gardeny, T commander, see Arnold of Banyuls

Gardeny, T house

Garway, T house

Garin of Grandeville, Preceptor of the T in Ponthieu

Gascony, duchy of, Gascons

Gaston, see Baghras

Gaucerand, curatus of the T at Bure

Gaza, T castle

Genghis Khan, Great Khan of the Mongols


Geoffrey, T

Geoffrey of Ablis, inquisitor in Carcassonne

Geoffrey, Count of Anjou

Geoffrey of Charney, Preceptor of the T in Normandy


Geoffrey Fitz Stephen, Master of the T in England

Geoffrey of Gonneville, Preceptor of the T in Aquitaine and Poitou


Geoffrey of Paris, chronicler

Geoffrey du Plessis, notary to the Apostolic See

Geoffrey of Villaperos, T knight

George, valet de chambre to James of Molay

Gerald Dominguez, Bishop of Palencia

Gerald of Wales, chronicler

Gerard of Augny, T serving brother

Gerard Beraud, T knight from Limoges

Gerard of Boyzol, knight from Gisors

Gerard of Caux, T knight

Gerard of Gauche, T knight

Gerard Laverhna, Preceptor of the T house of Andrivaux (Périgord)

Gerard le Lorinhe, T

Gerard du Passage, T knight

Gerard of Presles, Prévôt of Laon

Gerard of Saint-Martial, T knight

Gerard of Sauzet, Preceptor of the T in the Auvergne

Gerard of Villiers, Preceptor of the T in France

Germany, Germans

proceedings against the Ts

Gervase of Beauvais, Preceptor of the T at Laon

Gervase of Tilbury, chronicler

Ghazan, Mongol Il-Khan of Persia



Gil Martins, Master of the Order of Christ

Gilles Aycelin, Archbishop of Narbonne

as Archbishop of Rouen

Gilles Colonna, Archbishop of Bourges

Gilles of Maubuisson, Bailli of Mâcon

Gilles of Rotangy, T priest

Gilles, Preceptor of the T at San Gimignano

Gilmour-Bryson, Anne, historian

Giovanni Villani, Florentine chronicler

Gisors, fortress

Gmelin, Julius, historian


Godfrey of Bouillon, first Latin ruler of Jerusalem

Godfrey of Saint-Omer, T knight

Gombaldo of Entenza, Procurador of Valencia

Gonzalo Diaz Palomeque, Archbishop of Toledo

Goodich, Michael, historian

Gorgon, the


Les Grandes Chroniques de France

Grazean, priory

Greater Poland

Greece, Greeks ; see also Latin Greeks

Gregory VII, pope

Gregory IX, pope

Gregory X, pope

Grosseto, T preceptory

Guadiana, river


Guiard of Cressonessart

Guichard, Bishop of Troyes

Guichard of Marsillac, Sénéchal of Toulouse



Guigo of Chartres, Prior of La Grande Chartreuse

Guy, T priest

Guy of Cietica, T serving brother

Guy of Dampierre, Count of Flanders

Guy Dauphin, T knight

Guy of Foresta, Master of the T in England

Guy of Lusignan, Count of La Marche and Angoulême

Guy of Neufville, Bishop of Saintes

Guy of Nice, T serving brother

Guy IV, Count of Saint-Pol

Hagenmeyer, Heinrich, historian

Hainault, county

Halberstadt, diocese

Hattin, battle (1187)

Hayton, lord of Gorhigos

heads, worship

Henry, T serving brother

Henry of Bar from Onjon

Henry of Biblio, knight

Henry of Claciaco, royal knight

Henry of Compiègne, T serving brother

Henry II, King of Cyprus

Henry I, King of England

Henry II, King of England

Henry III, King of England

as Duke of Gascony

Henry, son of Henry II, King of England

Henry of Fautrières, Abbot of Cluny

Henry, son of Frederick II

Henry Ffykeis, procurator at the Roman Curia

Henry of Hercigny, T

Henry of Huntingdon, chronicler

Henry, Count of Luxembourg

as emperor

Henry Sanglier, Archbishop of Sens

Hereford, diocese


Hillgarth, Jocelyn N., historian


Holy Land


Honorius II, pope

Honorius III, pope

Hospital, Order of, Hospitallers


Hugh, T

Hugh, T knight

Hugh Achoti

Hugh of Cabilone, T knight, Preceptor of Vall de Tor

Hugh Capet, King of France

Hugh of Châlons, T knight, nephew of Hugh of Pairaud

Hugh I of Troyes, Count of Champagne

Hugh of Chastel, royal knight

Hugh of Faure, T knight

Hugh Gerald, Bishop of Cahors

Hugh of La Celle, royal knight

Hugh of Narsac, Preceptor of the T at Les Épeaux (Saintes)

Hugh of Pairaud, Visitor of the T in France


revokes confession

reserves defence for the pope

Hugh of Payns, Grand Master of the T

Hugh of Salm, Preceptor of the T at Grumbach

Hugo of Samaya, Preceptor of the T at Brindisi

Humbert of Corbon, Preceptor of the T at Paulhac

Humbert of Pairaud, Master of the T in England

Humbert of Puy, T serving brother

Humbert of Reffiet, T



proceedings against the Ts

idols, idolatry ; see also cats, frogs and toads, heads

Ile-des-Javiaux, see Paris


Imbert Blanke, Preceptor of the T in the Auvergne

Indians of British Columbia

Innocent II, pope

Innocent III, pope

Innocent IV, pope

inquest of Templar lands in England (1185–95)

inquiries: papal commission


For proceedings against the Templars outside France

relevant country


inventories of T property

Ireland, proceedings against the Ts



Italy, Italians

proceedings against the Ts

Ithier of Nanteuil, Prior of the H in France

Ithier of Rochefort, Preceptor of the T at Douzens (Carcassonne)

Ives of Saint-Denis, monastic chronicler

Jacob’s Ford, T castle


James II, King of Aragon

role in the trial of the Templars

James Biaulus of Isles

James of Bregecuria, T serving brother

James of Doumanin, Preceptor of the T in Cyprus

James Duèze, Bishop of Avignon ; see also John XXII

James, Bishop of Fano

James Fournier, Bishop of Pamiers

James of la Mandelée

James I, King of Mallorca

James of Molay, Grand Master of the T

attempted defence of the Order


memoirs on crusades and military orders

refutes accusations

revokes confession

James of Montecucco, Grand Preceptor of T in Italy

James of Plany, knight

James of Socy, T

James, Bishop of Sutri

James of Thérines, Cistercian, professor of theology at the University of Paris, Contra Impugnatores Exemptiorum

James of Troyes, T serving brother

James Verjus, T serving brother


al-Aqsa (Temple of Solomon)

Holy Sepulchre, church



Temple platform

Tower of David


Jimeno of Lenda, Master of the T in Aragon

Jimeno of Luna, Archbishop of Tarragona

Joan of Burgundy, wife of Philip, Count of Poitiers (Philip V of France)

Joan of Navarre, Queen of France

Johan Osorez, Grand Master of the Order of Santiago

John XII, pope

John XXII, pope

John, T priest

John, Apparitor of the curia of the official of Paris

John Agarni, Prévôt of the church of Aix

John of Bayes, knight

John le Bergonhons

John Bertald, T serving brother

John le Blound, Sheriff of Kent

John II, Duke of Brittany

John Burgunyó, Sacristan of Majorca, procurator of King James II of Aragon at the papal court

John of Chaley, T serving brother

John of Châlons, T serving brother

John of Chames, T

John Chapin, clerk

John of Châteauvillars, T knight

John of Cherlieu, Abbot of Joug-Dieu

John of Cormeilles, Preceptor of the T at Moissy

John of Couchey, T

John of Crevecoeur, T serving brother

John Croissant, clerk

John of Cugy, keeper of the T mills at Paris

John Dalderby, Bishop of Lincoln

John of Dijon, Franciscan

John Durand, T

John, King of England

John of Eure, Sheriff of Yorkshire

John of Folligny, T priest

John I, Count of Forez

John of Furnes, T serving brother

John Galebrun, burgess of Gien

John of Garlande, Bishop of Chartres

John Godell of Tours, T serving brother

John Guérin of La Villeneuve-le-Roy, royal administrator of the T property in the bailliages of Troyes and Meaux

John of Heure

John of Hinquemeta, T serving brother

John of Janville, royal gaoler

John of Juvignac, T serving brother

John of La Cassagne, T

John Langton, Bishop of Chichester

John of Lévis, lord of Mirepoix

John, Vicomte of Limoges

John of Lotgers, papal inquisitor in Aragon

John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia

John of Mantua, Archdeacon of Trent

John Martin of Soalhães, Bishop of Lisbon

John of Melot, T serving brother

John Michael, scribe at the council of Troyes

John le Moine, jurist

John of Montlaur, Archdeacon of Maguelonne

John of Montréal, T serving brother

John of Moun, T

John of Nardò, Preceptor of the T at Castrovillari (Calabria)

John of Nice, T serving brother

John of Paris, Dominican

John of Paris, T

John of Plublaveh, Prévôt of Paris

John of Pollencourt, T serving brother

John of Polo, Archbishop of Pisa

John of Pont-Evêque, T serving brother

John of Pouilly, master of theology

John of Primey, T knight

John Robert, T priest

John Rosselli, house of, in Paris

John of Ruivans, T serving brother

John of Rumprey, T serving brother

John of Saint-Léonard, T serving brother

John of Saint-Victor, chronicler

John of Salisbury

John Salmon, Bishop of Norwich

John Sarrasin, royal Chamberlain

John of Savigny, Bishop of Nevers

John of Segrave, governor of Edward II in Scotland

John of Sivry, T priest

John of Solerio, papal clerk

John of Stoke, T priest

John of Tanis, Bailli of Limassol

John Taylafer of Gêne, T serving brother

John of Todi, T priest

John I of Tour, Treasurer of the T at Paris

John II of Tour, Treasurer of the T at Paris

John of Valle Gelosa, T priest

John of Verretot, Bailli of Caen

John of Villa, Draper of the T in Cyprus

John of Villecerf, T

John of Warenne, Earl of Surrey

John Wogan, Justiciar of Edward II in Ireland

Jordan river

Jordan, William C., historian

Justinian, Emperor

Kent, sheriff, see John le Blound

Khirokitia, T castle

Khorezmian Turks

Kirkstall, abbot, see Walter

kissing, indecent


Kyrenia, castle

La Fève, T castle

La Forbie, battle (1244)

La Marche and Angoulême, count, see Guy of Lusignan

Lambert of Cormeilles, T serving brother

Lambert of Toucy, T serving brother

Lamentacio quedam pro Templariis

Lancelot of Paspretes, canon of Orléans

Landolf Brancaccio, Cardinal-Deacon of St Angelo

Langlois, Charles V., historian

‘Langres, dean of’, brother of James of Molay

Langres, diocese



La Rochelle

La Ronsière, T house

Lateran Council, Fourth (1215)

Latin Greece

Laurac (Aude)

Laurent of Beaune, Preceptor of the T at Epailly

Lea, Henry C., historian

Lefkara, castle

Leo IX, pope

Leonard Patrasso, Cardinal of Albano

Leonard of Tivoli, Prior of the H at Venice and Visitor of the H, Prior of the H in England


Lérida, hearings (1310)

Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, historian

Leviticus, quoted





Limoges, bishop see Reginald of La Porte



Lisbon, bishop see John Martin of Soalhães

Lizerand, Georges, historian


Loire, river

Lombards, see Italy, Italians



church of the Holy Trinity


New Temple


St Paul’s Cathedral



Longroiva, T castle

Lope Pérez, T knight

Lotterio of La Tosa, Bishop of Florence

Louis, Count of Evreux, brother of Philip IV

Louis VII, King of France

Louis VIII, King of France

Louis IX, King of France ; see also crusades

Louis, son of Philip IV, King of Navarre

as Louis X, King of France

Louis, Count of Nevers

Louis V, King of the West Franks


episcopal palace

T preceptory


hearings (1310)

Lucius III, pope

Luke, gospel of

Luttrell, Anthony, historian


church of Saint-Just

council (1274)


suburb of Saint-Just




Mâcon, bailli, see Gilles of Maubuisson

Mâcon, bishop, see Nicholas of Bar-sur-Seine

Magdeburg, diocese

magic , see also witchcraft

Magione, T preceptory

Mahomet, image

Maine, county

Mainz, council (1310)

Maisonneuve, Henri, historian


Malaucène, near Orange


proceedings against the Ts




Maria of Antioch

Margaret, daughter of King Louis VII of France

Margaret of Burgundy, wife of Louis, King of Navarre

Margaret Porete



Martin IV, pope

Martin Detecha, confessor of King James II of Aragon

Martin of Frigola, T

Martin Martin, Spanish T

Martin of Montricard, Preceptor of the T at Mauléon

Martin of Nice, T serving brother

Martin Peter of Orós, Castellan of the H at Amposta

Mary Magdalene

Mas Deu, T preceptory

Masteire, T preceptory

‘master of passages’, T

‘matins of Bruges’ (1302)

Matthew of Bois Audemer, Preceptor of the T at Clichy (Beauvais)

Matthew of Cressonessart, T serving brother

Matthew of Naples, Apostolic Notary

Matthew Paris, chronicler of St Albans

Matthew du Remois, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano

Matthew le Sarmage, Preceptor of the T at Sidon

Matthew Zaccaria

Meaux, bailliage

Meaux, diocese

Medina del Campo


Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem

‘Melun, bishop of’

Melville, Marion, historian

Menache, Sophia, historian

Merlan, T prison


Milicia Dei (1145)

Milites Templi (1144)

Millanet, T preceptory

Miravet, T fortress

Mollat, Gui, historian

Mongay, T castle


Moneta of Cremona, Dominican

Mons-en-Pévèle, battle (1304)


Mont-de-Soissons, T preceptory

Montesa, Order of



Monzón, T castle

Moore, Robert I., historian

Morea ; see also Latin Greece

Mormant (Troyes), T preceptory



Musciatto Guidi


Nablus, council (1120)


Napoleone Orsini, Cardinal-Deacon of St Adrian, Dean of the Sacred College

Narbonne, province

Narbonne, viscount, see Aimery VI



Nicholas IV, pope

Nicholas, Dominican of the convent of Compiègne

Nicholas of Bar-sur-Seine, Bishop of Mâcon

Nicholas of Boncelo, T

Nicholas of Celles, T

Nicholas of Compiègne, T serving brother

Nicholas of Ennezat, Dominican Inquisitor

Nicholas of Fréauville, Cardinal-Priest of St Eusebio

Nicolas Reginus, T serving brother

Nicholas of Sarra, T serving brother

Nicholas Symon, armiger

Nicholson, Helen, historian


archbishop’s palace


T preceptory



Noffo Dei, Florentine

Norman kings

Normans, Normandy


Novillas, T preceptory

Odo of Valdric, Grand Preceptor of the T in Apulia and Sicily

Odo of Wirmis, T serving brother, carpenter

Oliver of Penne, Preceptor of the T in Lombardy

Omne datum optimum (1139)




Orléans, bishop, see Ralph Grosparmi


Otto I, German Emperor

Otto, Preceptor of T at Brunswick and Süpplingenburg

Ottobonus of Razzi, Patriarch of Aquileia

Ottoman Turks

Outremer, see Crusader states


P. of Chambilly

Padua, T preceptory


Pancius, royal physician

Pandolf of Sabello, Prévôt of the church of St Martin of Tours, papal chaplain and apostolic notary

Papal State

Paphos, T preceptory


bishop’s house in

burning of Ts (1310) , (1314)

cathedral of Notre-Dame

church of Saint-Jean in Gravia

church of Saint-Martin-des Champs

council (1310)


Dominican house

episcopal hall

estates in

garden of the bishop of Paris

hearings (1307)


island of Notre-Dame

monastery of Sainte-Geneviève

monastery of Sainte-Marie

pig market


royal garden

royal prison at the Louvre

royal treasury at the Louvre

T preceptory


Paris, Abbot of Longuay (Haute-Marne)

Paris, bishop, see William of Auvergne, William of Baufet

Paris, Dominican prior

Paris, prévôt, see John of Plublaveh

Paris, prévôté

Paris, treaty (1259)

Pariset of Bures, T serving brother, shepherd

Parlement of Paris

Partner, Peter, historian

Pastoralis praeeminentiae (1307)

Paterines, see Publicans

Patrick of Ripon, T

Paul, monk of Saint-Père-de-Chartres, chronicler

Paul of Valleceli, T

Pegues, Franklin J., historian

Pelagius, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano and papal legate


imposed on Ts after the trial

Peñiscola, T castle in Aragon


pensions of the Ts

Pepin, King of the Franks

Périgord, bishop, see Audovinus

Périgord, count, see Elias Talleyrand

Périgord, diocese

Périgord and Cahors, sénéschal

Perkins, Clarence, historian

Perocius, burgher from Famagusta




Perugia, papal conclave

San Bevignate, church

Peter, T, nephew of Hugh of Pairaud

Peter, T serving brother

Peter of Abano

Peter Alemandin, Preceptor of the T of Montpellier

Peter III, the Great, King of Aragon

Peter of Aspelt, Archbishop of Mainz

Peter of Belleperche, Bishop of Auxerre

Peter Bleda, T

Peter of Bologna, T priest, Procurator of the Temple at the Roman Court


defends Order

Peter of Boucle, T knight

Peter Boyl, Aragonese ambassador

Peter Brocart, T serving brother, farmer

Peter Cadelli, T sergeant

Peter of Cazilhac, Bishop of Cahors

Peter Colonna, Cardinal-Deacon of St Eustace

Peter of Conders, Preceptor of the T at Gentioux (Limoges)

Peter Damian, Saint, Liber Gomorrhianus

Peter Donaderi, T from Cahors

Peter Dubois, Norman lawyer

Peter Flote, Keeper of the Seals

Peter Erlant, Bishop of Limassol

Peter of Grez, Bishop of Auxerre

Peter Guidice, canon of Verona

Peter li Jumeaux, Bailli of Troyes

Peter of la Chapelle, Cardinal-Priest of St Vitale, then Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina

Peter of La Palud, Dominican bachelor of theology

Peter of Latilly, royal clerk

Peter, Bishop of Lérida

Peter of Levis, Bishop of Cambrai

Peter of Modies, T serving brother

Peter of Moncada, Master of the T in Aragon and Catalonia

Peter of Murrone, see Celestine V

Peter, Preceptor of the T at Paris

Peter Picard of Bures, T serving brother

Peter of Plaine-Cassagne, Bishop of Rodez

Peter of Puig, Warden of the Franciscan convent at Lérida

Peter of Queralt, representative of King James II of Aragon

Peter Olivonis, Prior of the Dominican convent at Lérida

Peter Reginus, T

Peter of Safad, T serving brother

Peter of Saint-Benoît, T serving brother

Peter of Saint-Gresse, T

Peter of San Justo, Commander of the T at Peñíscola

Peter of Savoy, Archbishop of Lyon

Peter, Bishop of Segni

Peter of Sevrey, Marshal of the T

Peter of Sivry, T

Peter of Sornay, T

Peter Theobald, T serving brother

Peter Ultramontanus, Grand Preceptor of the T of Apulia and Castile

Peter Veriauz, Prévôt of Ervy

Peter Ysan, knight

Peters, Edward, historian

Philip, Infante of Castile

Philip II, King of France

Philip III, King of France

Philip IV, King of France

disputes with Boniface VIII

role in the trial of the Ts

Philip of Ibelin, Seneschal of Cyprus

Philip of Manin, T serving brother

Philip of Marigny, Bishop of Cambrai and Archbishop of Sens

Philip of Nablus, Grand Master of the T

Philip of Plessis, Grand Master of the T

Philip, Count of Poitiers (Philip V of France)

Philip of Voet, Prévôt of the church of Poitiers


T preceptory

Piers Gaveston

pilgrims, pilgrimage

Pilgrims’ Castle, see ‘Atlīt

Pisa, T preceptory




hearings (1308)

meetings between Clement V and Philip IV (1306–8)

Poitiers, the official of

Poitiers, sénéchal


Polignac, viscount, see Armand


Pons of Bon Œuvre, T serving brother

Pons of Buris, Templar priest

Pons Maurin, Abbot of Valmagne

Pons of Puteo, T sergeant

Ponsard of Gizy, Preceptor of the T at Payns

Ponthieu, county



proceedings against the Ts


privileges of the Ts in England


Provins, T house


Prutz, Hans, historian

Ptolemy of Lucca, Bishop of Torcello


Puente de Alcántara, T castle


questions to an anonymous jurist at the University of Paris (1310)

questions to the masters of the University of Paris (1308)

Rabiosse or la Ragera, house

Raimbaud of Caromb, Preceptor of the T in Cyprus

Rainier of Casoli, Bishop of Cremona

Rainier of Larchant, T serving brother

Ralph of Baldock, Bishop of London

Ralph of Barton, T

Ralph of Breuilly, royal knight

Ralph of Freynoy, T

Ralph of Gizy, Preceptor of the T at Lagny-le-Sec and Sommereux

Ralph of Grandeville, T serving brother

Ralph Grosparmi, Bishop of Orléans

Ralph of Linay, papal inquisitor in Toul, Metz and Verdun

Ralph Moyset, T

Ralph of Presles, royal advocate

Ralph Tanet, Preceptor of the T at Keele

Ralph of Thauvenay, T serving brother

Ravenna, council (1311)

Raymond of Bentho, knight

Raymond Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona and Lord of Aragon

Raymond of Canet, Majorcan noble

Raymond Costa, Bishop of Elne

Raymond Despont, Bishop of Valencia

Raymond Durand, notary

Raymond Fontana, Preceptor of the T at Piacenza

Raymond of Guardia, Preceptor of the T at Mas Deu

Raymond Lull

Raymond Massel, T serving brother

Raymond Montros, Archdeacon of Guarda

Raymond Rulli, T serving brother

Raymond Sapte, T priest

Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse

Raymond of Varena, Grand Preceptor of the T in Sicily

Raymond Visconte, lord of Nisou

Reginald of Beaupilier, T serving brother

Reginald Bergeron, T serving brother

Reginald of Braybof, Dominican

Reginald of La Porte, Bishop of Limoges

Reginald II of Martigny, Archbishop of Reims

Reginald of Montbason, Archbishop of Tours

Reginald of Provins, T priest, Preceptor of Orléans

before council of Sens


defends Order

Reginald of Soissons, Marshal of the T in Cyprus

Regnans in coelis (1308)


council (1310)

Reinach, Salomon, historian

Remoulins, T castle

Renneville, hearings (1307)



Rhodes, conquest by Hs

Rhône, river

Ribaforada, T preceptory

Richard Berard

Richard I, King of England

Richard of Spoliis, house of

Ricoldo of Monte Croce

Riga, archbishopric

Riley-Smith, Jonathan, historian

Rinaldo of Concorrezzo, Archbishop of Ravenna

riots in Paris

Robert, priest in the service of the T at Paris

Robert Anudei, house of

Robert, Count of Artois

Robert VI, Count of Auvergne and Boulogne

Robert of Béthune, Count of Flanders

Robert of Calabria, son of Charles II of Naples

as Robert, King of Naples

Robert of Courtenay, Archbishop of Reims

Robert of Craon, Grand Master of the T

Robert of Dorturer, notary

Robert of Fouilly, Bishop of Amiens

Robert of Harcourt, Bishop of Coutances

Robert of Malen, T

Robert of Molesme

Robert of Sablé, Grand Master of the T

Robert Vigier, T serving brother

Robert Winchelsey, Archbishop of Canterbury

La Roche Guillaume, T castle

La Roche de Roussel, T castle

Rodrigo Iáñez, Grand Preceptor of the T in Castile

Rodrigo of Padron, Archbishop of Compostella

Rodez, diocese

Roger Bacon

Roger of Howden, chronicler

Roger of Planes, wife of

Rogeron, son of Roger of Lauria


Roman Empire

Roman See


Boniface VIII’s council (1302)

Lateran Palace

T preceptory

Romeus of Brugaria, master at the University of Paris


Rouen, province

council (1310)

Rouergue, clergy

Rouergue, sénéchaussée

Rourell, T preceptory


Ruad, island


Rule of St Benedict

Rule of the Ts

Sabina, cardinal of, see Armand Fouquères

Safad, T castle

St Albans, chronicles of

Saint-Antoine, convent, near Paris

Saint-Denis, abbey and chronicles ; see also William of Nangis

St Euphemia

Saint-Germain-des-Prés, monks


Saint Lazarus, Order of

Saint Peter, Patrimony of

Saint-Pierre, Tarbes, abbot, see Anthony

Saint-Pol, count, see Guy IV

Sainte-Geneviève, monastery

chapel of Saint-Eloi

Saintes, bishop, see Guy of Neufville

Saintes, diocese

Salāh al-Dīn Yūsuf, ruler of Damascus and Sultan of Egypt (Saladin)

Salamanca, council (1310)




Salvador of Anglesola, T serving brother

Sancho, King of Mallorca

San Gimignano, T preceptory

San Savino, T preceptory

Santiago, Order of

Saône, river

Saracens, see Muslims

Satalia, gulf of


worship of


Schottmüller, Konrad, historian


proceedings against the Ts

secrecy of the Ts



sénéchaux, sénéchaussées


Sens, bailli, see William of Hangest

Sens, archbishop, see Philip of Marigny, Stephen Béquart


council (1310)

hearings (1307)


Sexena, monastery

sexual intercourse with women by Ts

by heretics

Sicard of Vaur, canon of Narbonne, papal inquisitor

Sicilian Vespers (1282)



T preceptory

Siegfried III, Archbishop of Mainz


Simon of Sarezaris, Prior of the H at Nicosia

Simonet, agent of Peter of Latilly and Ralph of Breuilly


sisters of the T

Sodom, city

sodomy, see homosexuality



sorcery, see witchcraft


Spiritual Franciscans

spitting, trampling and urinating on the cross


Stephen, chaplain of the T at Mormant

Stephen Barbete

Stephen Béquart, Archbishop of Sens

Stephen Cartier, burgess of Gien

Stephen of Chentonaria, T knight

Stephen of Domont, T serving brother

Stephen of Néry, Warden of the Franciscan house at Lyon

Stephen of Noirestaing, Bailli of the mountains of the Auvergne

Stephen of Provins, T

Stephen of Safad, T priest

Stephen of Sissey, Marshal of the T

Stephen of Stapelbrugge, T

Stephen of Suisy, Cardinal-Priest of St Cyriac

Stephen of Troyes, T serving brother

Strayer, Joseph R., historian

Subit assidue (1308)

Summers, Montague

Super petri solio (1303)



Taranto, T preceptory

Tarquinia, see Corneto


councils (1310–12)

Tartars, see Mongols

taxation, papal

taxation, royal

‘Templar of Tyre’, chronicler

Teutonic Knights, Order

Thaddeo of Naples

Theobald IV, Count of Blois and Champagne

Theobald Gaudin, Grand Commander and then Grand Master of the T

Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine

Thomas Aquinas, theologian

Thomas Bérard, Grand Master of the T

Thomas of Cantimpré

Thomas of Pamplona, T serving brother, Preceptor of Aberín and Ribaforada

Thomas of Redemer, Dominican

Thomas, Archpriest of St John of Rieti

Thomas Totty of Thoroldeby, T

Thomas of Toulouse, T

Thornton (Northumbria)

Thiron, abbot of, house on island of Notre-Dame


Tomar, T castle

Torremaggiore, T preceptory

Tortosa (Aragon)

Tortosa (Syria)

island, see Ruad;

T house





diocese 96


T preceptory

Toulouse, inquisitor, see Bernard Gui

Touraine, county


Tours, baillis




Treviso, march of


Trier, chronicler

Tripoli, county


Troyes, bailli, see Peter li Jumeaux

Troyes, bailliage


council (1129)


hearings (1307)


Tunis, ruler, see Abū-Bakr II


Turenne, viscount, see Bernard of Comminges



Tyerman, Christopher, historian

Uclés, Order of

Unam sanctam (1302)

Urban II, pope

Urban IV, pope

Urban V, pope



Valentinois, count, see Aymar III of Poitiers

Vall de Tor, T preceptor, see Hugh of Cabilone


Vallo di Spoleto, crusaders

Vatican Archives

Velasco Fernandez, T


Venice, Venetians

Vetralla, T preceptory

Vexin, Norman

Via Cassia

Vidal of Vilanova, Aragonese ambassador and royal Chancellor


council (1311–12)


Villel, T fortress

Virecourt (Lorraine), T preceptory

virgins, the eleven thousand


papal palace

T preceptory

Vox in excelso (1312)

Waldemar, Margrave of Brandenburg


Walter Bacheler, Preceptor of the T in Ireland

Walter of Bullens, T knight

Walter of Bures, T priest

Walter of Guisborough, chronicler

Walter, Abbot of Kirkstall

Walter of Liancourt, Preceptor of the T at Reims and Laon

Walter Map, chronicler

Walter of Payns, T

Ward, John O., historian

Warmund of Picquigny, Patriarch of Jerusalem

Weil, Simone, philosopher

White Ship

William Adelin, son of Henry I of England

William Le Maire, Bishop of Angers

William April, T serving brother

William of Arreblay, Preceptor of the T at Soisy

William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris

William II, Count of Auxerre, Nevers and Tonnerre

William of Baufet, Bishop of Paris

William de Beaujeu, Grand Master of the T

William Bonnet, Bishop of Bayeux

William Boscelli, T

William le Botiller, monk

William de Chambonnet, Preceptor of the T at Blaudeix (Auvergne)

William of Dène, Sénéschal of Agen

William of Domont, house of, in Paris

William Durant, Bishop of Mende

William of Erée, T serving brother

William of Gaudiès, royal notary

William of Giac, T serving brother

William of Givry, T serving brother

William Greenfield, Archbishop of York

William of Hangest, Bailli of Sens

William of la Forde, rector of Crofton

William of la Huce, house of, in Paris

William Lambert

William Lamberton, Bishop of St Andrews

William of la More, Master of the T in England

William of Liège, Preceptor of the T at La Rochelle

William of Marcilly, royal knight

William of Martigny

William of Nangis, chronicler, monk of Saint-Denis

continuator of his chronicles

William of Nogaret, Keeper of the Seals

raid on Anagni

role in the trial of the Templars

William of Noves, Grand Preceptor of T in Lombardy and Tuscany

William Olomar, Aragonese ambassador

William of Paris, papal inquisitor in France

role in the trial of the Ts

William, Preceptor of the T at Paris

William Pidoye, royal custodian of the goods of the T

William of Plaisians, royal minister

role in the trial of the Ts

William Raven, T knight

William of Reses, T knight

William of Reynbur, Augustinian

William Robert, monk

William of Rocaberti, Archbishop of Tarragona

William of Roussillon, Bishop of Valence and Die

William of St Marcello, inquisitor

William of Sonnac, Grand Master of the T

William of Torage, T knight

William of Tothale, Prior of the H in England

William, Archbishop of Tyre

William of Verduno, T priest


words of consecration, omitted during mass




council (1310)


Yorkshire, sheriff, see John of Eure

‘Yse, Isles of’

Zaragoza, hearings (1309–10)

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