Cambridge University Press
9780521852999 - Irish English - History and present-day forms - by Raymond Hickey

subject Index

African American English, 214, 276, 386, 401, 405, 406, 411, 413

   Gullah, 406, 410, 413

   parallels with Irish English, 14, 77, 176, 177, 182, 213, 228, 230, 405

Anglo-Celtic, 4, 414

Anglo-Irish, 3, 4, 305

Anglo-Norman, 31, 32, 33, 49, 50, 51, 58, 60, 80, 86, 123, 130, 325, 345, 369

Basque, 408

Britain, the Irish in, 390

   1840s, 390

   contact with communities, 391

   Merseyside, 391

     lenition, 392

     range of lenition, 392

     Middlesbrough, 393

     nineteenth-century population, 393

     comparison with Liverpool, 394

     lenition, 394

   patterns of emigration, 390

   Scotland, 396

     Glasgow, 396

     comparison with northern Irish English, 397

     grammatical parallels with Irish English, 398

   Tyneside, 394

     comparison with Irish English, 396

     double modals, 395

     for to-infinitives, 395

     NECTE corpus, 394

     relative clauses, 395

     second-person-plural forms, 394

     syntactic features, 394

Canadian English, 409, 417

   Canadian Raising, 329, 335, 409

   Newfoundland English, 355, 408

Celtic, 9

   Breton, 10, 432

   Cornish, 10, 97, 432

   Gaelic, 9, 11, 32, 41, 42

   P-Celtic, 10, 180, 431

   Q-Celtic, 10, 86, 290, 368, 384, 396, 432

   Scottish Gaelic (Gallick), 9, 10, 51, 86, 97, 98, 114, 154, 205, 212, 244, 250, 265, 276, 366, 369, 384, 396, 397, 398, 432

   Welsh, 10, 30, 31, 48, 97, 127, 160, 180, 380, 432

Celtic Englishes, 5, 206

Dutch, 61, 69, 309, 317, 362


   Cockney, 23, 351, 360, 361, 389

   Estuary English, 360, 361

   Liverpool/Scouse, 23, 351, 392, 393, 434

   Middle English, 10, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 66, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 104, 105, 106, 110, 116, 117, 129, 180, 186, 205, 227, 299, 304, 316, 325, 341, 367

   Newcastle/Geordie, 23, 351

   Old English, 64, 65, 75, 81, 103, 104, 107, 129, 133, 227, 255, 306, 367, 406

   Received Pronunciation, 119, 305, 342

   Shakespearean English, 110

Fingal dialect, 82

   extant texts, 83

   linguistic features, 84

Flemish, 30, 31, 48, 68, 69, 79

Forth and Bargy, 31, 52, 56, 66

   twentieth-century comments, 67

   comparison with Kildare Poems, 67, 71

   conservative character, 61, 71

Forth and Bargy (cont.)

   dialect of Fingal, 82

   extracts, 429, 430

   geographical location, 68

   glossaries, 66

   loanwords, 68

   origin, 67

   orthography, 69

   phonological interpretation, 70

   reconstructed features, 81

   sound system, 72

     accent, 80

     cluster simplification, 79

     consonants, 76

     diphthongs, 74

     epenthesis, 79

     final stress, 81

     initial voicing, 79

     metathesis, 80

     morphology, 81

     short vowels, 75

     vowels, 72

   Stanihurst’s remarks, 68

   Yola, 429, 435

French, 31, 33, 50, 72, 106, 129, 130, 131, 309, 316, 346, 363, 408, 431

   Canadian French, 366

   Old French, 54

German, 23, 69, 118, 119, 141, 153, 160, 196, 201, 247, 248, 266, 289, 309, 367, 369, 381, 385

Germanic, 7, 30, 102, 105, 129, 141, 142, 160, 177, 180, 196, 322


   use of term, 4

Irish English (general)


     abandonment of Irish language, 20

     consciousness and recognition, 22

     history, 19

   British English and Irish English, 21

   code-switching, 163

   data collections, 162

     A Collection of Contact English, 162

     A Corpus of Irish English, 166

     Dublin English Recordings, 165

     Irish Emigrant Letters, 167

     Material for A Linguistic Survey of Ireland, 168

     Old Bailey Texts, 167

     Sound Archive of the Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin, 168

     A Survey of Irish English Usage, 164

     acceptance rates, 165

     awareness of structure, 164

     questionnaires, 164

     Tape-Recorded Survey of Hiberno-English Speech – Digital, 167

     Waterford English Recordings, 166

   early modern background, 296

   east coast dialect area, xiii, 1, 4, 18, 38, 52, 74, 106, 117, 123, 132, 184, 196, 214, 239, 265, 283, 306, 323, 345, 432

   elocution, 22, 41, 44, 270, 300, 347

   Gaeltacht(aí) [Irish-speaking area(s)], 4, 9, 94, 162, 232, 380, 433

   hedge schools, 44, 124

   identity of Irish English, 11

     see phonological features

   implicational scale, 18

   influence of English on Irish, 292

     phrasal verbs, 294

     pragmatic markers, 292

     word order, 295

   Ireland as a linguistic area, 289

     areal features, 292

     features in Irish and English, 294

   Irish universities and the English language, 24, 26

   language contact, xiii, 5, 25, 51, 125, 127, 129, 224, 278, 281, 284, 318, 433

     category and exponence, 134

     coincidental parallels, 141

     contact-induced change, 132

     factors favouring grammatical transfer, 135

     features not transferred, 142

     general, 126

     generalisations, 131

     levels affected, 131

     neglect of features, 143

     non-occurring features, 143

     overrepresentation, 145

     parameter setting, 143

     possible outcomes, 131

     process of transfer, 135

     prosody of transfer, 138

     resistance to structural influence, 131

     search for categorial equivalence, 134

     tracing features to contact, 133

     transfer of features, 129

Irish English (general) (cont.)

     types of contact, 129

     unguided adult language acquisition, 128

   language convergence, 114, 130, 134, 188, 206, 248, 279, 280, 282, 291, 387, 394, 396, 408, 410, 432

   language of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century drama, 300

   language of Jonathan Swift, 299

   language of the planters, 37

     possible influence on English in Ireland, 38

   language shift, 25, 37, 38, 46, 121, 126, 129, 132, 141, 151, 188, 192, 195, 205, 206, 212, 213, 219, 221, 247, 250, 263, 278, 281, 285, 291, 309, 318, 328, 352, 382, 396, 398, 433

     access to English, 123

     unguided adult language acquisition, 125

   language variation, 25, 341

   malapropisms and shibboleths, 18

   mid Ulster English, 433

   misconceptions, 17

   mixed accents, 16

   negative definers, 16

     /h/-dropping, 17

     glottalisation of /t/, 16

     lexical features, 17

     linking and intrusive /r/, 17

     morphological features, 17

   negative epistemic must, 126

   nineteenth century, 45

     general primary education, 46

     population changes, 47

     the decline of Irish, 47

     the Great Famine, 46

   northern Irish English

     fronting of /u/, 15

     prominent features, 15

     prosody, 14

     retroflexion of /r/, 15

     vowel length, 15

   phonological features, 11

     dental fricatives, 11

     epenthesis, 13

     lenition, 12

     metathesis, 13

     pronunciation variants, 14

     realisation of /l/, 13

     realisation of <wh>, 13

   possible future developments, 29

     recent emigrants, 29

     recessive features, 29

   possible sources for Irish English

     features, 127

   prescriptivism, 44, 260, 270, 348

   retention of input features, xiii, xix, 71, 82, 104, 110, 113, 116, 128, 132, 143, 161, 174, 177, 180, 186, 205, 279, 282, 290, 301, 328, 358, 362, 390, 396, 417, 434

   ‘standard’ Irish English, 26

     International Corpus of English – Ireland, 27

     possible criteria, 26

   scales of standardness, 28

     morphology, 28

     phonology, 28

     syntax, 28

   second-language varieties, 376

     sources, 377

   Shakespeare and Irish English, 297

   substratist view, 16, 51, 55, 57, 130, 131, 198, 250, 271, 276, 386, 387, 410, 434

   summary of historical features, 301

   supraregionalisation, 23, 43, 184, 309, 313, 315, 335, 344, 393, 394, 416, 434

   terminology, 3

     Anglo-Irish, 3

     brogue, 7

     Celtic Englishes, 5

     external references, 9

     Hibernia, 433

     Hiberno-English, 4

     relationship to Anglo-Irish, 4

     Ireland and Britain, 8

     Irish: ‘Wild Irish’, 10

     language, 9

     people, 10

     Irish English, 5

     non-linguistic terms: blarney, 7, 431

     brogue, 7, 431

     cant, 381, 431

     northern Irish English, 5

     stage Irish, 8, 434

     Ullans, 6, 101, 102, 434

     Ulster English, 6

     Ulster Irish, 6

     Ulster Scots, 5, 435

     urban vernacular, 6

   tradition of caricature, 299

   transfer of features, 13, 16, 27, 37, 53, 60, 94, 95, 114, 124, 125, 127, 130, 132, 135, 143, 153, 159, 163, 171, 180, 192, 201, 212, 222, 249, 254, 257, 271, 278, 281, 292, 340, 363, 367, 379, 390, 392, 398, 411, 434

   translation studies, 8

Irish English (general) (cont.)

   transplantation, 38

   transportation, 39

   universalist view, 3, 128, 130, 161, 220, 435

   Irish English (grammar), 161

     see also Irish English (grammar): adverbial area; nominal area; prepositional area; pronominal area; sentence structure; verbal area

   aspect, 171

   bare quantifiers, 257

   clarification, 169

   comparatives, 258

     nor for ‘than’, 258

   determiners, 251

     overuse of definite article, 251

   exposure to non-standard varieties, 170

   models and interpretations, 279

     features of Irish and non-standard English, 280

     grammaticalisation, 281

     possible creolisation, 284

     prototype analysis, 285

     habitual aspect, 288

     immediate perfective, 287

     resultative perfective, 286

   significance of nineteenth century, 45

Irish English (grammar): adverbial area, 254

   augmentatives, 256

     galore, 257

   but for only, 255

   time reference with never, 254

   use of before, 255

   use of whenever in Ulster, 254

Irish English (grammar): nominal area

   number distinctions, 237

   occurrence of youse, 241

   unmarked plurals, 237

   use of ye, 238

   use of yez, 239

   ye/yez in nineteenth-century literature, 241

Irish English (grammar): prepositional area, 246

   relevance with on, 247, 249

   use of in it, 247

Irish English (grammar): pronominal area

   demonstratives, 242

   non-standard reflexives, 244

   resumptive pronouns, 244

   them as demonstrative, 242

   unbound reflexives, 243

Irish English (grammar): sentence structure, 259

   focussing, 266

   inversion of embedded questions, 273

   inversion, hierarchy of, 274

   inversion, situation in Irish, 276

   negation, 269

     contractions of will, 272

     failure of negative attraction, 271

     negative concord, 269

   relativisation, 259

   subordinating and, 262

     Irish parallels, 263

     nineteenth-century attestations, 263

     present-day instances, 265

   subordination, 261

   tag questions, 276

     occurrence of is it, 277

   till in the sense of ‘so that’, 265


     clefting, 267, 268

     clefting in Irish, 269

     fronting, 267

Irish English (grammar): verbal area, 173

   be as auxiliary, 177

   complementation, 174

   contractions, 178

   deletion of be, 176

   double modals, 191

   forms after there, 184

   forms of be, 182

   for-to infinitives, 186

     emigrant letters, 187

     non-purposive, 187

   habitual aspect, 213

     acceptance rates, 233, 236

     be(es) in historical texts, 227

     be(es) in south-eastern Irish English, 231

     be(es) in the north of Ireland, 226

     do(es) be +V-ing, 216

     durative, 193, 213, 216

     emigrant letters, 225

     exponence, 214

     extensions, 217

     genesis in Ireland, 221

     invariant be, 228, 230

     invariant be and be(es) in Ulster, 231

     iterative, 182, 193, 213, 214, 216

     negative imperative with V-ing, 222

     nineteenth-century literature, 224

     origin, 217

     past habitual, 233

     periphrastic do, 218

     possible trigger in Irish English, 222

Irish English (general) (cont.)

     rise in Ireland, 219

     suffixal -s, 215

     use of were to, 232

   infinitival complements, 190

   infinitives, 186

   negative epistemic must, 191

   non-standard verb forms, 173

   number of verb forms, 173

   overuse of conditional, 179

   past participle as verbal complement, 190

   past verb forms, 173

   perfective use of can, 191

   regularisation of be paradigms, 183

   shall and will, 178

   tense and aspect, 192

     see also habitual aspet

     ‘extended now’, 196

     ‘indefinite anterior’, 195

     basic distinctions, 193

     be perfects, 196

     immediate perfective, 197

     contemporary usage, 206

     development in Irish English, 200

     link between Irish and English, 204

     origin, 198

     scholarly interpretation, 207

     Scottish parallels, 205

     time reference, 199

     resultative perfective, 208

     comparison with contact Scottish English, 212

     contrast with simple past, 210

     origin, 210

     usage survey, 210

     terminology, 193

   uninflected verb forms, 175

   unmarked infinitives, 189

   verbal concord, 179, 181

     acceptance rates, 182

   was/were in echo forms and negative tags, 185

Irish English (history)

   first period (1200–1600), 77, 121, 124, 175, 353, 432

   second period (1600 to present), 301, 385, 434

Irish English (medieval), 30

   Anglo-Norman documents in Ireland, 33

   assimilation of early settlers, 32

   background, 30

   Early Irish English (phonology), 53

   English and Anglo-Norman, 49

   features of English, 53

   first settlers from Wales, 31

   Kildare Poems, 54, 166, 187, 296, 305, 346, 423, 427

     authorship debate, 54

     morphology, 56

     phonology, 56, 59, 62

     open syllable lengthening, 59, 65

     the manuscript, 54

   language situation, 33

   languages in Ireland, 48

   loanwords from Anglo-Norman, 51

   Loscombe Manuscript, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63

   Norman settlements in Ireland, 32

   position of English, 52

   position of Irish, 33, 34

   spread of English, 31

   status of Anglo-Norman, 50

Irish English (pragmatics), 370

   consensuality, 371, 372

   exchange rituals, 374

   external mitigation, 372

   focusser ‘like’, 376

   interlocutors, 373

   pragmatic markers, 374

   reassurance, 372

   saying ‘no’, 373

   silence and overlap, 374

   stressed ‘some’, 376

   structure of discourse, 371

   vernacular mode, 371

Irish English (pronunciation)

   historical features, 301

   summary, 301

   supraregional Irish English, 309

     hypercorrection, 315

     mergers, 314

     progress, 311

     relegation to colloquial registers, 314

     replacement of vernacular features, 312

     restriction to a specific environment, 313

     SERVE-lowering, 311

     triggers, 310

     unaffected features, 315

   vernacular Irish English, 303

Irish English: supraregional sound system, 316


     /h/ in Irish English, 322

     /r/ sounds, 320

     /r/, retroflex, 321

     /r/, uvular, 320

     dentals and alveolars, 318

     labio-velars, 319

     lenition, 322

     lenition and syllable position, 324

     types of /l/, 321

     yod dropping, 325

   lexical sets, 326

Irish English: supraregional (cont.)

   stress patterning, 325

   vowels, 316

Irish English (transportation), 1, 384

     see also Britain, the Irish in

   /w/ and /v/, 389

   assessing features overseas, 385

   Australia, 414

     nineteenth-century emigration, 414

     nineteenth-century Irish English, 416

     possible Irish features, 414, 415

     Canada, 407

     mainland, 409

     Catholics and Protestants, 409

     Ottawa Valley, 409

     Newfoundland, 407

     early emigration, 407

     emigration from south-east Ireland, 408

     linguistic features (phonology and syntax), 408

   Caribbean, the, 410

     Barbados, 411

     English settlement, 411

     linguistic features, 412

     convergence scenario, 410

     habitual aspect, 413

     possible Irish influence, 410, 413

     superstrate models, 410

   Caribbean English, 405

   disappearence of features, 388

   earliest movements, 384

   economically motivated emigration, 385

   features not found overseas, 387

   formal parallels between varieties, 387

   independent development, 386

   loss of features, 388

   mercenaries, 384

   multiple sources, 387

   New Zealand, 417

     nineteenth-century emigration, 417

     Irish input, 417

     phonological features, 417

   non-standard features overseas, 389

   positive anymore, 386, 387

   religiously motivated emigration, 385

   second-person-plural forms, 386

   United States, 398

     African American English, 405

     origins of habitual, 406

     Appalachian English, 401

     approximate total figures, 403

     a-prefixing, 402

     Catholic dimension of emigration, 403

     double modals, 401

     emigration from Ulster, 400

     features, 398

     Gullah, 406

     Irish education, 405

     nineteenth and eighteenth centuries compared, 404

     nineteenth-century emigration, 402

     phases of emigration, 398

     positive anymore, 401

     settlement patterns, 403

     Ulster Scots input, 399, 401

   transmission of English, 389

Irish English (urban)

   Belfast, 332

     community structure, 338

     early Belfast English, 333

     nature of language change, 340

     relevance beyond Belfast, 339

     social networks, 335

     sources, 333

     the Milroy investigations, 337

     wider implications of the Milroy studies, 340

   Coleraine, 12, 13, 25, 91, 93, 98, 115, 116, 307, 344

     ‘family model’, 344

     phonology, 344

   Derry, 2, 6, 25, 117, 119, 165, 181, 342

     population, 342

     recent change: ethnicity, 343, 344

     phonology, 343

     research on English there, 343

   Dublin, xiii, xix, 1, 3, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 29, 43, 107, 165, 194, 241, 306, 345, 363, 377, 397

     Anglo-Norman period, 345

     colloquial forms, 23

     conservative forms, 18

     early settlement, 345

     ebb and flow of features, 348

     Ellis’ features, 349

     features according to Sheridan, 348

     Fifteenth-century English, 347

     Gaelic revival, 346

     late eighteenth century, 44, 117, 219, 347

     local forms, 81, 116, 165, 180, 291, 310, 315, 317, 323, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 346, 351

     cluster reduction, 353

     coronal stops, 352

     local forms of t-lenition, 354

     motivation for change, 321

     new varieties, 115, 312, 316, 317, 321, 328, 329, 330, 331

     nineteenth century, 349

     non-local forms, 114

Irish English (urban) (cont.)

     possible rural input, 350

     present-day English, 351

     recent change, 354

     avoiding local features, 357

     comparison with local and mainstream varieties, 357

     Dublin Vowel Shift, 355

     arguments for the shift, 359

     comparison with Estuary English, 360

     pushing the shift, 359

     reactions to shift, 356

     reasons for this, 354

     spread of new features, 360

   Pale, the, 346

   textual record, 184

Irish English (vocabulary), 362

   archaic and regional elements, 362

   etymology, 366

   international usage, 367

   Irish loans in American English, 368

   Irish loans in general English, 366

   Irish loans in Irish English, 364

   Irish names in English, 369

   Irish use of English lexis, 362

   lexicography of Irish English, 369

   non-colloquial terms, 367

   northern Irish English, 370

   official usage, 365

   question of currency, 365

   relationship to Scottish Gaelic, 369

   research, 362

Irish geography

   Armagh, 2, 16

   Belfast, 2, 6, 332, 431

   Coleraine, 344

   Connaught, 432

   Connemara, 432

   Cork, 432

   Derry, 2, 6, 16, 342, 432

     Londonderry, 89

   Dublin, xiii, xix, 24, 31, 34, 35, 41, 47, 50, 52, 58, 68, 82, 90, 93, 197, 210, 225, 265, 272, 300, 301, 309, 345, 432

   Forth and Bargy, 432

   Kilkenny, 33, 50

   Leinster, 433

   Munster, 433

   Northern Ireland, 433

   ‘The six counties’, 9

   ‘The twenty-six counties’, 9

   Ulster, 6, 434

Irish history

   1601 victory of English, 37, 87

   1851 census, 48

   Act of Union, 93

   ascendancy, the, 20, 42, 43, 431

   Battle of the Boyne, 40, 90

   Bruce invasion, 49

   Catholic emancipation, 350

   Constitution of Ireland, 9

   Cromwell, Oliver, 37, 39, 87, 385, 410

   decline of native culture, 40

   early plantations, 35

   eighteenth century, 35

     bilingualism, 42

     Protestant prosperity, 41

     rural population, 41

   English commonwealth, 87

   Flight of the Earls, 37, 87, 384

   Government of Ireland Act, 2

   Great Famine, 21, 46, 47, 122, 124, 203, 205, 332, 350, 391, 403, 414

   Hugh O’Neill (Ulster leader), 36

   Irish Free State, 9

   Munster plantation, 35, 37

   New English, 11, 433

   Norman invasion, 20, 30, 33, 49, 50, 51, 68, 121

   Norse invasion, 82

   Northern Ireland, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 25, 85, 95, 99, 102, 112, 233, 343

   Old English, 10, 433

   Pale, the, 10, 20, 31, 32, 68, 346, 433

   Penal Laws, 37, 41, 42, 123, 400

   Reformation, the, 35

   Republic of Ireland, 9

   Restoration period, 39, 87, 115, 227, 299

   seventeenth century, 34

     linguistic legacy, 40

   Statutes of Kilkenny, 33

   timeline, 419

   Tudor attitudes to Ireland, 34


   defeat of native leaders, 87

   general, 85

   Irish in province and Scotland, 86

   mid seventeenth century, 90

   name, 85

   plantations, 5, 11, 32, 35, 87, 88, 89

     attitudes to these, 89

   seventeenth-century demography, 91

Irish language, 145

   nominal area

     demonstrative pronouns, 154

Irish language (cont.)

     determiners, 153

     nouns, 153

     personal pronouns, 154

     stressed reflexives, 154

   prepositional area, 155

   sentence structure

     augmenting negatives, 159

     comparatives, 159

     embedded questions, 160

     negation, 158

     relativisation, 156

     responsives, 159

     subordination, 157

     topicalisation, 157

   verbal area, 147

     aspect, 148

     non-finite verb forms, 147

     passive, 151

     perfect and perfective, 149

     question tags, 152

     tense, 147

Irish English (early modern)

   printing in Ireland, 35

   Tudor period, 34

Irish society

   Catholics, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 26, 32, 33, 34, 39, 42, 43, 45, 46, 89, 90, 92, 93, 100, 112, 113, 115, 123, 310, 332, 338, 344, 350, 391, 392, 398, 399, 400, 402, 404, 409, 417

   middle class, 4, 9, 13, 21, 23, 26, 43, 113, 310, 336, 344, 350, 369, 394

   Presbyterians, 11, 42, 92, 93, 434

   working class, 392

Irish traveller language, 379

   diaspora varieties, 383

   linguistic status, 381

   organisational principle, 382

   origins, 380

   relationship to Romani, 380

   research, 380

   selected lexical items, 383

   Shelta, 381, 434

     numbers of speakers, 381

   social position, 379

Italian, 402

   Tuscan, 322

Latin, 31, 50, 54, 60, 86, 266, 345, 346, 368, 369, 433

Latvian, 377, 379

New Englishes, 128

Nigerian, 376, 377

   Yoruba, 377, 378

Ocracoke Brogue, 7, 431

Poles, 29, 377, 379

Polish, 377, 402

Russian, 102, 145, 377, 379


   Old Norse, 7, 33, 51, 129, 130

Scottish English and Scots

   Lowland Scots, 97, 103, 107, 108, 109, 333, 401, 434

   Scottish Standard English, 103

   Scottish Vowel Length Rule, 105, 397

Slavic, 192, 377, 378

Swedish, 102

Ulster English, 1, 2, 12, 77, 99, 105, 108, 132, 143, 174, 231, 321, 333, 335, 337, 342, 351, 390, 396, 397, 406

   Anglo-English, 6

   contact varieties, 5, 94

   denominational differences, 112

     recall in speech, 113

   general, 95, 110, 114, 122

   grammar, 119

     ‘quantifier floating’, 119

   intonation, 118

   mid Ulster English, 6, 93

   north–south transition, 113

   phonology, 114

     consonants, 114

     vowels, 116

   relationship to other varieties of English, 111

   shared features with southern Irish English, 120

   south Ulster English, 93

   types of English in Ulster, 94

Ulster Scots, xiii, xix, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 15, 16, 23, 38, 40, 43, 77, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 111, 122, 143, 165, 172, 181, 191, 196, 206, 230, 233, 244, 250, 254, 279, 290, 291, 305, 321, 328, 330, 333, 334, 337, 344, 351, 370, 385, 387, 388, 395, 396, 397, 399, 401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 431, 433

   ‘Cultural Zone’, 103

   areas of settlement, 97

Ulster Scots (cont.)

   attestations, 99

   conservative varieties, 104

   consonants, 108

   delimiting it from other varieties, 103

   general, 96

   grammar, 108

     ‘punctual whenever’, 109

     parts of verbs, 108

   historical vowel changes, 107

   lexicography, 99

   linguistic status, 101

   literature, 100

   numbers of speakers, 98

   official bodies, 101

   official recognition, 96

   orthography, 103

   reflexes of Middle English sounds, 106

   regional differences, 107

   revival, 100

   thon and thonder, 109

   verbal concord, 109

   vocabulary, 110

   vowel length, 105

West African Pidgin English, 377, 378

Name index

Adams, George Brendan, 2, 5, 6, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 108, 110, 111, 114, 124, 362, 370, 388

Adams, Michael, 368

Adamson, Ian, 86

Addison, Joseph, 260

Adrian IV, Pope (Nicholas Breakspear), 30

Ahlqvist, Anders, 157, 369

Aitken, Adam J., 104, 105

Akenson, Donald, 402, 414, 417

Aldus, Judith Butler, 2

Algeo, John, 76, 304, 400, 404

Allsopp, Richard, 412

Altendorf, Ulrike, 360

Anderwald, Lieselotte, 183, 185, 269

Andrews, John, 32

Ascham, Roger, 229

Aubrey, Gwynn, 411

Auer, Peter, 162

Auwera, Johan van der, 218

Bacon, Sir Francis, 88

Bailey, Charles-James N., 410

Bailey, Guy, 386, 388

Bailey, Nathan, 313

Bailyn, Bernard, 399

Baker, Philip, 285

Baker, Sidney John, 23, 414

Ball, F. E., 83

Ball, Martin, 117, 146, 323

Banim, John and Michael, 138, 172, 203, 219, 223, 224, 225, 227, 249, 256, 258, 263, 302, 311

Barber, Charles, 134, 389

Bardon, Jonathan, 36, 39, 40, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 228, 332, 400

Barlow, John, 381

Barnard, Toby C., 39

Barnes, William, 67, 72, 74, 75, 80, 81, 124, 370

Barron, Anne, 370, 374

Barry, Michael, 2, 43, 94, 114, 117, 118

Barry, Terry, 32

Bartley, John Oliver, 200, 297

Bauer, Laurie, 239, 305

Beal, Joan C., 44, 186, 191, 240, 254, 260, 276, 279, 384, 391, 394, 395, 396, 401

Beecher, Sean, 23

Behan, Brendan, 184, 241, 265, 272, 311

Behn, Aphra, 262

Beier, A. Lee, 414

Bell, Barbara, 376

Benskin, Michael, 54

Bergin, Osborn, 7, 366

Berkeley, George, 41

Berndt, Rolf, 58

Bernstein, Cynthia, 401

Bertz, Siegfried, 318, 350

Bhaldraithe, Tomás de, 78, 292, 308, 350

Biggar, J. J., 334

Binchy, Alice, 381, 383

Binnick, Robert I., 233

Blank, Paula, 385

Blethen, Tyler, 401

Blevins, Juliette, 318

Bliss, Alan J., 2, 4, 12, 24, 37, 39, 45, 52, 55, 68, 69, 83, 84, 122, 127, 200, 201, 214, 274, 279, 296, 316, 326, 347, 352, 366, 370

Blunt, Jerry, 299

Bobda, Augustin Simo, 390

Bock, Kathryn, 181

Boorde, Andrew, 10

Boran, Pat, 346

Börjars, Kersti, 109, 180

Borsley, Robert, 145

Boucicault, Dion, 204, 207, 225, 227, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 249, 265, 272, 277, 301, 302, 303, 310, 311, 375

Bowen, Elizabeth, 43, 305

Boycott, Captain Charles, 367

Boylan, Henry, 232

Braaten, Björn, 127

Bradley, David, 415

Bradley, James, 362

Brady, Joseph, 345

Braidwood, John, 99, 110, 298, 362, 370

Breatnach, Risteard B., 308

Breeze, Andrew, 363

Breval, John Durant, 200

Brinsley, John, 257

Brinton, Laurel, 374

Britain, David, 182

Britton, Derek, 55

Brorström, Sverker, 197

Brown, Penelope, 372

Browne, Kathleen A., 71

Bruce, Edward, 50

Bruce, Robert, 50

Burke, Edmund, 41

Burke, William, 175, 253, 297, 298

Burney, Fanny, 301

Burns, Robert, 100

Burrow, George, 381

Burrowes, Audrey, 412

Butlin, Robin A., 51

Butters, Ronald R., 387, 399, 401, 402

Bybee, Joan, 192

Byrne, Joseph, 92

Cahill, Edward, 31, 33, 50, 52, 69

Cairns, Edward, 113

Calvin, John, 92

Cambrensis, Giraldus, 19, 30, 49, 50

Campbell, Alastair, 60

Campbell, Lyle, 129, 289

Campbell, Peter F., 412

Canny, Nicholas, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 88, 89, 90, 91, 200

Carleton, William, 20, 44, 100, 134, 172, 184, 203, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 240, 241, 243, 246, 248, 256, 257, 258, 259, 263, 267, 268, 270, 277, 301, 302, 303, 305, 311

Carolan, Turlogh, 41

Carroll, Susan, 407

Cassidy, Frederic G., 411

Centlivre, Susanne, 200

Chambers, J. K., 329, 335, 409

Chapman, Carol, 109, 180

Cheshire, Jenny L., 135, 173, 224

Chichester, Lord Deputy, 88

Chichester, Sir Arthur, 332

Christensen, Lis, 370

Christian Brothers, The, 146, 147, 152, 277

Christian, Donna, 401

Clark, James M., 369, 370

Clark, Paul Odell, 370

Clarke, Howard, 40, 89, 346

Clarke, Sandra, 12, 232, 386, 407, 408, 409

Clarkson, Leslie A., 47

Clyne, Michael, 162

Coggle, Paul, 360

Comrie, Bernard, 194, 195

Congreve, William, 249, 272, 300

Corbyn, Charles Adam, 415, 416

Corkery, Daniel, 41

Corrigan, Karen, 2, 4, 25, 85, 93, 94, 95, 108, 122, 127, 138, 161, 181, 186, 228, 230, 232, 261, 262, 273, 279, 285, 394, 404

Cosgrove, Art, 51

Cox, Richard A. V., 206

Crawford, E. Margaret, 391

Croker, T. Crofton, 54

Cromwell, Oliver, 37, 39, 87, 385, 410, 411

Cronin, Michael, 8, 169

Crowley, Tony, 10, 21, 33

Crozier, Alan, 95, 401

Cruttenden, Alan, 14, 119, 316

Cubberley, Paul, 192

Cukor-Avila, Patricia, 176

Cullen, Louis, 39, 399

Curtis, Edmund, 33, 52, 56, 67, 69, 346

D’Arcy, Alex, 355, 408

Dahl, Östen, 192, 193, 194, 213

Dailey-O’Cain, Jennifer, 376

Dal, Ingerid, 127

Daly, Mary, 310

Davis, Graham, 391, 392, 405

Davis, Stuart, 405

de Fréine, Séamus, 46, 48, 165

Deane, Seamus, 49

Defoe, Daniel, 270, 300

Denison, David, 218, 280, 289

Dent, Sarah, 346

Denvir, John, 390

Depraetere, Ilse, 151

Devine, Thomas M., 391

Dietrich, Julia C., 281, 402

Dillard, Joey Lee, 407

Dillon, Myles, 151

Dolan, Terence, 11, 34, 49, 67, 69, 74, 80, 81, 187, 258, 314, 362, 365, 366, 368, 370, 429

Dolley, Michael, 31

Douglas-Cowie, Ellen, 339

Dowling, Patrick J., 44, 45, 124, 310

Drennan, William, 369

Dubois, Sylvie, 318

Dudley Edwards, Ruth, 35, 47, 50, 52, 88, 350, 384, 385, 391, 403, 404

Duffy, Sean, 35, 36, 46, 47, 86, 90, 399

Duggan, G. C., 297, 299

Dunn, Richard S., 411

Dunton, John, 258, 267

Dürer, Albrecht, 385

Duriez, B., 113

Eagleton, Terry, 21

Eckhardt, Eduard, 297

Edgeworth, Maria, 172, 222, 223, 224, 227, 240, 249, 256, 263, 264, 268, 302, 303, 366

Eitner, Walter H., 401

Ekwall, Eilert, 389

Ellegård, Alvar, 218

Ellis, Alexander J., 349

Elworthy, Frederic T., 216, 218, 280, 413

English monarchs

   Charles I, 90

   Elizabeth I, 7, 35

   Henry II, 30, 31, 50, 346

   Henry VIII, 11, 20, 32, 34, 35, 36

   James I, 87, 89

   James II, 20, 40, 84

   John, 31, 32, 346

   Richard II, 32

   Tudors, 86

   William III, 37, 40

Eska, Joseph, 323

Fabricius, Anne, 317, 361

Fallows, Deborah, 78

Farquhar, George, 262, 263, 267, 300, 310

Farr, Fiona, 373

Feagin, Crawford, 401, 406

Fennell, Barbara A., 401

Fenton, James, 99, 362, 370

Ferrara, Kathleen, 376

Fielding, Henry, 300

Fife, James, 146

Filppula, Markku, xiv, xx, 2, 4, 25, 121, 127, 130, 137, 138, 149, 155, 161, 165, 167, 169, 173, 177, 180, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 201, 205, 206, 208, 211, 212, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 243, 245, 246, 247, 251, 253, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271, 275, 279, 283, 286, 287, 292

Fisiak, Jacek, 59, 75

Fitzgerald, Garret, 48

Fitzgerald, James, 202

Fitzherbert, Anthony, 229

Fitzpatrick, David, 140, 242, 390, 414, 416

Flanagan, Deirdre, 51, 95

Flanagan, Lawrence, 95

Fletcher, Alan J., 55

Fogg, Peter Walkdenn, 179

Foster, Roy F., 34, 35, 39, 42, 88, 89, 400

Foster, Tony, 137, 210

Fowkes, Robert A., 10, 384

Fowler, William, 230

Francke, Seán, 35

Franz, Wilhelm, 210

Geipel, John, 33, 85

Genet, Jacqueline, 42

Gerald the Rhymer, 51

Gerrard, Lord Chancellor William, 34

Gilley, Sheridan, 390, 402

Godfrey, Elizabeth, 180

Goldsmith, Oliver, 270, 300

Gordon, Elizabeth, 278, 417, 418

Görlach, Manfred, 6, 96, 101, 102, 370

Grabe, Esther, 119

Graham, Brian, 345, 346

Gray, Peter, 47

Green, Lisa J., 77, 177, 384, 405, 406

Greene, David, 60, 146, 149, 151, 159, 160, 193, 198, 200, 207, 208, 286

Gregg, Robert, 5, 86, 90, 95, 97, 98, 99, 101, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 335, 409

Gregory, Lady Augusta, 8, 169, 204, 225, 241, 264, 277, 278, 311

Gregory, Pope XVI, 402

Griffin, Gerald, 172, 203, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 263, 289

Guilfoyle, Eithne, 218, 220, 221, 222

Guinnane, Timothy W., 47

Guy, Gregory R., 38, 51, 130, 137, 367

Häcker, Martina, 261

Halliwell, Joseph, 54

Hamp, Eric, 399

Hancock, Ian, 381, 410, 411

Händel, Georg Friedrich, 41

Handler, Jerome S., 412

Harkness, David, 51

Harlowe, Thomas V., 412

Harper, Jared, 383

Harris, John, 2, 3, 5, 6, 91, 103, 104, 115, 117, 118, 119, 124, 127, 128, 136, 149, 151, 161, 186, 193, 194, 211, 218, 220, 221, 222, 227, 228, 239, 254, 256, 271, 279, 335, 341, 388, 399

Harris, Rita-Ann, 390

Hart, Henry Chichester, 94

Hartley, Sue, 361

Hartog, Marcus, 2

Haugen, Einar, 26, 312

Hayden, Mary, 2

Hayes-McCoy, Gerard A., 34

Heine, Bernd, 127, 281, 282, 283, 289

Heinrick, Hugh, 390

Henry, Alison, 2, 110, 181, 187, 274, 333

Henry, Patrick Leo, 2, 3, 4, 24, 53, 55, 58, 61, 64, 114, 127, 168, 200, 226, 346, 369

Hermkens, Hendrikus, 69

Herrmann, Tanja, 260

Heslinga, Marcus W., 87

Heuser, Wilhelm, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 67, 70, 71, 228, 426, 427, 428

Hewitt, John Harold, 100

Hey, David, 391

Hickey, Raymond, xiv, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 29, 33, 39, 40, 51, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66, 71, 77, 80, 83, 93, 96, 100, 102, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 123, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138, 155, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180, 193, 194, 197, 202, 211, 213, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 229, 240, 263, 278, 281, 284, 286, 291, 292, 303, 305, 306, 308, 309, 316, 318, 320, 321, 322, 323, 326, 341, 344, 346, 349, 353, 355, 356, 358, 359, 360, 363, 370, 373, 387, 388, 393, 398, 405, 408, 409, 411, 413, 415, 416, 417, 418

Hickman, Mary J., 390

Hindley, Reg, 47, 122

Hoffman, Charlotte, 121

Hoffman, Sebastian, 276

Hogan, James Jeremiah, 2, 7, 49, 54, 56, 67, 68, 69, 80, 84, 316, 345, 346, 352, 353, 369

Holinshed, Raphael, 20, 68

Holm, John, 115, 127, 284, 285, 406, 410, 411, 412

Holthausen, Friedrich, 55

Honeybone, Patrick, 392

Hope, Jonathan, 298

Hore, Herbert, 67

Horvath, Barbara, 318, 415

House, John W., 394

Howell, Wilbur Samuel, 44

Huber, Magnus, 285, 377

Hudson, Charles, 383

Hume, Abraham, 143

Hurston, Zora Neale, 177

Hyde, Douglas, 8

Ihalainen, Ossi, 124, 170, 175, 408

Irwin, Patrick J., 54, 55, 298

Isaac, Graham, 127

Jackson, Kenneth, 82

Jahr, Ernst Håkon, 383

Jake, Janice L., 162

Jarman, E., 14

Jespersen, Otto, 63, 261

Johnson, Ruth, 346

Jones, Daniel, 13

Jones, Mark J., 393

Jonson, Ben, 297, 385

Jordan, Richard, 63, 72

Joyce, James, 370

Joyce, Patrick Weston, 23, 109, 175, 179, 232, 261, 305, 306, 312, 353, 369

Kallen, Jeffrey, 2, 5, 25, 27, 93, 96, 101, 113, 122, 124, 138, 143, 149, 161, 193, 194, 201, 202, 203, 218, 220, 221, 222, 279, 284, 285, 287, 323, 370, 371, 373, 374

Kaufman, Terence, 5, 38, 122, 123, 131, 291

Kautzsch, Alexander, 176

Keating, Geoffrey, 40

Keller, Wolfgang, 127

Kelly, Anne, 219

Kelly, Patricia, 200, 296

Kennedy, Liam, 47

Kerswill, Paul, 12, 313, 355, 393, 394

Kiberd, Declan, 299

Kinealy, Christine, 403

Kingsmore, Rona, 2, 12, 13, 16, 99, 115, 116, 307, 344, 345

Kinsella, Thomas, 41

Kipling, Rudyard, 301

Kirk, John M., 2, 25, 27, 93, 95, 97, 109, 112, 115, 226, 228, 229, 230, 286, 371, 380, 406, 407, 410

Kirwin, William J., 3, 12, 408

Kjellmer, Göran, 261

Klemola, Juhani, 127, 180, 218, 221

Kniezsa, Veronika, 299

Knowles, Gerald O., 392

Knowles, James Sheridan, 300

König, Ekkehard, 287

Kosok, Heinz, 55, 299

Kretzschmar, William A., 398

Kroch, Anthony S., 218

Kurath, Hans, 63

Kuteva, Tania, 127, 281, 282, 283, 289

Labov, William, 96, 130, 255, 314, 344, 387

Laferriere, Martha, 405

Lalor, Brian, 35

Langford, T., 257

Lass, Roger, 104, 124, 132, 173, 306, 326, 367, 386, 388, 389, 399, 401

Lawrence, Helen, 260

Le Page, Robert B., 411

Legge, M. Dominica, 49

Leland, Charles, 381

Lennon, Colm, 20

Leuvensteijn, Arjan van, 218

Levinson, Stephen C., 372

Lillo, Antonio, 296

Littlefield, Daniel C., 410

Llamas, Carmen, 384, 393, 394

Loebell, Helga, 180

Long, Daniel, 145, 306, 389

Long, Joseph, 49, 52

Lord Grey de Wilton, 36

Loscombe, C. W., 54

Lover, Samuel, 223, 300

Lowry, Orla, 119, 371

Lowth, Robert, 44, 260, 270

Lucas, Angela, 49, 54, 55, 65

Lucas, Peter, 49, 54

Luick, Karl, 60, 62

Lunney, Linde, 93

Lunny, Patrick Anthony, 353

Lydon, James, 33, 40, 49, 50, 52, 90, 123

Lynch, Captain William, 367

Mac Giolla Chríost, Diarmait, 225

Mac Mathúna, Liam, 347

Mac Mathúna, Séamus, 27

Macafee, Caroline, 19, 99, 112, 240, 258, 362, 370, 396, 397

Macalister, R. A. Stewart, 380, 381, 382

MacAulay, Donald, 146, 206

MacCurtain, Hugh, 204

MacCurtain, Margaret, 35

MacEoin, Gearóid, 146

Maclennan, Malcolm, 205

MacLysaght, Edward, 368

MacMahon, Michael K. C., 350

MacMurrough, Dermot, 30, 49

MacNiece, Louis, 42

MacRaild, Donald H., 390

Mahon, Elli, 219

Majewicz, Elżbieta, 281

Major, Roy Coleman, 142

Mannion, John, 408

Marshall, William Humphrey, 175

Martin, Francis Xavier, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 345, 346

Martin, Stefan, 401

Martinet, André, 322

Matras, Yaron, 380

Matthews, William, 388

Maturin, Charles, 300

McArthur, Tom, 4, 397

McCafferty, Kevin, 2, 25, 85, 109, 117, 128, 138, 159, 161, 181, 201, 203, 226, 227, 279, 305, 343, 384

McCann, May, 380

McCarthy, Cormac, 7

McCarthy-Morrogh, Michael, 36, 37

McCawley, James, 149, 193, 194

McClenaghan, Paul, 342

McCloskey, James, 119, 245, 274, 276

McClure, J. Derrick, 388, 397, 401

McCone, Kim, 146

McElholm, Dermot D., 119, 343

McGuire, Desmond, 350

McIntosh, Agnus, 49, 52, 54, 55

McWhorter, John H., 126

Mencken, Henry L., 23

Merriman, Brian, 41

Mesthrie, Rajend, 126, 390

Meyer, Kuno, 381

Michelburne, John, 200, 220, 224, 229, 301

Migge, Bettina, 126

Millar, Sharon, 22, 342, 343

Miller, Jim, 178, 398, 401, 415

Miller, Kerby, 167, 399, 400, 401, 404, 405

Milroy, James, xiii, xix, 1, 2, 6, 95, 98, 110, 165, 310, 312, 314, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 351, 361, 402

Milroy, Lesley, xiii, xix, 1, 6, 310, 335, 336, 338, 340, 342, 355, 361, 402

Minkova, Donka, 62, 64

Mishoe, Margaret, 390, 401

Mitchell, A. G., 345, 415

Mittendorf, Ingo, 127

Moerenhout, Mike, 210

Molière, 8

Molin, Donald H., 299

Montgomery, Michael, 2, 5, 25, 85, 86, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, 167, 179, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 238, 254, 281, 286, 389, 390, 395, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 409, 410

Moody, Theodore W., 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 89, 345, 346

Moore, Desmond F., 31, 345, 346

Morash, Christopher, 299, 300

Morgan, Lady, 10

Mossé, Ferdinand, 305

Moylan, Séamus, 370

Mufwene, Salikoko, 125, 285, 413

Mugglestone, Lynda, 322

Murphy, Colin, 23

Murphy, Gerard, 7, 366

Mustanoja, Tauno F., 180

Myers-Scotton, Carol, 126, 162

Myhill, John, 406

Nagle, Stephen J., 109, 390

Neal, Frank, 46, 391

Nevalainen, Terttu, 126, 218, 239

Newbrook, Mark, 415

Ní Bhroiméil, Úna, 404

Ní Shuinéar, Sinéad, 381

Nic Craith, Mairéad, 96, 100

Nilsen, Kenneth E., 404, 405

Nord, Deborah Epstein, 381

Nurmi, Arja, 218

Ó Baoill, Dónall, 63, 114, 353, 380, 381, 382

Ó Corráin, Ailbhe, 146, 198, 199, 200, 201

Ó Cuilleanáin, Cormac, 8

Ó Cuív, Brian, 33, 42, 47, 122, 225, 292, 308

Ó Dochartaigh, Cathair, 95, 146

Ó Dónaill, Niall, 255, 277, 368

Ó Gráda, Cormac, 403

Ó Háinle, Cathal, 42, 347

Ó hEodhasa, Bonaventura, 200

Ó Máille, Tomás, 232

Ó Maoláin, Séamus, 168, 321

Ó Muirithe, Diarmuid, 23, 67, 69, 74, 80, 81, 370, 429

Ó Neachtain, Seán, 42, 347

Ó Riagáin, Pádraig, 22

Ó Sé, Diarmuid, 134, 146, 148, 150, 151, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 207, 325

Ó Siadhail, Mícheál, 146, 159

Ó Síocháin, Séamus, 380

Ó Súilleabháin, Muiris, 153

Ó Tuama, Seán, 41

O’Brien, Edna, 399

O’Callaghan, Sean, 411

O’Casey, Sean, 134, 166, 178, 180, 184, 227, 240, 241, 249, 265, 270, 272, 273, 277, 302, 311, 375

O’Connell, Daniel, 20, 46, 310, 404

O’Connor, Kevin, 390

O’Connor, Rory, 31, 346

O’Dea, Donal, 23

O’Donovan, John, 204, 226, 232

O’Dowd, Anne, 391

O’Dowd, Mary, 51

O’Farrell, Padraic, 2

O’Hara, Kean, 216

O’Hehir, Brendan, 370

O’Keefe, Anne, 373

O’Keefe, John, 300

O’Leary, Paul, 391

O’Malley Madec, Mary, 127, 292, 364

O’Meara, John J., 30

O’More, Rory, 90

O’Neill, Hugh, 36, 87

O’Neill, Phelim, 90

O’Rahilly, Cecile, 48

O’Rahilly, Thomas Francis, 4, 67, 80, 86, 95, 114, 199, 204, 353, 392

O’Rourke, Tiernán, 30

O’Sullivan, Patrick, 414

Odlin, Terence, 122, 125, 159

Oftedal, Magne, 322

Ogura, Mieko, 218

Onions, Charles T., 61, 71

Orpen, Goddard Henry, 49

Orr, James, 100

Ossory-Fitzpatrick, Samuel A., 345

Otway-Ruthven, Annette Jocelyn, 51

Owens, Elizabeth, 112

Padolsky, Enoch, 407

Palmer, Patricia, 10, 19, 20, 32, 34

Pandeli, Helen, 323

Pargman, Sheri, 406

Patterson, David, 333, 334, 349

Paulasto, Heli, 127

Pedersen, Holger, 56

Pepys, Samuel, 262

Philemon Holland, 10

Phillipson, Robert, 96

Picton, J. A., 67

Pietsch, Lukas, 110, 128, 180

Pitkänen, Heli, 127

Polenz, Peter von, 156, 248

Poole, Jacob, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83

Poplack, Shana, 162, 182

Poppe, Erich, 127

Poussa, Patricia, 127

Poynings, Sir Edward, 34

Pringle, Ian, 407

Prins, Anton, 63, 73

Przedlacka, Joanna, 360

Pyles, Thomas, 76, 304

Rahilly, Joan, 2, 117, 118, 119, 323

Randolph, Thomas, 228, 267

Rankin, Deana, 34

Raumolin-Brunberg, Helena, 126, 218, 239

Reed, Susan, 151

Richard Fitz Gilbert de Clare (Strongbow), 30, 33, 49

Rickford, John, 1, 4, 40, 176, 177, 406, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414

Rickford, John R., 8

Risk, Henry, 33, 49, 51

Ritt, Nikolaus, 62

Roberts, Ian, 145, 180

Robinson, Philip, 2, 88, 89, 91, 93, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 181, 281

Rohlfs, Gerhard, 322

Romaine, Suzanne, 121

Ronan, Patricia, 194, 261

Rooney, Anne, 371

Rosch, Eleanor H., 286

Rosewarne, David, 360

Ross, Bianca, 121

Ross, Gary, 386, 388

Ross, Malcolm, 130

Rothwell, William, 50

Rottet, Kevin J., 294

Ruane, Joseph, 380

Russell, Charles W., 67, 71

Rydén, Mats, 197

Sabban, Annette, 127, 174, 205, 206, 212, 244, 250, 253, 276

Sammon, Paddy, 367

Sampson, John, 381

Samuels, Michael, 49, 52, 54, 55, 310

Sand, Andrea, 251

Sangster, Catherine M., 392

Sarsfield, Patrick, 37

Scargill, Matthew Henry, 409

Schendl, Herbert, 179

Schilling-Estes, Natalie, 7, 184, 185, 307, 387, 389, 401, 402

Schlüter, Julia, 322

Schneider, Edgar, 298, 410

Schneider, Klaus, 370, 374

Schreier, Daniel, 145, 182, 306, 359, 389

Scott-Thomas, Lois M., 370

Scragg, Donald L., 58, 75

Seppänen, Aimo, 261

Shadwell, Thomas, 200

Shakespeare, William, 7, 137, 210, 261, 297, 298, 385

Share, Bernard, 23, 362, 370

Shaw, George Bernard, 8, 301, 311, 398

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 19, 41, 44, 228, 229, 249, 272, 300, 347

Sheridan, Thomas, 41, 43, 44, 106, 117, 270, 298, 300, 304, 310, 313, 315, 334, 347, 348, 349, 350, 397

Shields, Hugh, 49

Shorrocks, Graham, 186

Siemund, Peter, 128

Simms, Anngret, 345

Singler, John V., 182

Skea, Margaret, 98

Skelton, John, 7

Skene, John, 230

Smart, Benjamin H., 7

Smith, Jennifer, 176, 183, 260, 273

Smollett, Tobias, 300

Sommerfelt, Alf, 33, 82

Spenser, Edmund, 20, 34, 36

Stalmaszczyk, Piotr, 366

Stanihurst, Richard, 20, 51, 68, 83

Stapleton, Karyn, 103

Steele, Robert, 49

Stenson, Nancy, 25, 51, 151, 292, 294

Stewart, Thomas W., 51

Strang, Barbara, 299

Stuart-Smith, Jane, 397

Sullivan, James, 296

Swift, Jonathan, 7, 37, 41, 42, 44, 270, 299, 347

Swift, Roger, 390

Synge, John Millington, 166, 172, 204, 225, 227, 241, 248, 249, 264, 265, 272, 273, 277, 311, 370

Tagliamonte, Sali, 176, 180, 182, 183, 260, 273, 306, 386

Taniguchi, Jiro, 133, 134, 159, 258

Taubman, Francis, 83

Taylor, Brian, 411, 415

Taylor, John R., 286

Temple, Rosalind, 306

Ternes, Elmar, 322

Thomason, Sarah G., 5, 38, 122, 123, 126, 131, 291

Thomson, Robert L., 86

Thurneysen, Rudolf, 57, 60

Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Ingrid, 44, 178, 218, 270

Tilling, Philip, 94

Todd, Loreto, 4, 6, 12, 99, 110, 111, 112, 124, 203, 343, 367, 370

Tottie, Gunnel, 276, 399

Traugott, Elizabeth, 227, 228, 287, 406

Traynor, Michael, 94, 362

Tristram, Hildegard, 5, 214

Trotter, David A., 49

Trudgill, Peter, 126, 145, 194, 240, 306, 386, 387, 388, 389, 401, 415

Upton, Clive, 77, 78, 394, 396

Vallancey, Charles, 66, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 204

Vennemann, Theo, 130, 141

Veselinović, Elvira, 294

Vising, Johann, 49

Visser, Fredericus Th., 137, 275, 286

Visser, Gerard J., 127

Wagner, Heinrich, 63, 94, 95, 130, 292, 353

Wagner, Paul, 401

Wagner, Susanne, 175

Wakelin, Martyn F., 69, 77, 79, 218, 387, 389

Wal, Marijke van der, 218

Walker, John, 44, 312, 313, 315

Wall, Richard, 370

Wallace, Martin, 345

Walton, Izaak, 229

Wang, William, 311

Waterhouse, Osborn, 346

Watson, Seosamh, 205

Watt, John, 50

Webster, Noah, 179

Wells, John C., 57, 77, 118, 316, 317, 318, 320, 325, 326, 327, 360, 361, 386, 392, 410

Weltens, Bert, 218

Wentworth, Viscount Thomas, 90

Weɫ na, Jerzy, 65, 71

Widdowson, John D., 77, 78, 394, 396

Wijk, Nicolaus van, 69

Williams, Ann, 313, 393, 394

Williams, Jeffrey P., 145, 306, 389

Willis, J. T., 393

Wilson, John, 103

Winford, Donald, 125, 126, 132, 285, 410, 413

Wise, Claude Merton, 299

Wolfram, Walt, 7, 184, 185, 276, 387, 389, 401, 402

Wood, Curtis, 401

Woodham-Smith, Cecil, 46

Wright, Joseph, 126

Wright, Susan, 10, 23, 38

Wright, Thomas, 54

Wurff, Wim van der, 137, 210

Wyld, Henry Cecil, 63, 116, 307

Zettersten, Arne, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63

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