Cambridge University Press
9780521852555 - A History of Feminist Literary Criticism - Edited by Gill Plain and Susan Sellers


Note: book and article titles are in italics; * indicates a character treated as a subject.

Abelard, 14–15

abjection, 201

Aboriginal women, 296

abortion, 190

Abraham, Julie, 177

academy, the see universities

Ackland, Valentine, 176

adult education, 109, 124–5

Aeneid translations, 17

African American Studies, 161–3

ageing, 148

Agrippa, Cornelius, 39

AIDS crisis, 314

Ain’t I a Woman?, 128

Alcott, Louisa May, 8

Alexander, M. Jacqui, 290, 297

Alexander, Sally, 124–5

Algeria, 276

Algren, Nelson, 94

All the Women Are White …, 128

Allen, Jeffner, 173–4

Allison, Dorothy, 175

Althusser, Louis, 112

analism see rectal turn

Anderson, Linda, 103

androgyny, 75, 107

Angel in the House, The, 79

Angelou, Maya, 155

Anger, Jane, 27–8, 36

Anna O., 235, 236, 240

Another Mother Tongue, 171

anti-fascism, 70 see also fascism

Anti-Jacobin Review, 55

anti-revolutionary propaganda, 55

Anzaldúa, Gloria, 163, 174, 294, 295

Apparitional Lesbian, The, 180

appearance, 148

Archive of Feelings, An, 314–15

Are Girls Necessary?, 177

Ariel, 123

Arraignment of … Women, The, 28, 30

assemblage, 332

Astell, Mary, 40

Astrophil and Stella, 35

Austen, Jane, 7–8, 120

Austin, J. L., 142

author, significance of title, 32

autobiographical turn, 38

autobiography, 22

Awkward, Michael, 160, 161

Bachelard, Gaston, 88

Baker, Houston, 161, 162

Balsamo, Anne, 325

Bannon, Ann, 176

Bardot, Brigitte, 87, 95–6, 97

Barnes, Djuna, 109

Barrett, Michèle, 73, 114

Barthes, Roland, 91, 145, 192, 193, 198, 312

Basch, Michael Franz, 147

Bataille, Georges, 201

Bauer, Ida see Dora

Beacon Press, 163

Beale, Frances, 154

beauty, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54

Beauvoir, Simone de, 9–10, 85–98, 239, 340

   influence, 9, 85, 307

   Moi on, 86

   Schwartzer’s interviews, 114

Bechdel, Alison, 179

Becon, Thomas, 29

Behn, Aphra, 38–9

Bell Jar, The, 123

Belsey, Catherine, 66

Bennett, Paula, 176–7

Bequest and Betrayal, 148

Bersani, Leo, 201

Between Men, 311

Between Women, 138–9

Bhabha, Homi, 286, 287–8

Bible, The, 14, 28

Black, White and in Color, 158–9

Black Arts Movement, 154, 161, 162

Black-Eyed Susans, 163

black feminist criticism, 154–68

Black Feminist Criticism, 158

Black Feminist Statement, 304

Black Feminist Thought, 162–3

Black Power Movement, 154, 161

Black Woman, The, 155

black women, 77

Black Women in White America, 163

Black Women Novelists, 157–8

black women writers, 127–9

Blade Runner, 330

Bloomsbury circle, 67

Bluest Eye, The, 155

Bly, Robert, 199

Bodies That Matter, 228, 309

body, the

   Butler, 229

   in cyberspace, 228, 322

   French feminist criticism, 263–81

   male, 200–1

   poststructuralism, 228

   technologies of, 322–35

   Woolf, 76–7

Bondwoman’s Narrative, The, 163

book festivals, 109

book groups, 109

Book of Margery Kempe, 7, 22–4

Book of the City of Ladies, 22, 24

book shops, 109

Boone, Joseph A., 201–2

Booth, Alison, 322–3

Borderlands/La Frontera, 294, 304

Bordo, Susan, 325

bourgeoisie, 94

Bradstreet, Anne, 32, 33

Braidotti, Rosi, 228, 322

Breton, André, 91, 92, 93

Breuer, Josef, 235

Bridget of Sweden, Saint, 23

Brimstone, Lyndie, 175

Brontë, Anne, 120

Brontë, Charlotte, 7, 111, 120

   Millett on, 97, 106, 121

Brontë, Emily, 120

Buddhism, 276

Burke, Edmund, 8, 47–50, 56

But Enough about Me, 144–5, 147

But Some of Us Are Brave, 304

Butler, Judith, 86, 94–5, 228–30, 248, 307–9, 314

   abjection, treatment of, 201

   Beauvoir’s influence, 9, 307

   Bodies That Matter, 228, 309

   gender performativity, 174, 228–9, 302, 308, 309

   Gender Trouble, 3, 142–3, 307–9

   on mourning, 151

   on the other, 204

   Žižek, debates with, 223–4

Byatt, A. S., 123

Cadden, Michael, 201–2

Cade, Toni, 155

Cadigan, Pat, 331

Caine, Barbara, 58

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament British, 102

Can the Subaltern Speak?, 290–1

Canterbury Tales see Clerk’s Tale; Pardoner; Wife of Bath

Capellanus, Andreas, 15

capitalism, 327–8

Carby, Hazel, 158

Carr, Helen, 102–3

Carruthers, Mary, 23

Carter, Angela, 123

cartoons, lesbian, 179

Cary, Elizabeth, 39–40

Cassandra, 108–9

Castle, Terry, 175, 180

Cather, Willa, 243

Cause, The, 67

Cavendish, Margaret, 31, 35, 36–7, 38, 39

Caws, Mary Ann, 141

Césaire, Aimé, 285

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 7, 12, 14, 15–18

   Woolf on, 24

Cheng, Anne, 159

child analysis, 238

Children of Violence, 123

China, 276

Chloe Plus Olivia, 180

Chodorow, Nancy, 242–3

Christian, Barbara, 145, 157–8, 161, 162

Chudleigh, Mary, 40

Civil Rights Movement [US], 102, 121, 154

Cixous, Hélène, 114, 116–17, 130, 245, 264, 265–7

   binary opposites, 90

   on body, 263, 264

   Derrida on, 272

   écriture féminine, 76, 130, 265

   Laugh of the Medusa, 3, 114, 116, 117, 138

   on maternity, 245–6

class, 80, 81, 149, 150, 171

Claudel, Paul, 91–2, 93

Clerk’s Tale, 16

CND, British, 102

Cobbe, Frances Power, 7

Colebrook, Claire, 211

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 75

collaborative writing, 275–6

Collins, An, 32

Collins, Patricia Hill, 162–3

colonialism, 284 see also postcolonialism

Coloniser and the Colonised, The, 285

Color Purple, The, 129

Combahee River Collective, 155–6, 304

Come As You Are, 177

Coming Out of Feminism?, 302–3

Commonwealth literature, 284–5

Companion to Postcolonial Studies, 285

Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence, 3, 170, 174, 243, 305–6

conferences, 109, 133

consciousness-raising novels, 115

Copjec, Joan, 224–5

Cornell, Drucilla, 223

Count Zero, 330

Coup de Des, Un, 220

couples, heterosexual, 92–4

Courtivron, Isabelle de, 130

courtly love tradition, 223

Cox, Stephen, 48

Crafts, Hannah, 163

creation myths, 89

creative turn, 115–17

Creet, Julia, 169

Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 154

*Criseyde, 17

Critically Queer, 314

Critique of Postcolonial Reason, A, 292

Cross-Purposes, 301

Cruikshank, Margaret, 178

Culler, Jonathan, 200, 203

culture, 216

cunning, 53

Currier, Dianne, 332

Cvetkovich, Ann, 314–15

cyberfeminism, 326–7

cybernetics, 327

cyberpunk, 330

cyborgs, 322–3, 324, 325–6

Cyborg Manifesto, A, 324

Cyborgs and Women, 324

Daiches, David, 120

Daly, Mary, 290

Davies, Carole Boyce, 140–1, 160

de Beauvoir, Simone see Beauvoir, Simone de

de Courtivron, Isabelle, 130

de Lanerolle, Ros, 129

de Man, Paul, 146

de Meun, Jean, 18

de Montherlant, Henry, 91, 92

de Pizan, Christine, 15, 19–22

death, 148, 149, 150

deconstruction, 131, 218–19, 247–8, 286

   lesbians’ skill in, 172

   Weedon definition, 298

Deleuze, Gilles, 225, 230–1

Delighting the Heart, 133

Delphy, Christine, 114

Denny, Lord Edward, 30–1

Derrida, Jacques

   Anderson on, 142

   Carr on, 122

   on Cixous, 272

   Colebrook on, 216–18, 219–21

   on linguistic turn, 204

   Sprengnether on, 247–8, 251–2

   Weedon on, 286

   see also deconstruction

desire, problem of, 315–16

detective fiction, 330–1

Deutsch, Helene, 238

Devi, Mahasweta, 291

devotion, religious, 33

Dickinson, Emily, 176, 243

*Dido, 17

differences, 301

digital divide, 327–8

Dinshaw, Carolyn, 2, 6–7

discourse analysis, 180

Discourse on Colonialism, 285

Discourse on the Love of Our Country, 54–5

Doan, Laura, 169

dolls, 55

Don Juan, 227

Donne, John, 28

Donoghue, Denis, 197, 198

Donoghue, Emma, 180

Dora, 239, 240–1

double binds, 33, 89

double jeopardy, 154

Douglas, Gavin, 17

Drabble, Margaret, 123

Dubey, Madhu, 160

Duffy, Maureen, 175

Duggan, Lisa, 303

DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, 138, 177

Duras, Marguerite, 114

Dykes To Watch Out For, 179

Eagleton, Mary, 2, 102

Eagleton, Terry, 191

Eckstein, Emma, 237, 238, 240

écriture féminine, 76, 130, 265

Edgeworth, Maria, 7, 55–7

Ego and the Id, The, 252

Egoist, The, 67

Eliot, George, 7, 59–60, 120, 175

Eliza, 33

Elizabeth I, Queen, 27

Ellis, Havelock, 179–80

Ellmann, Mary, 106, 113, 123, 125

embarrassment, 146, 147

embodiment see body, the

Emecheta, Buchi, 134

Emile, 53

enclosure metaphor, 130

Eneados see Aeneid translations


   France, 85

   United Kingdom, 69–70, 76

      see also Suffrage Bill; suffragists

Engendering Men, 201–2

Englishwoman, The, 67

Epistemology of the Closet, 310–11

L’Epistre au dieu d’Amours, 19

erotic, 174

escape metaphor, 130

essays, 116

essence, 225

Esther Hath Hanged Haman, 30

Europe’s Myths of Orient, 285

*Eve, 7, 28, 51, 52–3

evil mother myths, 90

experience, 172

extra-mural classes, 109

Faderman, Lillian, 169–70, 179, 180

Fallaize, Elizabeth, 9–10

family, 85

   nuclear, 238–9

famous five, 109

Fanon, Franz, 285, 286, 287

Farwell, Marilyn, 169, 172, 177–8

fascism, 76 see also anti-fascism

Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 7

Fear of Flying, 115

fecundity myths, 89

Felman, Shoshana, 226–7

Felski, Rita, 110

Female Eunuch, The, 120, 122–3, 239

Female Imagination, The, 106, 111, 125–6

Female Reader, The, 66

Feminine Mystique, The, 239

feminine syntax, 76

Feminism and Masculinities, 189

Feminist Genealogies …, 290

Feminist Literary Criticism, 199

Feminist Press, 108–9, 124

Feminist Review, 114

feminist theory, in higher education, 124

femme fatale myths, 90

Ferenczi, Sandor, 249

Fernham College, 72, 82

Fetterley, Judith, 107

fiction, 8

Figes, Eva, 105–6, 120, 121

Finch, Anne, 30, 124

Firestone, Shulamith, 85

first-wave feminism

   male involvement, 190

Flanagan, Mary, 322–3

Fleming, John V., 19

Fliess, Wilhelm, 237

Flores, Richard, 141

Florio, John, 39

fold, the, 220

Foster, Jeannette H., 170

Foucault, Michel, 301, 310, 314

   Butler’s use of, 229, 307–8

   on homosexuality, 198, 310

   Saint Foucault, 316

   Sedgwick’s use of, 310

   Sprengnether on, 247–8

   Weedon on, 285–6

Four Marys, The, 72


   enfranchisement, 85

   female authors, 60

   feminist criticism 211 see also Cixous; Irigaray; Kristeva

   French Revolution, 46

Frankenstein, 120, 126, 331

Free Indirect Discourse, 75

Freewoman, The, 67

French, Marilyn, 115

French Feminists on Religion, 263–4

Freud, Anna, 238

Freud, Sigmund, 112, 149, 235–42, 251–3

Friedan, Betty, 85, 239, 305

Fuller, Margaret, 8

Gallop, Jane, 140, 145

Garber, Linda, 169, 174–5

Gaskell, Mrs, 7

Gates, Henry Louis, 161, 162, 163

gender, 14, 50 see also masculinity

gender performativity, 174, 302, 308, 309

Gender Trouble, 3, 142–3, 307–9

Genet, Jean, 96

genres, 66

   gendering of, 39

   popular, 134

Gerrard, Nicci, 135

Gerson, Jean, 19, 23

Getting Personal, 142, 143, 145, 147–8

Gibson, William, 322, 330

Gilbert, Sandra, 110, 130

Gillis, Stacy, 212

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 8, 67, 108–9

Gilroy, Paul, 160

GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly, 314

Goblin Market, 126–7

God as male deity, 192

Godwin, William, 58

Golden Notebook, The, 123

Goldman, Emma, 46–7

Goldman, Jane, 9

Gonda, Caroline, 103

Gordimer, Nadine, 123

Gothic, 126–7, 331

Grahn, Judy, 171

Greer, Germaine, 121

   Beauvoir’s influence, 85

   Female Eunuch, 120, 122–3, 239

   on Millett, 106, 111

Grier, Barbara, 170

*Griselda, 16

Grosz, Elizabeth, 228, 230, 323–4

Guattari, Félix, 225

Gubar, Susan, 110, 130

Gyn/Ecology, 290

gynocriticism, 47, 108, 110–11, 113, 124

hacking, 330

Hale, C. Jacob, 309

Hall, Donald E., 201

Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe, 77, 175

Halperin, David, 302, 316

Hamer, Diane, 176

Hammonds, Evelyn, 159–60

Hanscombe, Gillian, 176–7

Haraway, Donna, 322, 324–5, 326, 333

Hardy, Thomas, 113

Harris, Bertha, 175

Harrison, Jane, 67

Hayles, N. Katherine, 323

Head, Bessie, 134

Heath, Stephen, 187, 194–5, 199–200

Hegel, Georg, 89

Heilbrun, Carolyn, 107

Heloise, 14

Henderson, Mae, 159

Hennegan, Alison, 172, 179, 180

Henryson, Robert, 17

Heroes and Villains, 123

heroinism, 110

heterosexual couples, 92–4

Heterosexual Plots and Lesbian Narratives, 177

Hidden from History, 125

history, 150–1, 286, 297–8

   cultural, 286–7, 288–9

   writing of, 39

History of Sexuality, The, 310

Hit-him-home, Joan, 28, 34, 35

Hitlerism, 81

Hoccleve, Thomas, 21

Hogarth Press, 67

Hogeland, Lisa Maria, 115

Holland, Norman, 140

Holland, Sharon, 174–5

Hollibaugh, Amber, 312–13, 316

Holtby, Winifred, 8

Holy Mother myths, 90

homosexuality, 302, 310

hooks, bell, 128, 159, 292

Horney, Karen, 238

Hothead Paisan, 179

Huggins, Jackie, 296

Hulme, Keri, 134

Hunt, Krista, 327–8

Hurston, Zora Neale, 155

Huyssen, Andreas, 330

hybridity, 327

   cultural, 288, 294

hysteria, 235, 239

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 155

identity, 302, 327

   politics of, 77

Identity Poetics, 174–5

Imaginary, the, 245

Imlay, Gilbert, 58

immigration, 276

Imperial Leather, 287

imperialism, gendering of, 287

In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens, 116

incest, 217, 241–2

Inconsequence, 178

independence, 87, 91, 92, 93

India, 288, 293

International Feminist Book Fair, 133

Internet, 327–8

Interpretation of Dreams, The, 236–7

intersectionality, 154

intersubjective theory, 248–9

InVersions, 171

Irigaray, Luce, 114, 225, 227, 228, 230, 245, 246, 264, 266, 267–8

   on body, 263, 264

   on self, 221

   Speculum …, 225–6, 246

   This Sex …, 246, 267–8

   When Our Lips Speak Together, 114

Irma see Eckstein, Emma

Iron John, 199

Islam, 292

iteration, 228–9

Jackson, Shelley, 331

Jacobus, Mary, 113–14, 131

Jagose, Annamarie, 175, 178

James, Henry, 302

Jane Eyre, 110, 123, 291

Jardine, Alice, 196, 200

Jardine, Lisa, 132

Jazz, 163–4

Jocelin, Elizabeth, 30, 31–2, 124–5

Johnson, Barbara, 160, 312

Jones, Ann Rosalind, 270–1

Jong, Erica, 115

journals, feminist, 67, 114–15, 133

Joyce, Joyce A., 161, 162

Julian of Norwich, 13, 14

Jung, Carl, 88

Kabani, Rana, 285

Kamuf, Peggy, 266

Kant, Immanuel, 219

Kaplan, Cora, 46, 111, 112, 124, 133

Keizer, Arlene, 103

Kempe, Margery, 7, 22–4

Kennard, Jean, 172

Kennedy, Barbara, 327

Klein, Melanie, 238

Knox, John, 27

Kolko, Beth E., 329

Kopelson, Kevin, 173

Kristeva, Julia, 114, 130, 227–8, 245, 246, 264, 266, 269

   on body, 263, 264

   Des Chinoises, 114

   écriture féminine, 130

   Moi on, 132

Lacan, Jacques, 242

   Colebrook on, 223

   influence of, 132–3

   Mitchell’s reliance on, 244

   on phallus, 201

   Showalter on, 112

   Sprengnether on, 244–5, 251–2

   symbolic order, 130

   Thomas on, 204

Ladder, The, 170

Landscape for a Good Woman, 149, 150

Lanerolle, Ros de, 129

Lanser, Susan, 180

Lanyer, Aemelia, 32, 36, 39

Latin, 11, 12–13

Laugh of the Medusa, The, 3, 114, 116, 117, 138

lavender menace, 305

Lawes, Henry, 35

Lawrence, D. H., 91, 92–3, 96, 111

Le Fèvre, Jehan, 15

Leaning Tower, The, 81

Leavis, F. R., 120

Legend of Good Women, 18, 21, 24

Lehmann, Rosamund, 109

Lerner, Gerda, 163

lesbian feminist criticism, 129, 169–86

Lesbian Images, 171

Lesbian in Literature, The, 170

Lesbian Lives Conference, Dublin 169

Lesbian Philosophies and Cultures, 173–4

Lesbian Pillow Book, The, 180

Lesbian Postmodern, The, 169

Lesbian Texts and Contexts, 175

lesbianism, 77, 243, 301, 304–6, 312–13

Lessing, Doris, 123

Letter of Cupid, 21

Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination, 57

Letters for Literary Ladies, 55–7

Letters of Julia and Caroline, 57

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 87–8, 216, 217

library access denied to Woolf, 37, 72

Life as We Have Known It, 79

Light, Alison, 134–5

linguistic turn, 104, 188–9

Lister, Anne, 179

literacy, 7

literary materialism, 72–3

Literary Theory, 191

Literary Women, 126–7

Literature of Lesbianism, The, 180

Literature of Their Own, A, 109–10, 127

Little Review, 67

Livingston, Jennie, 309

Livre de La Cité des Dames, 22, 24

Loomba, Ania, 286

Lorde, Audre, 159, 174, 295, 298

love, 93

Love, Heather, 2, 212

Love Shook My Senses, 180

Lovelace, Ada, 326

Love’s Creation, 72

Lundgren-Gothlin, Eva, 89

Lure of Knowledge, A, 174

Lykke, Nina, 322

m/f, 114–15

McCarthy, Mary, 123

McClintock, Anne, 287

McDowell, Deborah, 156–7, 163

McIntosh, Mary, 114

McNaron, Toni, 172

Madwoman in the Attic, The, 129

magazines, feminist, 67, 114–15, 133

Magic Toyshop, The, 123

Makin, Bathsua, 66

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 220

Man-Made World, The, 67

Mandarins, The, 87

Manly, Susan, 8–9

Marcus, Steven, 240

Marks, Elaine, 114, 130

marriage, 28–9, 177

   in France, 60

Martin, Biddy, 174

Martindale, Kathleen, 169, 178

Martineau, Harriet, 58–9

Marx, Karl, 192

Marxism, 112

Marxist criticism, 88

Marxist-Feminist Literature Collective, 132–3

Mary Tudor, Queen, 27

Marys, The Four, 72

masculinity, 94, 187, 190

*Mason, Bertha, 110, 291

master–slave dialectic, 89

maternity see motherhood

matricide, 268

Matrix, The, 329–30

Mauriac, François, 85

Meese, Elizabeth, 172–3, 176

melancholy, 252–3

Memmi, Albert, 276

men and feminism, 103–4, 187–208

Men in Feminism, 195–6

Merchant’s Tale, 16

Merck, Mandy, 96, 302–3

Meredith, George, 121

metaphor, 271

Meulenbelt, Anja, 175

Meun, Jean de, 18

Middle Ages, 11–26

Midnight Birds, 163

Mill, John Stuart, 60–1

Miller, Nancy K., 138, 139, 143–6, 150, 151

   But Enough about Me, 144–5, 147

   Getting Personal, 142, 143, 145, 147–8

   ‘Man on Feminism’, 197

Millett, Kate, 105

   Beauvoir’s influence, 9, 85, 86, 96–7

   criticism of, 111–12

   Sexual Politics, 96, 105, 106, 120–2, 128, 239

Mills, Sara, 287

Milton, John, 8, 51, 52–3

Minh-Ha, Trinh T., 292–3

Mirza, Heidi Safia, 294

misogyny, 14, 91

   in literature, 107

Mitchell, Juliet, 105, 112, 112, 122

   Beauvoir’s influence, 85

   Psychoanalysis and Feminism, 132–3, 244

Mitchell, Steven A., 249


Modern Language Association Forum [on personal criticism], 140–2

modernism, 131

modernist aesthetic, 75

Moers, Ellen, 110, 126–7

Mohanty, Chandra, 285, 289–90

Moi, Toril, 71, 86, 131–2, 139

   on Woolf, 131

*Molly Millions, 330

monarchs, female, 27, 28

Montherlant, Henry de, 91, 92

Montrelay, Michèle, 114

Moraga, Cherríe, 295, 296–7, 312–13

Moreton-Robinson, Aileen, 297

Morrison, Toni, 155, 163–4

mortality, 148, 149, 150

mother–daughter relationship, 243

mother–infant relationship, 238, 241–3

motherhood, 276

   Beauvoir, 85

   Cixous, 245–6

   Kristeva, 269

Mothers Legacie, The, 30, 130

Moulsworth, Martha, 37–8

Ms., 114, 115–16

Mukherjee, Bharati, 117

Munda, Constantia, 30, 38, 124

Munt, Sally, 171–2

Murdoch, Iris, 123

Murphy, Peter F., 189, 190

My Dangerous Desires, 316

Myers, Mitzi, 54, 55

mystery, feminine, 90–1

myth, 10

   Beauvoir, 86–92, 97

Mythologies, 91, 193

mythopoetic men’s movement, 199

Nakamura, Lisa, 329

naming, 272–4

Namjoshi, Suniti, 176–7

Narayan, Uma, 290, 293, 297–8

narrative and lesbianism, 177–8

nature, 192

Nelson, Cary, 193

Nestle, Joan, 306

Neuromancer, 322, 324, 330

New Freewoman, The, 67

New French Feminisms, 130

New Left Review, 122

New Lesbian Studies, The, 178

New York Prefaces, 302

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of see Cavendish, Margaret

Newnham College, Cambridge see Fernham College

Nichols, Grace, 134

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 192

Nightingale, Florence, 108–9

noir, 330–1

Norquay, Glenda, 66

Northanger Abbey, 7–8

nuclear family, 238–9

Oakley, Ann, 85

object relations theory, 242–4

objectivity, 140

O’Brien, Edna, 123

Oedipus concept, 236, 251, 253

Of Woman Born, 242

Olsen, Tillie, 107, 242

On Gender and Writing, 133

Onlywomen Press, 109

Orientalism, 134, 285, 287

Osborne, Dorothy, 36–7

other, the, 14, 95

   woman as man’s, 88–9, 90, 97, 204

Our Nig, 163

Ovid, 19

Palmer, Paulina, 169, 175–6

Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, 34–5

pamphlets, 34

Pandora, 124

Pappenheim, Bertha see Anna O.

Paradise Lost, 51, 52–3

*Pardoner, 16

Paris is Burning, 309

Parshley, Howard, 85

Passions between Women, 180

Patchwork Girl, 331

Patmore, Coventry, 79

Patriarchal Attitudes, 105, 120, 121

patriarchy, 70, 120, 187, 251, 253

Patterns of Dissonance, 228

Paul, Saint, 28

Penguin Lives of Modern Women, 133

performativity, 142–3, 228–9

   gender, 174, 302, 308, 309

   Miller on performance, 142

Perry, Ruth, 141

personal criticism see autobiography

phallocentrism, 239

phallogocentrism, 221

phallus, 201

Philips, Katherine, 28–9, 35

Pizan, Christine de, 15, 19–22

Plant, Sadie, 326–7

Plath, Sylvia, 123

Plato, 217

Playing in the Dark, 163–4

poetry, 76, 176–7

postcolonialism, 133–4, 211–12, 282–300

   meanings, 285

post-feminism, 1

postmodernism, 327

   meanings, 214

poststructuralism, 131, 214–34

   black literary criticism, 161, 162, 164

   definition, 214

power, 92–4, 286, 307–8, 310

Practical Education, 55

Pratt, Louise Mary, 287

pregnancy, 246

Price, Richard, 54–5

Progress of Romance, The, 134

*Proserpina, 16

Prosser, Jay, 309

prostitution in cyberspace, 330

protofeminism, 2, 24, 28, 29

psychoanalysis, 235–62, 286, 287, 315–16

   and black literature, 158–9

Psychoanalysis and Feminism, 132–3, 244

psychoanalytic criticism, 88

publishers, 67, 108–9, 114, 124, 133, 180–1

Pygmalion myths, 90

Quashie, Kevin Everod, 160

Queer Nation, 313

queer theory, 159–60, 201–2, 212, 301–21

   and lesbian feminist thought, 169, 179

race, 134, 295

   in cyberspace, 328–30

   lesbian, 171

Radclyffe Hall, Marguerite, 77, 175

Radford, Jean, 134

Radicalesbians, 170, 305

Raitt, Suzanne, 175

Randall, Anne Frances [Mary Robinson], 57

*Rani of Sirmur, the, 291

Rank, Otto, 241

Ray, Sangeeta, 285

reading, 172

reading groups, 109

*Rebecca [Ivanhoe], 58

Recasting Women, 288

Reconstructing Womanhood, 158

rectal turn, 201, 202–3

rectum, 201

Refusing to Be a Man, 199

religious devotion, 33

Remedies of Love, 19

representation, 74–5, 114

Reproduction of Mothering, The, 242–3

reproductive technologies, 190

Resisting Reader, The, 107

Revelation of Love, 13

reverse discourse, 314

Revolving Lights, 78–9

rewriting, 11

Rhys, Jean, 123

Rich, Adrienne, 116, 172

   Compulsory Heterosexuality …, 3, 170, 174, 243, 305–6

   on mothering, 242

   When We Dead Awaken, 116, 117, 138

Richardson, Dorothy, 78–9

Riddy, Felicity, 13

Riley, Denise, 50–1

Robinson, Mary, 57

Rochester, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of 33

Rogers, Katharine M., 106, 107

Rolle, Richard, 13

Romance of the Rose, 15, 18–21

Roof, Judith, 174, 177, 178

Room of One’s Own, A, 2, 9, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71–8, 106, 139

Rose, Romance of the, 15, 18–21

Rossetti, Christina, 126–7

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 8, 53

Rowbotham, Sheila, 124–5

Rubin, Gayle, 304, 306–7

Ruddick, Sarah, 139

Rule, Jane, 171

Ruthven, K. K., 199

Sade, Marquis de, 87, 94–5, 97

Said, Edward, 134, 285, 287

Saint Foucault, 316

Salvaggio, Ruth, 173, 174

Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, 32

sameness, 267

Sangari, Kumkum, 288

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 86

sati, 290

Schomburg Library of Nineteenth-Century Black Women Writers, 163

Schreiner, Olive, 8

Schuster, Marilyn, 171

Schwartzer, Alice, 114

Schwarz, Henry, 285

Scott, Ridley, 330

Scott, Sir Walter, 58–9

Second Sex, The, 9, 85–92, 106, 239

second-wave feminism, 6, 72, 102, 121, 190, 239, 304

   defined, 2

second-wave feminist criticism

   aims, 9, 282

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 142, 146–7, 174, 302, 310–11

See, Sarita, 159

self, medieval, 23; see also subjectivity

self-censorship, 143–4

self-doubt, hidden, 125

Sellar and Yeatman, 132

Sellers, Susan, 133

Seltzer, Mark, 198

(Sem)Erotics, 172–3

semiology, 193

sex–gender system, 304

Sex Variant Women in Literature, 170

Sex Wars, 303

sexology, 194–5

Sexual Fix, The, 194–5

Sexual Politics, 96, 105, 106, 120–2, 128, 239

Sexual/Textual Politics, 71, 131–2, 139

sexuality, female, 85, 96

*Shakespeare, Judith, 68, 76, 78, 116

Shakespeare, William, 37, 75

shame, 146–7

She Came to Stay, 89

Shelley, Mary, 7, 120, 126, 331

Shiach, Morag, 270

Showalter, Elaine, 8, 47, 108, 110, 112, 113

   A Literature of Their Own, 109–10, 127

   Towards a Feminist Poetics, 107, 108

   on Woolf, 139

Sidney, Mary, 31

Sidney, Philip, 35

signs, 74

Signs, 114, 116

Silences, 242

Simians, Cyborgs, and Women, 324

Sister’s Choice, 127

Smith, Barbara, 127–8, 155, 156, 159, 283

Smith, Henry, 29

Smith, Paul, 196

Smyth, Ethel, 68

Sociable Letters, 31, 37

sonnets, 34–5

Sowernam, Esther, 28, 30, 66

Spacks, Patricia Meyer, 106, 109, 111, 125–6

Spare Rib, 115

Spark, Muriel, 123

Speculum of the Other Woman, 225–6, 246

Spillers, Hortense, 158–9

Spivak, Gayatri, 285, 290–2

Spraggs, Gillian, 176, 180

Sprengnether, Madelon, 211

Springer, Claudia, 329–30

Stanton, Domna C., 271

Star Trek, 322

statistics of treatment of women, 9–10, 340

Steedman, Carolyn, 149–51

Stein, Gertrude 129

Stendhal, 9, 92, 93, 94

stepmother myths, 90

Still, Judith, 211

Stimpson, Catharine, 116, 176

Stoltenberg, John, 187, 199

Stone, Roseanne Allucquère, 332

Stopes, Marie, 72

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 8

Strachey, Ray, 67

Strangers to Ourselves, 276

structuralism, 88, 131 see also poststructuralism

   definition, 214, 215

Studies in Hysteria, 235

subjectivity, 103, 143–4, 171, 307–8

sublime, the, 47–8

subversive writing, 130

Suffrage Bill 1918 [UK], 69 see also enfranchisement

suffragists, 69, 70, 80

Summit, Jennifer, 17

Surpassing the Love of Men, 179

Swetnam, Joseph, 28, 30

Synners, 331

Tate, Claudia, 140, 159

Tattlewell, Mary, 28, 34, 35

Taylor, Barbara, 50, 124–5

Taylor, Harriet, 58

technology, history of, 324

Temps Modernes, Les, 87

1066 and All That, 132

Tenth Muse, The, 33

*Tess, 113

Testament of Cresseid, 17

texts, 6, 16, 22–3, 211, 219, 220, 221–2

textuality, 2, 6, 13, 131

Tharu, Susi, 288–9

theoretical turn, 111–15

theory, 132

   Garber on, 174–5

   theory wars, 131

Thinking about Women, 106, 113

Thinking Sex, 306

Third Life of Grange Copeland, The, 155

Third World, Smith on, 283 see also postcolonialism

This Bridge Called My Back, 163, 304

This Sex Which Is Not One, 246, 267–8

Thomas, Calvin, 103–4

Thoughts of Peace in an Air Raid, 81–2

Three Guineas, 69, 70–1

Time and Tide, 67

Timeaus, 217

Todd, Janet, 50–1, 112

Tomkins, Silvan, 147

Tompkins, Jane, 145, 146, 148

Touching Feeling, 142

Toward a Recognition of Androgyny, 107

Towards a Feminist Poetics, 107, 108

Tragedy of Mariam, The, 39–40

translation, by women, 39

transsexualism, 309

Traub, Valerie, 180

trauma theory, 249–50

travel writing, 287

Troilus and Criseyde, 17

Troublesome Helpmate, The, 106, 107

Truth, Sojourner, 8

Turkle, Sherry, 329

Umpierre, Luzma, 172

uncanny, the, 325–6

Under Western Eyes, 289–90


   African American studies, 161–3

   feminist theory, 124–5

   lesbian criticism, 173

   literature syllabuses, 102–3, 120, 134, 190–1

   women’s studies, 301

   see also Fernham College

Urania, 31

use of this book, 3

Vadim, Roger, 95

Vaid, Sudesh, 288

Vermeule, Blakey, 311

Villette, 106, 121

Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 9, 49, 50, 51–3, 54, 59

Vindications, 47

Virago, 109, 124, 133

Virginia’s web, 72–3

virginity myths, 89–90

Vives, Juan Luis, 32

Volcanoes and Pearl Divers, 175

Walker, Alice, 116, 117, 128, 155

   Color Purple, 129

   In Search …, 116

   Third Life …, 155

Wallace, David, 14–15

Wandor, Michelene, 133

war, 70–1, 81–2

   Second World War aftermath, 238

Warland, Betsy, 171

Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 176

Washington, Mary Helen, 163

Watkins, Gloria see hooks, bell

weaving, 326–7

Weber, Max, 96

Weedon, Chris, 211–12

Well of Loneliness, The, 77

What Sappho Would Have Said, 180

What We’re Rollin Around in Bed With, 312–13

When Our Lips Speak Together, 114

When We Dead Awaken, 116, 117, 138

White, Antonia, 109

Whitford, Margaret, 270

Whitney, Isabella, 32

Wide Sargasso Sea, 123 see also Jane Eyre

*Wife of Bath, 7, 12, 14, 15–16

Wilcox, Helen, 7

Wilson, Harriet, 163

Winterson, Jeanette, 175

wit, gendering of, 39

Wittig, Monique, 86, 172, 307

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 8–9, 46–61

   biography, 46–7, 55, 58

   book reviews, 54–5

   critical works about, 66

Woman-Identified Woman, The, 305

Woman’s Leader, 67


   education, 12, 29, 31–2

   as readers, 35–7, 73–4

   representation, 2, 6, 34–5

   treatment of, statistics, 9–10, 340

Women, Resistance and Revolution, 125

Women of Bloomsbury, 141

Women Writing and Writing about Women, 113, 131

Women Writing in India, 288–9

Women’s Co-Operative Guild, 80

women’s groups [UK], 124–5

Women’s Liberation Movement, 122, 190

Women’s Press, 109, 124, 129

Women’s Room, The, 115

Women’s Sharp Revenge, The, 28, 34, 35

Woolf, Virginia, 2, 9, 40, 46–7, 66–82, 120

   on Chaucer, 24

   as critic, 138, 139

   criticism of, 131

   lesbianism, 129, 175

   library access denied, 37, 72

   Millett on, 121

   Moi on, 139

   philosophy of, 67–8

   Room …, 2, 9, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71–8, 106, 139

   Showalter on, 139

   Spacks on, 125

   Three Guineas, 69, 70–1

   Virginia’s web, 72–3

work, right to, 69

Working Women’s Guild, 79

Wretched of the Earth, The, 285

Wright, George, 140

writing process, 38

Wrongs of Woman, The, 47, 59

Wroth, Mary, 30–1, 34–5

Wuthering Heights, 120, 126

Wynter, Sylvia, 160

Yellow Wallpaper, The, 108–9

yoga, 276

Young, Iris Marion, 201

Zeros and Ones, 326

Zimmerman, Bonnie, 129, 170, 175, 176

Žižek, Slavoj, 222, 223–4, 226

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