Cambridge University Press
9780521846981 - The Cambridge Companion to Evangelical Theology - Edited by Timothy Larsen and Daniel J. Treier


Abelard, Peter, 81–82

activism, 2, 10, 12, 29, 155, 247, 248, 252, 255, 279, 283

Adeyemo, Tokunboh, 214, 218

Adventists, 278

African Americans, 177, 253–54, 281

Agamben, Giorgio, 179, 180–86

Alline, Henry, 277

Alves, Rubem, 263, 264

Ames, William, 276

Amsterdam, 275

Anabaptists, 83, 86, 146, 155

Anderson, Allan, 231

Anderson, Norman, 199, 204, 207

Andrewes, Lancelot, 287

Anglican Communion, 242, 243, 246, 276

   restoration of, 247, 248, 252, 278

Anglo-Catholic, 127, 246–47

Anselm (of Canterbury), 59, 81–82, 88–89, 180

apologetics, 59, 247, 253, 285

Aquinas, Thomas, 19–20, 88, 89

Arana, Pedro, 266

Aristotle, 167, 183

Arius, 171

Arminianism, 18, 24, 25, 30, 115–16, 117, 242, 246, 287

Arminius, Jacobus, 115

arts, 155

Athanasius, 89, 94–95, 171

atonement, 79, 81–83, 244, 245, 255

   and the wrath of God, 82–83

   moral influence, 82

   objective, 81–82

   (penal) substitution, 9, 10, 81, 82–83, 244, 248, 250, 253, 255, 259–63

   satisfaction, 82, 89

   subjective, 81–82

Augustine, 71, 79, 95, 109, 117, 180, 204

Bacon, Francis, 147

Baéz-Camargo, Gonzalo, 262

Bajeux, J. C., 217

Baldwin, H. Scott, 165

baptism, 117, 232, 234

Baptists, 252, 276, 278, 281

Barbosa Souza, Ricardo, 266

Barreiro, Julio, 263

Barron, Bruce, 128

Barth, Karl, 26, 39, 58–59, 202, 249, 250, 252, 255, 284, 285, 288

Bartolomé de Las Casas, 260

Bauman, Zygmunt, 253

Baur, F. C., 52

Baxter, Richard, 233, 279

Beasley-Murray, George, 251

Bebbington, David, 1–2, 128, 225, 228, 241, 249, 254

   Quadrilateral, 1, 2, 128, 225, 228, 254

Bedford, Nancy, 266

Bediako, Kwame, 27, 219–20

Beecher, Lyman, 277

Berkhof, Hendrikus, 131

Berkouwer, G. C., 53

Bérule, Pierre de, 193

Bible, 1, 7–9, 21, 26, 54, 135, 247, 255, 278

   authority of, 35–36, 54, 156, 164–67, 218, 228, 244, 254, 255, 266, 271, 278

   criticism of, 38, 52, 56, 60, 244, 251, 280

   inerrancy of, 8, 38–40, 228, 254, 255, 282, 284, 286

   infallibility of, 38–40, 228

   inspiration of, 9, 36–38, 247, 254, 282

   interpretation of, 40–45, 60–61, 165, 233

   narrative of, 26–27, 71, 76, 110

   Sola scriptura, 8–9, 35, 200, 201, 244

Biel, Gabriel, 84

Birks, T. R., 247, 248

Blocher, Henri, 251

Bloesch, Donald, 99, 285–86

Boethius, 167

Boff, Clodovis, 263

Boff, Leonardo, 263

Booth, Catherine, 248

Booth, John, 248

Boyd, Gregory, 287

Braga, Erasmo, 262

Bridges Johns, Cheryl, 290

Briner, Bob, 155

Bruce, F. F., 251, 286

Buber, Martin, 168

Bujo, Bénézet, 216

Bulgakov, Sergei, 95

Bullon, H. Humberto, 266

Bultmann, Rudolf, 56

Bunyan, John, 276

Butler, Joseph, 244

Butler, Judith, 178

Calvin, John, 21, 72, 87–88, 100–01, 136, 145, 167

Calvinism, 18, 24, 30, 86–87, 242, 243, 246, 248, 277

Campbell, Alexander, 278

Canclini, Santiago, 262

Carlson Brown, Joanne, 89

Carnell, E. J., 284

Carpenter, Joel, 282

Casas, Bartolomé de Las, 260

Catholic, 28, 130

Chalke, Steve, 255

Chalmers, Thomas, 4, 244–45, 246, 248, 253

Chan, Simon, 129

charismatic, 10, 120, 225, 227, 251, 252, 265

Charles, Thomas, 244

Clark, Gordon H., 284

classical theism, 19–21, 23–24, 171

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 244, 246, 254

Colson, Charles W., 290

Columbus, Christopher, 259

common sense realism, 147–49

community, 72, 75, 95, 96, 97, 101–02, 118–19, 120, 121, 164, 173

Congregationalists, 278, 281

contextualization, 44, 154, 229, 234

conversion, 1, 10–12, 109–19, 148–51, 154, 226, 227, 228, 255

Costas, Orlando, 266–67

Crawford, T. J., 248, 251

creation, 66–67, 74–75, 96, 254, 255

creed, 4, 28, 44–45, 171

   Apostles’, 4

   Nicene, 4, 28, 93, 130–31

cross (or crucicentrism), 1, 9–10, 187, 193, 228, 231

Crow, John A., 259

culture, 145, 154, 155, 206, 219, 249, 252, 266, 271

Dabney, Robert Lewis, 98

Dain, Jack, 153

Dale, R. W., 248

Daly, John Patrick, 189

Darby, John Nelson, 150, 246, 247, 248, 252

Darwin, Charles, 149, 247, 280

Dawn, Marva, 18

Del Colle, Ralph, 98

Denney, James, 52, 248

denominations, 127, 246, 247, 252, 275, 276

   mainline, 133, 199, 214, 225, 227, 229, 280–81

   renewal of, 288

   separation from, 251, 282

Descartes, René, 167

Dickson, Kwesi, 218

dispensationalism, 150

Dissenters, 243, 246

doctrine, 203, 214–15, 220, 226, 242, 251, 252, 255, 275, 276, 277

Don Francisco Giner de los Ríos, 261

Don Miguel de Unamuno, 262

Douglass, Frederick, 190

Drummond, Henry, 247

Dunn, James D. G., 57

Dussell, Enrique, 263

Dyrness, William, 231

Eastern Orthodoxy, 4–5, 35, 88–89, 94

ecclesiology, 102, 103–04, 125–38, 215, 263, 269

   black, 254, 280

   church growth, 265–69

   incarnational, 135–36, 264

   missional, 133–34, 137, 267

   transdenominational, 281, 284, 288

   Trinitarian, 136, 208

economics, 260, 263, 266, 270

Edwards, Jonathan, 5, 148, 149, 243, 244, 251, 277

Ela, Jean-Marc, 215

Ellacuria, Ignacio, 264

Ellingworth, Paul, 218

Ellison, Ralph, 177

Ellul, Jacques, 268

embodiment, 71, 72

emergent church, 132–33, 252–53

Enlightenment, 147, 148, 168, 227, 254

Erickson, Millard, 96, 202, 215, 288–89

Erskine, Ebenezer, 242

Erskine, John, 242, 245, 248

Erskine, Ralph, 242

eschatology, 70, 72–73, 100–03, 113–14, 118, 137–38, 201, 234, 261

   postmillennial, 147, 150

   premillenial, 149–51, 247

Escobar, Samuel, 266, 268

Eucharist, 232

Evangelical Alliance (UK), 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 249

Evangelical Theological Society (USA), 25, 33, 287

“Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” 83, 289

experience, 126, 148, 233, 243, 276, 278

Fackre, Gabriel, 285

faith, 111–12, 113–14, 157, 200, 204, 262

Farley, Edward, 23

federal theology, 60

Fee, Gordon, 117, 164

feminism, 74, 100–01

feminist theology, 100–01, 163

Festus, Pompeius, 181–82

Finney, Charles, 127, 148, 249

Finney, Elizabeth, 249

Fitch, David, 129

Forsyth, P. T., 9, 52, 250

Foucault, Michel, 184

Foxe, John, 276

Frame, John, 17

Francis of Assisi, 2

Franklin, Benjamin, 276

free church, 127, 131, 232

Freston, Paul, 225, 231

Freud, Sigmund, 152

Fueter, Paul D., 217

Fuller, Andrew, 243–44

Fuller Theological Seminary, 39, 267, 282, 283, 284

fundamentalism, 38, 128, 149–51, 157, 214, 249, 280–81

Gatwa, Tharcisse, 215

Gaussen, Louis, 247

gender, 71, 164, 166

   and ordination, 128

   complementarian views of, 165–66

   egalitarian views of, 74, 165–66

   in the Bible, 164–67

   of God, 163, 171–73

George, Timothy, 81, 213–14

Getui, Mary, 215

Gibellini, Rosino, 217

Giles, Kevin, 171

Gill, John, 243

globalization, 27–28, 36, 43, 153–54, 199, 217, 229, 260, 269–71, 290

Gnanakan, Ken, 228, 230

González, Juan Orts, 262

González, Justo, 262, 264

gospel, 9–10, 17, 29, 35, 60, 100–01, 109, 219–20, 229, 230

“Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration,” 82, 83

Graham, Billy, 127, 151, 153, 249, 275, 283

Great Awakenings, 126, 151, 157, 214, 277–78

Gregory of Nyssa, 89

Grenz, Stanley, 27, 42, 125, 131, 169, 290

Grudem, Wayne, 166

Gunton, Colin, 95, 250

Gutiérrez, Gustavo, 263, 264

Haldane, James, 247

Haldane, Ralph, 247, 248

Harris, Howell, 5, 243

Hart, Darryl G., 127

Hart, David Bentley, 88–89

Harvey, Thomas, 231

Hatch, Nathan, 127

Hauerwas, Stanley, 155, 234

Haye, Sophie de la, 218

Hays, Richard, 90

Hendry, George, 93

Henry, Carl F. H., 39, 53, 151, 155, 283–84

Herberg, Will, 287

hermeneutics, 43–45, 162, 164, 165, 166–67, 207, 221

Hick, John, 27, 202, 204

Hirsch, E. D., Jr., 41

history of religions, 56–58, 208

Hodge, Charles, 20, 52, 147, 167–68, 277

Holiness, 119, 130, 249, 278

Holy Spirit, 1, 10–12, 41–42, 69–70, 93–104, 116, 117–19, 120, 156, 172, 205, 208, 232

   baptism of, 120, 148

   “second blessing” of, 120

Hordern, William, 288

Horton, Michael, 59–60

house church, 231, 252

Houston, James, 170

Howard, Jorge, 262

humanity, 65–66, 157, 164, 167–69, 194, 215

   image of God, 65, 66–70, 173

   relational, 167–69, 208

Humphrey, Edith, 130

Hutchinson, Anne, 276

hymns, 157

inclusivism, 199, 200, 287

Inman, Samuel Guy, 262

International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, 39, 40

   “Chicago Statement,” 39, 40

Irenaeus, 193

Irving, Edward, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252

Israel, 66–68, 110–13, 187, 188

Jacobs, Harriet A., 177, 180, 187

JanMohamed, Adbul M., 179, 183–85

Jenkins, Philip, 43

Jesus Christ, 1, 21, 28, 68, 73, 75–76, 97–100, 135, 171, 172, 203

   Chalcedon, 59, 204, 206, 207–08

   “from below,” 57, 172

   Holy Saturday of, 186, 189, 192

   Logos Christology, 97

   Solus Christus, 51, 135, 200, 201, 206

   Spirit Christology, 97, 98–100

   work of, 9–10, 52, 87, 193–94

John (of Damascus), 89

John XXIII (Pope), 152

Jones, Serene, 100

Julio de Santa Ana, 263

justice, 103–04, 136, 153, 154, 248

justification, 79, 83, 98

   by faith alone, 84, 89–90, 278

   by imputed righteousness, 81, 83

   by inherited righteousness, 81

Kant, Immanuel, 52, 58

Kato, Byang, 213, 218–20

Kelsey, David, 42

Kenzo, Mabiala Justin-Robert, 220–21

Keswick, 148, 149, 249, 286

Kierkegaard, Søren, 193

King, Martin Luther, 152

Kreider, Alan, 252

Kreider, Eleanor, 252

Kuyper, Abraham, 155, 249, 253

LaCugna, Catherine, 96

Land, Steven, 290

Lausanne Movement, 157

   International Congress on World Evangelization, 11, 153–54, 229, 271, 283

   Lausanne Covenant, 11, 153, 201, 246

Laws, Curtis Lee, 280

Lefebvre, Marcel, 216

Lewis, C. S., 153, 156, 199, 279

Lewis, Donald M., 1

liberalism, theological, 6, 53, 199, 200, 203, 227, 230, 250–51, 280, 281

liberation theology, 100, 230, 263–65

Lippmann, Walter, 280, 281

Lloyd-Jones, Martin, 251

Locke, John, 277

London Missionary Society, 246, 247, 248

Lopez, Mauricio, 265

Lull, Raymond, 261

Lundin, Roger, 149

Luther, Martin, 21, 79–81, 83–84, 145

   “Finnish Interpretation” of, 88

Lutheran, 51, 84, 85, 119, 127, 276

Macchia, Frank, 290

Machen, J. Gresham, 52, 154, 155, 280–81

MacIntyre, Alasdair, 255

Mackay, John A., 261–62

Macleod, Donald, 55

Mangalwadi, Vishal, 228

Marsden, George, 127

Martinez Arce, Sergio, 265

Marx, Karl, 152, 186, 230, 253

Mathews, Shailer, 128

Mbembé, Achille, 177, 181–86

McKim, Donald, 39

McLaren, Brian, 290

McLeod Campbell, John, 245, 248, 252

McLoughlin, William, 276

McPherson, Aimee Semple, 127

Melancthon, Philip, 51

Mencken, H. L., 280, 281

Mennonite, 85–86, 155

Mergal, Angel M., 262

metaphysics, 162, 167, 169, 208

Methodist, 6, 86, 126, 277, 281, 288

Meye Thompson, Marianne, 166

Migliore, Daniel, 97

Miguez-Bonino, José, 263, 266, 269

Mingdao, Wang, 231

miracles, 232

Miranda, José, 263

missions, 8, 11, 12, 97, 133–34, 137, 146, 154, 155, 199, 204, 207, 226, 229–30, 243, 246, 247, 252, 253, 259, 268, 271, 279

Moberg, David, 279

modern(ism), 6, 21–22, 38, 71–72, 128, 147, 202, 227, 229, 280, 281

Moltmann, Jürgen, 100, 168, 170

Moody, Dwight, 127, 249, 278, 279

More, Hannah, 246, 253

Moule, H. C. G., 249, 280

Mouw, Richard, 155

Mullins, E. Y., 280

Murray-Williams, Stuart, 252

National Association of Evangelicals (USA), 3, 10, 282

nationalism, 75, 253, 282

naturalism, 38, 52

Netland, Harold, 202–03

Neuhaus, Richard John, 290

Newbigin, Lesslie, 230

Newman, John Henry, 246–47

Newton, Isaac, 277

Newton, John, 22

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 152

Noll, Mark A., 2, 146, 155, 241, 242, 255, 277

Nuñez, Emilio A., 266

Ockenga, Harold John, 282

Oden, Thomas, 55, 287–88, 289

Olson, Roger, 79

open theism, 24–25, 28, 286, 287

Orr, James, 52, 280

orthodox(y), Christian, 3–5, 17–19, 35, 36, 51, 81, 130–31, 171, 203, 213, 242, 252, 271, 278, 279, 286, 288

Packer, J. I., 251, 255, 275, 289–90

Padilla, Ruth, 266

Palamas, Gregory, 89

Paley, William, 244

Palmer, Timothy, 219

Panikkar, Raimon, 208, 230

Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 59, 275, 288

parachurch, 125, 226

Paredes, Tito, 266

Parker, Rebecca, 89

Parsons, Talcott, 161

Pénoukou, Efoé Julien, 215, 216

Pentecostal, 6, 10, 93–94, 120, 153–54, 205, 214, 225, 227, 231, 232, 234, 254, 265, 278, 290

   Oneness, 4

Perkins, William, 276

philosophy, 19, 24, 168, 280, 290

Piedra, Arturo, 266

Pieris, Aloysius, 230

pietism, 18, 29, 277, 285

piety, 11, 36, 51, 71, 214, 255, 276, 277, 282, 284

Pinnock, Clark, 25, 204–05, 207, 230, 286–87

Piper, John, 290

Plantinga, Cornelius, 103

pluralism, 27, 154, 201, 202, 203, 207, 229–30

Plymouth Brethren, 150, 252

politics, 181–86, 217, 230, 231, 234, 245, 266, 269, 270

post-Reformation, 51–52, 126

postmodern, 27, 42, 132, 164, 221, 230, 233, 283, 288

poverty, 263, 268

pragmatism, 147, 227, 247, 271, 276

preaching, 137, 229, 243, 252

Presbyterians, 278, 280–81

Princeton Theological Seminary, 38, 52

process theology, 23, 25

prophecy, 134, 136

Protestant, 1, 2, 3–5, 35–36, 79–81, 226, 260, 262, 263, 277, 278, 279

Puritans, 147, 149, 188, 214, 242, 251, 276, 289

race, 177–94, 268

Ramachandra, Vinoth, 202, 203–04, 230

Ramm, Bernard, 285

reason, 168, 283

reconciliation, 1, 9–10, 68–69, 75, 96, 112–13, 136, 164, 173, 205

Reformation, 20–21, 35–36, 79–81, 145, 147, 213, 276, 278

   radical, 115, 127

Reformed, 51, 86–87, 115, 120, 127, 149, 155, 276, 285

regeneration, 117

   baptismal, 117

religions, 199–200, 216, 220, 227, 232

Rembao, Alberto, 262

resurrection, 59, 98, 121, 189, 190–94

revelation, 206, 207, 214, 283

   propositional, 37, 283

revival, 1, 51, 145, 146, 148–49, 249, 277

Rice, Richard, 287

Richard, Pablo, 263

Ricoeur, Paul, 118

Ritchie, John, 262

Robertson, Pat, 156

Rogers, Jack, 39

Roman Catholicism, 4–5, 6, 35, 54, 83–84, 85, 133, 199, 255, 259–63, 269, 278

   Council of Trent, 84

   Second Vatican Council, 152

romanticism, 147–49

Romero, Oscar, 265

Rookmaaker, H. R., 152

Runia, Klaas, 55

Rycroft, Stanley, 262, 268

sacraments, 135, 136–37, 232

Sáenz, Moisés, 262

salvation, 59, 206, 243

   ordo salutis, 115–16

   sola fide, 200, 278

Salvation Army, 12, 157

Samartha, Stanley J., 203

Sánchez-Cetina, Edesio, 266

sanctification, 85, 95, 118–21

Sanders, John, 206, 287

Schaeffer, Francis, 151–54, 156, 286

Schipani, Daniel, 266

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 148

scholasticism, 18, 29

Scofield, C. I., 150, 265

Segundo, Juan Luis, 263

Shedd, W. G. T., 52

Shields, T. T., 281

Shults, LeRon, 27

Simeon, Charles, 248

Simons, Menno, 85–86

sin, 67, 72, 110, 117, 136, 201, 228

Sklair, Leslie, 270

slavery, 177, 180, 190, 191

   abolition of, 190–94, 245, 246, 279

Smeaton, George, 248, 251

Smith, Pearsall, 249

Smith, Timothy L., 278

Snyder, Howard, 126, 127

Sobrino, Jon, 264

Song, C. S., 230

sovereignty, divine, 23–24, 30, 157

Spillers, Hortense, 184

spirituality, 8, 229, 232

Spurgeon, Charles, 248

Stendahl, Krister, 90

Steuernagel, Valdir, 266

Stoll, David, 265, 269

Stott, John, 153, 155, 230, 251, 255

Strauss, D. F., 52

Strong, Augustus H., 281

suffering, 89, 134

Sunday, Billy, 280

Surin, Kenneth, 182

Tamez, Elsa, 266

Taylor, Dan, 242

Taylor, Nathaniel, 277

Tetzel, John, 83

theology, 23, 286, 289

   dogmatic, 55, 61, 251, 275

   historical, 54, 61

Tidball, Derek, 2

Tillich, Paul, 87

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 279

Tomlinson, Dave, 252

Torrance, Alan, 166, 167, 170

Torrance, James, 172

Torrance, T. F., 250

tradition, 35, 44–45, 127, 246, 279, 288

translation, 44, 221, 268, 271

Trinity, 25–27, 28, 65, 70, 94–97, 136, 169–71, 207–08

   participation in the, 97, 136, 208

   social, 27, 102, 169–70

   subordination in the, 99, 100, 170–71

Vanhoozer, Kevin J., 290

Varetto, Juan C., 262

Visser’t Hooft, Willem, 131

Voth, Esteban, 266

Volf, Miroslav, 27, 166, 290

Walls, Andrew, 43, 270

Warfield, B. B., 52, 128, 168, 280

Warren, Rick, 290

Watts, Isaac, 251

Wayland, Francis, 278

Webber, Robert, 129, 133

Webster, John, 132, 135

Welker, Michael, 103

Wells, David, 17, 129, 131–32, 290

Wells, Samuel, 83

Wesley, Charles, 242

Wesley, John, 1, 5–6, 10, 86, 88, 116, 126, 241, 242, 244, 254, 256, 277

Wesleyan, 18, 83, 115, 120, 249

Whitefield, George, 1, 5–6, 10, 126, 242, 244, 277, 279

Wilberforce, William, 12, 43, 148, 245–46, 248, 251

Williams, A. N., 89

Williams, Roger, 276

Witherington, Ben, 57

Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 103, 155

Woodbridge, John, 39

World Evangelical Fellowship (now Alliance), 8, 9, 43, 44, 225

worldview(s), 202, 227, 229, 283

worship, 18, 120, 136, 137, 252

Wright, N. T., 41, 57

Wright, Nigel, 252

Wright, Richard, 180, 183–89

Yoder, John Howard, 131, 155

Yong, Amos, 205

Youth for Christ, 151, 282

Zokoué, Isaac, 220

Scripture Index


   1:2–9 67

   1:26 74

   1:26–27 67

   3 110, 111

   3:17–18 67

   5:1–2 74

   6:6 21

   18:22 110


   3:14 20

   14:19–21 67

   14:19–31 67

   19:6 68

   20:2 26


   19:2 119

   19:12 111

   20:26 119

   22:13 110

   26:40–42 111


   21:4–9 112


   3:24 69

   4:24 111

   4:30 112

   4:34 69

   30 111


   24:33 111

1 Samuel

   7:3 111

   15:35 21

1 Kings

   8:33 111

   8:35 111

2 Kings

   23:25 122

2 Chronicles

   7:14 111


   9 122


   16:11 96

   32:3–5 110

   65:6 69

   68:5–6 73

   80:14 122

   93 67

   99:5 119

   107 122

   107:24 69

   115 68

   132:9 68

   132:16 68

   132:18 68

   135 68


   28:13 110


   7:20 114


   6:9–10 68

   6:10 112

   6:11–12 68

   6:11–13 112

   10:20–21 112

   11:1–5 112

   11:10 112

   23:18 68

   25:7 192

   28:16 112

   30:15 122

   32:15 68

   33:3–16 112

   35:5–6 68

   36:24–27 112

   42:16 69

   44:3 68

   44:22 112

   45:8 68

   45:17 68

   46:13 68

   51:3 68

   52:1 68

   53:2–12 112

   55:11 38

   59:21 68

   61 68

   61:10 68

   63–64 112

   63:17 112

   66:1a 67


   4:4 111

   13:23 112

   26:3–4 122

   31:31 112

   31:31–34 112

   34:5 122


   5:21 112


   10 68

   11:19 113

   11:19–20 118

   18:15–17 119

   18:31 113

   33:8–11 111

   36:24–26 111

   36:35 68

   37:1–14 187

   37:5–6 68

   37:14 68, 113


   7 68

   9:25 112


   3:5 112

   5:4–14 112

   5:15 112

   6:1–6 111

   6:6 111


   2:3 68


   7:8–8:2 112

   9:14 122


   3:10 122


   3:3–5 68

   12:10 112

   14:14 68


   3:6 21

   4:5–6 112


   1:1–17 68

   3:1–12 113

   3:2 113

   4:17 113

   4:23–6:10 69

   5:1–7:29 114

   5:20 114

   5:48 20

   6:9 119

   6:10 73

   8:27 69

   9:12–13 114

   11:20–24 113

   11:28–30 113

   12:28 97

   18:3 114

   22:37–39 102

   23:9–11 172

   23:37 115

   24:37 68

   28:19 11

   28:19–20 267


   1:4 113

   1:4–8 113

   1:15 113

   1:24 119

   4:14 69

   8:14–10:52 69

   9:33–10:45 69

   10:27 114

   14:36 31


   1:1–4 38

   1:5–25 113

   1:35 97

   1:41 113

   1:54–55 68

   1:57–80 113

   2:4–11 68

   3:1–18 113

   4:1 97

   4:16–21 114

   4:18 97

   5:32 113

   11:17–20 118

   11:20 97, 113

   14:16–17 115

   15 101

   20:36 72


   1:1 68

   1:1–18 37

   1:4 68

   1:9 115

   1:12 172

   1:12–13 117, 118

   1:13 80

   1:14 68

   3:3–8 114

   3:6 117, 118

   3:16 114, 115

   3:16–17 120

   4:14 120

   4:24 20

   5:15–23 69

   5:26 20

   10:10 114, 120

   11:38 69

   14:8–11 69

   14:16–26 119

   14:26 99

   15 165

   15:13 120

   15:26 93, 99

   16:13 93

   16:14 93

   17 121

   17:17 120

   19:30 109


   1 109

   1:8 11, 119

   2:1–12 119

   2:14–36 69

   2:37 118

   2:38 122

   2:40–47 118

   3:19 122

   5:3–4 11, 94

   5:31 122

   8:22 122

   9–10 118

   11:18 122

   20:21 122

   20:32 119

   26:20 122


   1:4 97

   1:6–7 115

   2:4 113

   2:13 80

   3:23 114

   3:23–25 82

   3:24–26 81

   3:25 82

   3:28 81

   3:31 80

   4:25 98

   5:1 81

   5:1–2 80

   5:5 96, 102

   5:6–8 109

   5:12–21 68

   5:14–21 118

   5:20 117

   7:1–8:4 117

   8:2 120

   8:4–5 120

   8:6 120

   8:9 117, 118

   8:9–14 120

   8:9–17 117

   8:11 97, 98, 109

   8:14–35 70

   8:15 31

   8:17 70

   8:19–25 73

   8:20–23 67

   8:27 119

   8:29 69, 73

   8:29–30 114

   9 116

   9–11 192

   10:14–15 117

   12:1 121

   12:1–21 120

   12:3–8 118

   14:17 104

   15:16 118

   16 165

1 Corinthians

   1:9 115

   1:10 96

   1:13–2:5 117

   1:18–25 29

   1:26 115

   2:13 116, 117

   3:3 96

   3:16–17 70

   4 165

   6:11 118

   6:19–20 70

   9:22 256

   11 170

   12–14 70

   12:4–7 118

   13:12 271

   15 72

   15:21–22 68

   15:45–49 68

   15:49 73

   15:54–55 120

2 Corinthians

   1:22 232

   3:6 120

   3:18 69, 72

   4:4 69

   5 68

   6:17 282

   13:14 94


   2:16 81

   3:26–29 73

   3:28 70, 268

   4:6 31

   5:16 120

   5:22 96, 102

   5:25 120

   6:7 193


   1:3 70

   1:4–5 114

   1:5 71, 120

   1:9–10 73

   1:13–14 232

   1:14 102

   1:17 100

   1:18 119

   1:18–23 69

   2:6 69

   4:2 96

   4:13 271

   4:14–16 102

   4:23–24 72

   5:26 119

   5:27 119


   2:1–18 69, 120

   2:5–11 171

   3:8–10 121

   3:12 104


   1:15 68, 69

   1:18 68, 72

   2:3 45

   3:10 69

   3:14 96

2 Thessalonians

   2:13 118

1 Timothy

   2 165

   3:16 98

2 Timothy

   3:15 37, 45

   3:16–17 36, 37, 40


   2:14 119

   3:5 117

   3:7 81


   1–4 69

   1:1–3 37

   1:3 100

   1:4 69

   2:11 73

   2:14 118

   6:1 122

   6:4 102

   6:5 102

   9:4 97

   10:10 119

   10:29 119

   13:20–21 119


   2:26 120

1 Peter

   1:2 119

   1:15 119

   2:4–5 70

   2:9 70, 115, 121

   3:18 109

   4:14 100

2 Peter

   1:4 88

   3:6–7 68

   3:16 37

1 John

   1:3–4 96

   3:2–3 73

   4:2 120

   4:18 116


   2:21 122

   2:22 122

   16:9 122

   21:1–22:5 66

   22 70

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