Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-83444-5 - Twentieth-Century American Fiction on Screen Edited - by R. Barton Palmer


9 Weeks 125

1941 204

2001: A Space Odyssey 138

A bout de souffle 122

Academy Awards 175,207,231

Accident 10,158

Adaptation 135

African Queen, The 146

Ah, Wilderness! 89

Alien 146

All the King’s Men 91

Allen, William Rodney 137,143

Allen, Woody 118

Alpi, Deborah Lazaroff 44

Altman, Robert 7,188–197,236,239

Ambrose, Stephen F. 234

American Broadcasting Company (ABC) 16

American Film Institute (AFI) 6

Ames, Chris 16,63,64,66

Anderson, Paul Thomas 188,189

Andrew, Dudley J. 3,7,232–250,251

Andrews, Dana 18

Anhalt, Edna and Edward Anhalt 99, 109

Anna Christie 89

Anna Karenina 89

Antony and Cleopatra 22

Apocalypse Now 130,237

Appalachian Spring 156

Appel, Jr., Alfred 114,130,131

Arendt, Hannah 77

Armstrong, Louis 59,60,65

Arrigo, Frank 35

Asala, Frederick 157

Ashby, Hal 236

Ashley, Elizabeth 75

Asphalt Jungle, The 163,165

Atkinson, Brooks 99

Atlanta, Georgia 146

Austen, Jane 151

Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, The 86

Avery, Margaret 198,204

“Babylon Revisited,” 10

Back to Bataan 236

Bacon, Jon Lance 149,150

Badlands 233–250

Baker, Carlos 45

Baker, Clive 175

Baldwin, James 219

“Band of Brothers,” 235

Barclay, Alexander 75

Barrett, Vince 42

Beatty, Ned 146

Becket 109

Beloved (film) 212–224

Beloved (novel) 210–224

Bend Sinister 113

Bergman, Ingmar 16,30,173

Berry, Halle 207

Bertenson, Sergei 113

Billy Jack 49

Birth of a Nation, The 202

Black, Karen 55

Bluestone, George 162

Bobo, Jacqueline 223,224

Bogart, Humphrey 35

Bogdanovich, Peter 236

Bogle, Donald 65,66,202,208

Booth, Wayne 111,130,131

Boston Strangler, The 109

Boulting, Ingrid 17,18

Bound for Glory 16

Bouzereau, Laurent 207,209

Bowles, Paul 170

Bowser, Pearl 208

Boyle, T. Coragheissan 48–64,66

Boyum, Joy Gould 147,150,152,153,155,156,158,167

Brando, Marlon 120,140

Breit, Harvey 98,108,110

Brand, Neville 35

Bredell, Woody 32,37

Breen, Joseph I. 24

Bridge on the River Kwai, The 17

Bridges of Madison County, The 223

Brill, Lesley 156,164,165,168

Brinkmeyer, Jr., Robert 150,151,160,168

Brokaw, Tom 234,249,251

Bronson, Charles 35

Brood, The 171

Brooks, Adam 223

Brooks, Cleanth 84,89,93,94

Brooks, Mel 119

Brooks, Richard 36,44

Brown, Clarence 89–93

Brown, Cleo 60

Brown, Tony 205

Bruccoli, Matthew J. 9,10,11,16,23,26

Burroughs, William 170–184

Burton, Tim 135

Busia, Akosu 223

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 132

Cabaret 140

Caesar, Adolph 203

Caesar, Sid 119

Cage, Nicolas 135

Cagney, James 35

Caine, Michael 140

Camera Obscura 113

Cameron, James 176

Canby, Vincent 147,168

Cannes Film Festival 140,175

Capote, Truman 148

Carpenter, John 172

Carr, Jay 224

Carr, Virginia Spencer 108,109,110

Carradine, John 18

Carson, Reuben 204

Carter, Stephen R. 240,250,251

Carver, Raymond 189–197

Casablanca 34

Cassavettes, John 27

Caute, David 23

Caviezel, Jim 238

Cerf, Bennett 88

Cervantes, Miguel de 112

Chamberlain, William 64,65,66

Champlin, Charles 162,168

Chan, George 35

Chaplin, Ben 240

Chaplin, Charles 15,122

Chayevsky, Paddy

Child is Waiting, A 68

Children’s Crusade, The 204

Chinatown 16,17,18,157

Chinese Massacre, The 63

Chion, Michel 116,131,244,245,250,251

Ciment, Michel 25

Cimino, Michael 236

Citizen Kane 37,39,41

City of Fear 62,63

Clark, Beverly Lyon 108

Clockwork Orange, A 122

Close Encounters of the Third Kind 200

Clurman, Harold 99,110

Coburn, James 35

Coffey, Thomas M. 81

Cohen, Abby 76,77,80

Cohen, Allen 168

Cohen, Keith 1,7

Cohen, William A. 56,66

Collins, Glenn 209

Color Purple, The (film) 198–209

Color Purple, The (novel) 5,200

Columbia Pictures 99,203

“Columbo,” 200

Communist Party, The 11

Conger, S. M. 249,251

Connelly, Michael 66

Conner, Marc C. 223,224,225

Connors, Joanna 224,225

Conrad, Joseph 111

Conrich, Ian 172,173

Conversation, The 49

Cook, David A. 64,66

Coon, Gene L. 30,31,33

Cooper, James Fenimore 89

Cooper, Stephen 155,163,168

Copland, Aaron 156

Coppola, Francis Ford 22,236,237

Corey, Jeff 18,39

Corliss, Mary 25,26

Corliss, Richard 118,131,223,224,225

Count Basie 59,60

Cowan, Lester 10

Cowley, Malcolm 82,84,93,94

Crane, Jonathan 173

Crane, Stephen 228

Crash 175

Craven, Wes 172

Crawford, Broderick 91

Cronenberg, David 7,172

Crowther, Bosley 110

Curse of Frankenstein, The 122

Daily Mirror 172

Dangerfield, George 98,108,110

Dardis, Tom 11,23,25

Davies, Robertson 113,130,131

Da Vinci, Leonardo 154

Davis, Captain Charles W. 226

Davis, Mike 62,63,65,66

Davis, Miles 103

Davis, Thadious 100,103,109

Dawkins, Cecil 166

Day of the Jackal, The 109

Day of the Locust, The (film) 48–64

Day of the Locust, The (novel) 5,11,16,47–64,66

Days of Heaven 233

Dead Ringers 172,174,175,181

Dead Zone, The 175

Degenfelder, E. Pauline 93,94

Dearden, James 124

Dekker, Albert 31

De Laurentis, Dino 175

Deliverance 140,146

DeMille, Cecil B. 24

Demme, Jonathan 212–224

Democratic National Convention 82

De Niro, Robert 17,18,20,21,22

Denny, Reginald 23

Depp, Johnny 135

Despair 113,117

Desser, David 169

De Wilde, Brandon 99,109

Diawara, Manthia 223,224,225

Dickens, Charles 47

Dickinson, Angie 27,32,34,43,44,46

Didion, Joan 63,66

Dixiecrat Party 82

Dixon, Wheeler Winston 24

Dolbier, Maurice 80,81

Dolby Sound 116

Doll’s House, A 158

Dostoevsky, Fyodor 111,112,113,122

Double Indemnity 37

Douglass, Frederick 219

Dourif, Brad 146,158,165

Dower, John W. 235,250,251

Dr. Strangelove 111,122,124,125

Dresden (Germany) 135–143

Dreyfuss, Richard 201

Dullea, Keir 241

Dune 176,232

Ed Wood 135

Edison, Thomas A. 15

Eichmann in Jerusalem 77

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 235

Eisenstein, Sergei 1

Ekberg, Anita 30

Elise, Kimberly 212

Ellison, Ralph 65,66

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 239

Emigrants, The 140

Empire Theatre 99

Enchanter, The 113

Entwhistle, Peg 65

Esquire 11

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial 200,201

Evans, Richard 17

eXistenZ 172,174

Eyes Wide Shut 234

F. Scott Fitzgerald and “The Last of the Belle, 16

F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood 16

Fadiman, Regina K. 93,94

Farrow, Mia 16

Fat City 151,163

Faulkner, William 40,82–93,94,149

Fedora 158

Fell, Norman 35

Fellini, Federico 118

Ferrer, José 75

Fiedler, Leslie 53,57,66,88

Films and Filming 147

Fine, David 23,26,66

Fisher, Gerald 158,162,163,165

Fitzgerald, Ella 124

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 5,8–23,24,25,55,63,85,108

Fitzgerald, Michael and Benedict Fitzgerald 145–165

Fitzgerald, Robert and Sally Fitzgerald 145–165

Fitzgerald, Zelda 23

Five Easy Pieces 49

Flanagan, Martin 236,250,251

Flashdance 124,125

Fly, The 175

Fonda, Henry 118

For Whom the Bell Tolls 40

Fox, Julian 147,168

Foxes 124,125

Franciosa, Tony 35

Frankenheimer, John 10

Fraser-Cavassoni, Natasha 23,25

Freeman, Y. Frank 24

French Kiss 223

Friedman, Melvin J. 108

From Here to Eternity (film) 231

From Here to Eternity (novel) 109,228,231,237,239,240,245

Frye, Northrop 14,24,25

Fujimoto, Tak 221

Full Metal Jacket 124,125

Fuller, Charles 203

Fursteneau, Marc 250,251

Furthman, Jules 40

Fussell, Paul 249,251

Gabbard, Krin 49,59,65

Gable and Lombard 49

Gable, Clark 35

Gabler, Neal 61,66

Garbo, Greta 18

Gardner, Ava 27,30,31,32,34

Garrett, George 232–250,251

Geller, Stephen 133

Genette, Gérard 3,121,130,131

Genie Awards 175

Gibson, Mel 146

Giles, James R. 250

Gillespie, Dizzy 103

Ginsberg, Allen 175

Girls! Girls! Girls! 109

Givner, Joan 78,80,81

Glass Menagerie, The 109

Glover, Danny 206,208,220

Go-Between, The 158

Go Down, Moses 82,86,87,88

Go Tell it on the Mountain 219

Go to the Widow-Maker 239

Godard, Jean-Luc 122

Godfather, The 140,141,186

Godfather Part II, The 20

Going Places 60

Goldberg, Whoopi 198,199,204,208

Gomery, Douglas 24

Gone with the Wind 86,201,202,229

Goodbye, Darkness 228

Goodman, Benny 60

Gorbman, Claudia 131

Gordon, Bernard 232

Gordon, Caroline 69

Graduate, The 49,140

Graham, Sheilah 8

Grapes of Wrath, The 155

Great Expectations 111

Great Gatsby, The (film) 16,17

Great Gatsby, The (novel) 10,13,14,20,57,111

Greco, José 75

Greed 187

Greenberg, Peter S. 144,168

Griffith, D.W. 1,15,18,202

Grobel, Lawrence 147,164,165,168

Guadalcanal 226–250

Guadalcanal Diary 228

Guardino, Harry 35

Guber, Peter 204

Gulager, Clu 31,43,44

Guthman, Edward 223,224,225

Hackman, Gene 157

Haley, Alex 82

Hamilton Lisa Gay 214

Hamlet (film 1969) 158

Hammen, Scott 151,157,168

Hanks, Tom 235

Hardwick, Elizabeth 84,94

Harpole, Charles 66

Harris Adrienne 23

Harris, Julie 99,105,109

Harris, Oliver 44,45

Hatch, Orin 124

Hatch, Robert 147,168

Hawkins, Joan 173,174

Hawkins, William 99

Hawks, Howard 40

Hayden, Sterling 165

Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The 95,96

Heart of Darkness, The (novel) 146

Heart of Darkness, The (film) 111

Hearts of the West 49

Heidegger, Martin 244,245,246,247,250,251

Hellinger, Mark 27–43

Hemingway, Ernest 27–43,45,135, 239

Henry, Buck 17

Herbert, Frank 176

Herbert, Josephine 74,75

Hernandez, Juano 91

Hersey, John 228

Hickey, William 146

High Noon 99

Hill, George Roy 132

Hiroshima 141

Hiroshima, Mon Amour 122

Hitchcock, Alfred 16,60,118,119

Hite, Nicholas 143

Hoffman, Dustin 17,18,140

Hofstadter, Albert 250,251

Hollinghurst, Alan 8,23,25

Holm, Ian 170

Hopper, Edward 195–197

Horizon 147

Howard, Joan E. 108

Huckleberry Finn 215

Human Comedy, The 89

Humphrey, Hubert 82

Huston, John 7,33,36,44,144

Huxley, Aldous 18

Hyland, Dick 134

Idiot’s Delight 82

Images 188

Indecent Proposal 125

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 200

Inserts 49

Into the Valley 228

Intruder in the Dust (film) 89–93

Intruder in the Dust (novel) 5,6,82–93

Invitation to a Gunfighter 68

Ireland, John 91

Irons, Jeremy 111,127,172

Irving, David 141,143

Isherwood, Christopher 75

Ivey, Dana 146

James, Henry 111

Jarré, Maurice 18

Jaws 157,200,201

Jeopardy (TV show) 191

Jeremiah Johnson 109

“Jerry and Molly and Sam,” 193

Jesus Christ 98

Joe 49

Johnson, Charles 224,225

Johnson, James Weldon 86

Johnson, Leith G. 23

Jon Benet Ramsay case, The 124

Jones, Jacquie 220

Jones, James 6,135,226–250

Jones, Peter G. 228,249,251

Jones, Quincy 198,200,203

Jonze, Spike 135

Judgment at Nuremberg 76,77

Kael, Pauline 91,93,94

Kafka, Franz 173,187

Kaminsky, Stuart M. 42,43,45,99

Kansas City 188

Kaufmann, Charlie 135

Kazan, Elia 7,10–23,25,26

Kazantzakis, Nikos 187

Kellogg, Robert 85,91,93,94

Kennedy, Bobby 132,142

Kennedy, Kathleen 200

Kent, Sidney 24

Kerouac, Jack 175

Kid Galahad 37

“Killers, The,” 5,27–43

Killers, The (film 1946) 4,27–43

Killers, The (film 1964) 4,27–43

Killing, The 122,124,125

King, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther 132,142

King, Rodney 63

King, Stephen 124,125,173

King of Marvin Gardens, The 49

Kipling, Rudyard 230,251

Klein, Michael 154,155,160,169

Kolker, Robert 64,66,197

Kordelle, Kessia 215,223

Koteas, Elias 238

Kramer, Stanley 7,68–80,81,99

Kreyling, Michael 148,149,166,168,169

Kubrick, Stanley 7,115–131,138,234

Kurosawa, Akiro

Ku Klux Klan 202

La Brea Woman 62

LaGravenese, Richard 223

Lancaster, Burt 27,29,31,38,39

Lang, Jennings 43,134

Langella, Frank 127

Last Night 175

Last of the Mohicans, The 89

Last Supper, The 154

Last Temptation of Christ, The 187

Last Tycoon, The (film) 16–25,49

Last Tycoon, The (novel) 5,7,8–23,63

Laughter in the Dark 113

Laura 37

Laurence, Frank M. 43

Lauter, Paul 6,7

Lawrence of Arabia 17

Lawton, Harry 168

Le Baron, William 26

Lee, Harper 83

Lee, Spike 224

Leff, Leonard 45

Leibman, Rod 139

Leigh, Vivien 75

Leitch, Thomas 4

Lentz, Wilma 44

Let There be Light 168

Lethal Weapon series 206

Lethem, Jonathan 42,43,45

Lewin, Jane E. 130,131

Leypoldt, Günter 197

Lilies of the Field, The 202

Lindfors, Viveca

Lionheart 204

Lish, Gordon 189

Little Big Man 49

Loew’s, Inc. 12,24

Lolita (film 1968) 115–131

Lolita (film 1997) 122–131

Lolita (novel) 5,112–131

Long Goodbye, The 189,195

Long, Robert Emmet 168

Longest Day, The 235

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 146

Lorimar 175

Lorre, Peter 23

Losey, Joseph 10,158

Lucas, George 236

Lumet, Sidney 201

Lumière, Auguste 15

Lynch, David 175,176

Lyne, Adrian 122–131

M. Butterfly 172

MacAvoy, Leslie 250,251

MacCabe, Colin 239,250,251

MacLaine, Shirley 231

MacLuhan, Marshall 127

Macon (Georgia) 146

Madame Bovary 113

Maddow, Ben 89,92

Magnolia 188,189

Mailer, Norman 125,135,228,230,239,246,250,251

Malick, Terrence 7,232–250

Malcolm X 86,94

Malkovich, John 135

Maltese Falcon, The 160

Mamet, David 124,125

Man for All Seasons, A 109

Man Who Would Be King, The 163

Manchester, William 228,229

Mankiewicz, Don M. 23

Mannix, Eddie 24

“Marcus Welby, M.D.,” 200

Marks, Richard 20,25,26

Martin, Carter 153,154,166, 169

Martin, Dean 231

Martin, Jay 50,65,66

Marton, Andrew 231,232

Marvin, Lee 27,31,34,35,75

M.A.S.H. 239

Mason, James 120

Mathew, Cotton 70

May, Elaine 119

Mayer, Louis B. 9,12,13,93

McCarty, John 151

McCluskey, Jr., John 224,225

McCullers, Carson 95–108,109,110,148,151

McDaniel, Hattie 202

McDonald, Donald 80,81

McFarlane, Brian 223,225

McIntyre, Dianne 223

McKellar, Don 175

McKenzie, Barbara 162,163,169

McQueen, Steve 35

McTeague 187

Mean Streets 20

Meeker, Ralph 35

Melville, Herman 85

Member of the Wedding, The (film) 99–108

Member of a Wedding, The (novel and play) 5,95–108,109

Memoirs of Hecate County 108

Menides, Laura Jehn 155,162,169

Meredith, Burgess 61,109

Merhige, E. Elias 135

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (M-G-M) 10,12,13,17,18,24,92

Meyjes, Menno 204

Micheaux, Oscar 202

Midnight Cowboy 133

Miles, Barry 175,176

Milland, Ray 18,21

Millar, Gavin 151,163,164,165,169

Miller, Joan 23

Miller, Laura 143

Minnelli, Vincente 231,232

Mister Johnson 146

Mitchell, Margaret 86

Mitchum, Robert 18,21,35

Mizener, Arthur 88,93,94

Moby Dick (film 1956) 146,151

Moby Dick (film 1998) 146

Moby Dick (novel) 163

Monash, Paul 134–143

Monsieur Klein 158

Monster’s Ball 207

Moreau, Jeanne 18

Morricone, Ennio 125

Morris, Wayne 37

Morrison, Toni 210–224

Moscow Art Theatre 113

Mother Night 139

Murch, Walter 116

Murder, My Sweet 37

Murray, Steve 224,225

N.A.A.C.P. 202

Nabokov, Dimitri 130,131

Nabokov, Vladimir 112–131

Nabokov’s Dark Cinema 114

Nagasaki 141

Naked and the Dead, The 228,230

Naked Lunch (film) 170–184

Naked Lunch (novel) 5,6,170–184

Naremore, James 7,164,169,223,225,250,251

Narrative 219

Narrenschiff, Das 75

Nashville 147

National Broadcasting Company (NBC) 18,30,33,34,41,44

National D-Day Museum 234

National Review, The 147

Ned Kelly 158

Neurological Institute of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital 108

New Republic, The 84

New York City 175

New York Drama Critics Circle Award 99

New York Stories 118

New York Times 30,98,99

New York Times Book Review, The 75

New York World Telegram 99

New Yorker, The 84,95

Newman, Paul 132

Newquist, Roy 80,81

Newton, Thandie 212,217,223,224

Nichols, Bill 44

Nichols, Dudley 40

Nichols, Mike 17,19,204

Nicholson, Jack 18,21,22,23,157

Nickelodeon 49

Nietzsche, Friedrich 98

“Night Gallery,” 200

Night Hawks 195

Night Moves 49

Nightbreed 175

Niven, David 120

“No Safe Harbor,” 70

Nobel Prize 82

Noble, William T. 134,143

Nolte, Nick 238

Norris, Frank 187

North, Alex 154,155,156,161,165

Notes from Underground 112,113,121,124,125

O’Brien, Edward 27,31,39

O’Brien, Geoffrey 32,43,44,46

O’Connor, Carroll 35

O’Connor, Flannery 144

O’Herlihy, Dan 35

O’Neill, Eugene 89

O’Toole, Peter 135,140

Obzina, Martin 37

Office of War Information 235

Oklahoma! 109

Olivier, Laurence 120,140

Olympia Press 124

On the Waterfront 17

One A.M. 122

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 146

Orr, John 233,249,251

Ortega, Vicente Rodriguez 23

Otterson, Jack 37

Out of Africa 202,207

Oxford (Mississippi) 90

Palance, Jack 10

Pale Fire 118

Pale Horse, Pale Rider 69

Panic in the Streets 99

Panichas, George A. 250,251

Parallax View, The 49

Paramount Studios 10,17,40

Paris, Texas 146

Parker, Charlie 103

Parks, Gordon 203

Partisan Review, The 84

Pasolini, Pier Paolo 122,126

Passion of the Christ, The 146

Paths of Glory 122,127

Patterson, Hannah 250,251

Paxinou, Katina 40

Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic 108

Peary, Gerald 45,46

Peck, Gregory 151

Penitent, The 146

Penn, Arthur 236

Penn, Sean 242

Peppard, George 35

Perkins, Maxwell 8,10,15,23,26

Perkins, Tony 133

Perrine, Valerie 139

Petersen, Wolfgang 176

Phantom Lady 37,38

Philco Television Playhouse 10

Phillips, Gene D. 43,93

Phillips, Robert 98,108,110

Pinter, Harold 10,17–25,124,125

Playboy of the Western World, The 109

Player, The 189,191

Playhouse 90 10

Pleasance, Donald 18

Pledge, The 146

Poe, Edgar Allan 117,122

Pogel, Nancy 64,65,66

Poitier, Sidney 202

Pollack, Sidney 198,201

Polonsky, Abraham 187

Porter, Katherine Anne 68–80,81

Portmann, Rachel 223

Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, The 111

Powell, Dick 59

Powers, J. F. 71

Presley, Elvis 109

Pretty Poison 133

Prima, Louis 124

Prisoner of War 231

Prizzi’s Honor 146

Production Code, The 18,47,50

“Promised Land,” 69,70

Proust, Marcel 122

Puddn’head Wilson 86

Pugh, Willard 206

Pulitzer Prize 99

Puzo, Mario 186

Rabid 171

Raengo, Alessandra 7

Raiders of the Lost Ark, The 200

Rambaldi, Mario 175

Random House 88

Rashomon 111

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnon 89

Rawlings, Richard I. 33,35

Reagan, Ronald 32,35,231

Reagon, Bernice Johnson 223

Rear Window 60,118

Red Badge of Courage, The 228

Redford, Robert 16,109,132,198

Reflections in a Golden Eye 151

Remick, Lee 23

Republic Pictures 47

Resnais, Alain 122

Rhetoric of Fiction, The 111

Richards, Beah 221

Richardson, Tony 158

Rickles, Don 35

Riddle, Nelson 120

RKO Pictures 47

Roach, Hal 24

Robards, Jr., Jason 224

Robertson, Cliff 35

Robinson, Edward G. 35

Rodley, Chris 174,175

Roeder, Jr., George H. 249

Rohmer, Eric 164

Romero, George 171

Ross, Annie 195

Rossen, Robert 91

Rosten, Leo C. 11,12,24

Rothman, William 45,46

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 73,113

Ruoff, James 80,81

Ruling Class, The 140

Rush, Richard 135

Russell, Theresa 17,18

Ruehmann, Heinz 75

Rushdie, Salman 177

Sacks, Michael 140

Sade, Marquis de 122

Saint Augustine 113

Salt, Waldo 52,64

Same River Twice, The 198–209

Sanctuary 88

Sands of Iwo Jima, The 236

Sangarre, Oumoy 223

Santacroce, Mary Nell 146

Saroyan, William 89

Sarris, Andrew 195,197

Saturday Evening Post, The 88

Saturday Review, The 98

Saving Private Ryan 233–250

Savingneau, Josyane 108

Scanners 171,172

Schaeffer, George 24

Schary, Dore 92,93

Schatz, Thomas 24

Schatzkin, Roger 45,46

Scheider, Roy 201

Schenk, Nicholas 24

Schessler, Ken 67

Schiff, Stephen 124,125

Schindler’s List 234

Schlesinger, John 7,133

Scholes, Robert 85,91,93,94

Schorer, Mark 75

Schulberg, Budd 11,48–64

Scorsese, Martin 20,22,187

Screen Playwrights, The 13

Screen Writers Guild, The 13

“Sea Hunt,” 231

Segal, George 75

Sellers, Peter 119,122,127

Sense and Sensibility 151

Shadoian, Jack 42,45,46

Shadow of the Vampire, The 135

Shaft 203

Shaw, Irwin 10

Shaw, Robert 201

Shaw, Tommy 146

Shearer, Norma 13

Sherwood, Robert F. 89

Ship of Fools (film) 68–80

Ship of Fools (novel) 5,68–80

Shivers 171

Short Cuts (fiction) 5,188–197

Short Cuts (film) 188–197

Siegel, Don 27–43,44,46

Signoret, Simone 75

Silberman, Robert 182

Silent Movie, The 49

Silver, Charles 21,26

Simon, John 158,163,169

Simon, Richard Keller 50,67

Sinatra, Frank 231

Sinclair, Andrew 17,25,26

Siodmak, Robert 27–43

Sklar, Robert 24

Slaughterhouse-Five (film) 132–143

Slaughterhouse-Five (novel) 5,132–143

Sleuth, 9.55

“Small, Good Thing, A,” 190–191

Smith, John Dee 247

Smith, Murray 127

Smith, Paul 137,143

Smith, Queenie 31

Sniper, The 109

“So Much Water So Close to Home,” 191,193

Soldier Blue 49

Soldier’s Story, A 203

Some Came Running (film) 231,232

Some Came Running (novel) 231,232,239

Sound and the Fury, The 88,111

Sounder 140

South Pacific 99

Spanish Earth, The 40

Spartacus 122,124

Spider 172,174

Spiegel, Sam 10,16,17,18,19,20,23,25,26

Spielberg, Steven 7,198–209,212,233

Spiral Staircase, The 38

“Spook Show, The,” 204

Spoto, Donald 80,81

Stam, Robert 1,3,7,144,153,169,198–209,223,225,250,251

Stanton, Harry Dean 146,163

Star Wars 157

Starr, Kevin 40,67

Sterritt, David 161,169

Sting, The 16

Stewart, James 35

Stewart, Paul 35

Stompanato, Johnny 35

Stout, Janis 80,81

Strand, Mark 195,197

Streamas, John 250

Streep, Meryl 198

Strickler, Jeff 223,225

Studlar, Gaylyn 163,169

Stunt Man, The 135

Sugarland Express, The 200

Sullivan, Barry 35

Summer and Smoke 109

Sunday Mirror, The 172

Superman 146

Sutherland, Donald 56,60

Swain, Dominique 127,128,130

Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song 203

Synge, J. P. 109

Takeshi, Miike 175

Tangiers 175

Tarantino, Michael 157,169

Tarkovsky, Andrei 37,38,39,43

Taxi Driver 49

Taylor, Frederick 141,143

Taylor, Rod 35

Teagarden, Jack 59

Television Code 34,44

“Tell the Women We’re Going,” 194

Temple, Shirley 56,65

Thalberg, Irving 12

That Cold Day in the Park 188

Theatre Arts 98

“They’re Not Your Husband,” 193

Thin Red Line, The (film 1964) 231–250

Thin Red Line, The (film 1999) 232–250

Thin Red Line, The (novel) 5,227–250

Thirkell, Arthur 172

Thomas, Bob 12,24,26

Thomas, Jeremy 175

Thompson, Barbara 80,81

Thompson, Howard 30,46

Three Days of the Condor, The 49

Three Women 188,191

Thurmond, Strom 82

Time Magazine 82,132

Times, The 172

To Have and Have Not (film) 40

To Have and Have Not (novel) 40

To Kill a Mockingbird 83

Tolstoy, Leo 89

Tommsboro (Georgia) 146

Tommy 230

Tortilla Curtain 59

Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The 163

Trebeck, Alex 191

Tregaskis, Richard 228,229

Trial, The 187

Turn of the Screw, The 111

Turner, Lana 35

Twain, Mark 86

Twentieth-Century Fox 24

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 215

Under the Volcano 146

Unfaithful 125

Universal Studios 12,30,33,134,135

US Holocaust Memorial Museum 234

Valentino, Rudolph 14

Van Gogh, Vincent 191

Van Peebles, Melvin 203

Veiller, Anthony 33

Verveen, Arie 240

Vichy 158

Videodrome 175

Vietnam 132

Vincent and Theo 191

Virgil 247

Volpe, Edward L. 88,93

Von Clausewitz, Carl 247

Von Stroheim, Erich 187

Vonnegut, Kurt 132–143

Walas, Chris 175

Walker, Alice 198–209

Waller, Fats 59,60

Wallis, Hal B. 13,24

Wapshot, Nicholas 172

War and Peace 229

Warden, Jack 232,251

Warner Brothers 13,29

Warren, Jack L. 13,24,29

Warren, Robert Penn 91

Wasserman, Lew 30,35

Watch for Me in the Sunset 198

Waters, Ethel 99,109

Waters, Maxine 205

Watkins, Mel 224,225

Watts Riot, The 63

W.C. Fields and Me 49

Wedding, A 188

Weil, Simone 238,246,250,251

Weinraub, Bernard 223,225

Weld, Tuesday 134

Well-Wrought Urn, The 84

Weller, Peter 175

Welles, Orson 187

Welsch, J. R. 249,251

Wenders, Wim 146

Werner, Oskar 75

West, Mae 56,65

West, Nathanael 5,11,16,47–64,67

Whalen, Tom 238,250,251

What Makes Sammy Run? 11

Whelehan, Imelda 43

Whistle 228,241

Whit, Jon Manchip 232

Wild Party, The 49

Wilder, Billy 158

“Will You be Quiet, Please?”, 191

Williams, John 35

Williams, Tennessee 109,110,148

Wilson, Edmund 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,19,23,24,25,84,93,95,98,100,107,108,109,110

Wilson, Woodrow 202

Winchell, Mark Royden 23

Winfield, Paul 140

Winfrey, Oprah 198,199,204,206,208,211–224,225

Wise, Robert 16

Wise Blood (film) 144–169

Wise Blood (novel) 5,144–169

Wiseman, Joseph 35

Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood 49

Wood, Robin 44

Wookey, Karen Hale 25,26

World Trade Center Twin Towers 141

World War II 132

Wright, Fielding 82

Wright, Richard 219

Writers Guild, The 134

Wrong Man, The 118

Wuthering Heights 111

Wyatt, David 197

Wyler, William 16

Wynn, Keenan 23

Yaddo 95

Yearling, The 89

Yordan, Merlyn 232

Yordan, Philip 231,232

Young, Vernon 158,163,169

Zanuck, Darryl F. 13,24,235

Zinnemann, Fred 7,99–108,109, 231

Zoot Suit Riots, The 63

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