Cambridge University Press
9780521763561 - System Criminality in International Law - Edited by Harmen van der Wilt, André Nollkaemper, Menno Dolman and Jann Kleffner

System criminality in international law

International crimes, such as crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes, are committed by individuals. However, individuals rarely commit such crimes for their own profit. Instead, such crimes are often caused by collective entities. Notable examples include the ‘dirty war’ in Argentina in the 1970s and 1980s, the atrocities committed during the Balkan Wars in the early 1990s and the crimes committed during the ongoing armed conflicts in the Darfur area in Sudan. Referring to Darfur, the Prosecutor of the ICC noted in 2008 that although he had indicted a few individuals, ‘the information gathered points to an ongoing pattern of crimes committed with the mobilization of the whole state apparatus’.

This book reviews the main legal avenues that are available within the international legal order to address the increasingly important problem of system criminality and identifies possible improvements.

Harmen van der Wilt is Professor of International Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam.

André Nollkaemper is Professor of Public International Law and Director of the Amsterdam Center for International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam.

System Criminality in International Law

Edited by

Harmen van der Wilt, André Nollkaemper, Menno Dolman and Jann Kleffner

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi

Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK

Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
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© Cambridge University Press 2009

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First published 2009

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data

System criminality in international law / Harmen van der Wilt (editor),
André Nollkaemper
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-521-76356-1 (hardback)
1. Criminal jurisdiction. 2. International offenses.
I. Wilt, Harmen van der, 1955– II. Kleffner, Jann K. III. Title.
K5036.S97 2009
345’.0235–dc22  2009010961

ISBN 978-0-521-76356-1 hardback

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Table of cases
Table of treaties and international instruments
List of abbreviations
List of contributors
1     Introduction
André Nollkaemper
2     The policy context of international crimes
Herbert C. Kelman
3     Why corporations kill and get away with it: the failure of law to cope with crime in organizations
Maurice Punch
4     Men and abstract entities: individual responsibility and collective guilt in international criminal law
Gerry Simpson
5     A historical perspective: from collective to individual responsibility and back
Andrea Gattini
6     Command responsibility and Organisationsherrschaft: ways of attributing international crimes to the ‘most responsible’
Kai Ambos
7     Joint criminal enterprise and functional perpetration
Harmen van der Wilt
8     System criminality at the ICTY
Elies van Sliedregt
9     Criminality of organizations under international law
Nina H. B. Jørgensen
10    Criminality of organizations: lessons from domestic law – a comparative perspective
Albin Eser in cooperation with Felix Rettenmaier
11    The collective accountability of organized armed groups for system crimes
Jann K. Kleffner
12    Assumptions and presuppositions: state responsibility for system crimes
Iain Scobbie
13    State responsibility for international crimes
A. Zimmermann and M. Teichmann
14    Responses of political organs to crimes by states
Nigel D. White
15    Conclusions and outlook
André Nollkaemper and Harmen van der Wilt


This book explores the state of international law in respect of situations of system criminality, that is: situations where collective entities such as states or organised armed groups order or encourage international crimes to be committed, or permit or tolerate the committing of international crimes. The book emanated from a widely felt discomfort with the mismatch between the dominant role of collective entities in situations where international crimes are committed, on the one hand, and the current fashionable focus on individual (criminal) responsibility, exemplified by the mushroom of international criminal tribunals, on the other.

Against the background of a discussion of the mechanisms through which collective entities induce or cause international crimes to be committed, the book focuses in particular on the power and limitations of forms of international responsibilities in regard to system criminality, covering individual responsibility, responsibility of organizations and organized armed groups, and state responsibility.

While separate aspects of the role of collective entities in regard to international crimes have been subject to scholarly analysis, we felt that there was a lack of comprehensive assessments of the state of the law, the lacunas in the law of international responsibility and the prospects for strengthening the law. This book aims to fill part of the gap and contribute to an understanding of this increasingly important area of law.

The chapters in this book were originally presented at a conference held at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam, on 20 and 21 October 2006. They were reworked on the basis of the discussions at the conference and in light of later developments. The conference was made possible by contributions from the Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Center for International Law, the Department of Criminal Law of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

We would like to thank Stefanie Küfner and Caitilin McGivern for their excellent editorial assistance in the preparation of the book.

André Nollkaemper

Harmen van der Wilt (editors)

Menno Dolman

Jann Kleffner (assistant editors)

1 July 2009

Table of Cases

Yassin Abdullah Kadi v Council and Commission, Case T-315/01 (2005) 310

Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands v Greece (1969) 75

Ireland v the United Kingdom (1978) 75

Selmouni v France (1999) 48

Goiburù y otros v Paraguay (2006) 126

Montero-Aranguren y otros v Venezuela (Retén de Catia) (2005) 126

Myrna Mack Chang v Guatemala (2003) 276, 295

Velasquez Rodriguez v Honduras (1988) 304, 306

Prosecutor v Ahmad Muhammad Harun and Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman (ICC-02/05–01/07) (2007) 2

Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision Concerning PTCI’s Decision of 10 February 2006 and the Incorporation of Documents into the Record of the Case against Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (ICC-01/04–01/06) Pre-Trial Chamber (2006) 128, 129, 141–43

Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges (ICC-01/04–01/06–803) Pre-Trial Chamber (2007) 128, 141–43

Prosecutor v Akayesu (ICTR-96–4), Trial Chamber, Judgment (1998) 130, 243

Prosecutor v Alfred Musema (ICTR-96–13), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2000) 207

Prosecutor v André Rwamakuba (ICTR-98–44-AR72.4), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2006) 163

Prosecutor v Bagilishema (ICTR-95–1A), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2002) 130, 138

Prosecutor v Édouard Karemera et al., Decision on Jurisdictional Appeals: Joint Criminal Enterprise (ICTR-98–44-AR72.5 and ICTR-98–44-AR72.6), Appeal Chamber (2006) 171, 172, 194

Prosecutor v Ferdinand Nahimana, Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza and Hassan Ngeze (ICTR-99–52-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2003) 207, 219

Prosecutor v Kajelijeli (ICTR-98–44A), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2003) 130

Prosecutor v Karera (ICTR-01–74), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2007) 133

Prosecutor v Kayishema and Ruzindana (ICTR-95–1), Trial Chamber, Judgment (1999) 130

Prosecutor v Rutaganda (ICTR-96–3) Trial Chamber, Judgment (1999) 130

Prosecutor v Rwamakuba, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Regarding Application of Joint Criminal Enterprise to the Crime of Genocide (ICTR-98–44G), Appeals Chamber (2004) 163, 171, 194, 209

Prosecutor v Semanza (ICTR-97–20), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2003) 130

Prosecutor v Theoneste Bagosora (ICTR-96–7–1), Indictment (1999) 201

Prosecutor v Aleksovski (IT-95–14/1), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2000) 185

Prosecutor v Aleksovski (IT-95–14/1), Trial Chamber, Judgment (1999) 129, 133

Prosecutor v Babić (IT-03–72), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2004) 139

Prosecutor v Blagojević and Jokić (IT-02–60), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2005) 122, 198

Prosecutor v Blagojović (IT-02–60), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2007) 187

Prosecutor v Blaskić (IT-95–14), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2000) 129, 133

Prosecutor v Boskoski and Tarculovski (IT-04–82-PT), Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on Prosecution’s motion to amend the indictment (2006) 135

Prosecutor v Brđanin (IT-99–36-T), Appeals Chamber, Decision on Interlocutory Appeals (2004) 140

Prosecutor v Brđanin (IT-99–36-T), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2007) 163, 172, 192–99

Prosecutor v Brđanin (IT-99–36-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2004) 121, 130, 133, 162, 166, 171–73, 191–96

Prosecutor v Delalić (IT-96–21), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2002) 133, 184, 185, 187, 188

Prosecutor v Delalić et al. (IT-96–21), Trial Chamber, Judgment (1998) 129, 131, 133, 184, 185, 187, 188

Prosecutor v Hadžihasanović and Kubura (IT-01–47), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2008) 264

Prosecutor v Hadžihasanović and Kubura (IT-01–47-T), Appeals Chamber, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Challenging Jurisdiction in Relation to Command Responsibility (2003) 131, 133, 135, 185–88

Prosecutor v Hadžihasanović and Kubura (IT-01–47-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2006) 130, 131, 185–88

Prosecutor v Halilović (IT-01–48), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2005) 130, 186

Prosecutor v Jelisić (IT 95–10-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (1999) 13, 124

Prosecutor v Jelisic (IT-95–10-A), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2001) 13, 71, 87–89

Prosecutor v Kordić and Čerkez (IT-95–14/2), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2004) 351

Prosecutor v Kordić and Čerkez (IT-95–14/2), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2001) 129, 130

Prosecutor v Krajišnik (IT-00–39/40), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2006) 172–75, 180, 182, 191, 208, 209

Prosecutor v Krnojelac (IT-97–25-A), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2003) 132, 162, 171, 182, 186

Prosecutor v Krstić (IT-98–33-T), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2004) 140, 193

Prosecutor v Krstić (IT-98–33-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2001) 4, 70, 90, 122, 136, 140, 347

Prosecutor v Kunarac/Kovac (IT-96–23 & 23/1), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2001) 105, 134

Prosecutor v Kupreskic et al. (IT-95–16), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2000) 249

Prosecutor v Kvočka (IT-98–30/1), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2001) 136, 139, 162, 164, 170, 171

Prosecutor v Kvočka et al. (IT-98–30/1), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2005) 162, 165

Prosecutor v Limaj et al. (IT-03–66), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2005) 130, 239, 244, 245, 249

Prosecutor v Milutinović, Šainović & Ojdanić (IT-99–37-AR72), Appeals Chamber, Decision on Dragoljub Ojdanić’s Motion Challenging Jurisdiction (2003) 160–62

Prosecutor v Mrksić, Radić, Sljivancanin (IT-95–13/1), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2007) 130, 133

Prosecutor v Orić (IT-03–68-A) Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2008) 185–87, 198

Prosecutor v Orić (IT-03–68-T) Trial Chamber, Judgment (2006) 130, 131, 133–38, 187

Prosecutor v Ramush Haradinaj, Idriz Balaj and Lahi Brahimaj (IT-04–84-T) Trial Chamber, Judgment (2008) 239, 243

Prosecutor v Simić, Tadić and Zarić (IT-95–9-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2003) 165

Prosecutor v Slobodan Milosević (IT-02–54-T), Trial Chamber, Decision on Motion for Judgment of Acquittal (2004) 3, 83, 84, 87, 92, 121, 140, 191, 198, 208, 209

Prosecutor v Slobodan Milosević, Milan Milutinović, Sainović, Dragoljub Ojdanić, Vlajiko Stojiljković (IT-99–37-PT), Second Amended Indictment (2001) 198

Prosecutor v Stakić (IT-97–24), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2003) 143, 165, 180, 216

Prosecutor v Stakić (IT-97–24-T), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2006) 143, 165, 193, 195, 216

Prosecutor v Strugar (IT-01–42), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2005) 130, 133

Prosecutor v Tadić (IT-94–1-A), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (1999) 92, 121, 136, 158, 159, 189–91, 193, 195, 196, 199, 207, 208

Prosecutor v Tadić (IT-94–1-T), Appeals Chamber, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction (1995) 111, 247

Prosecutor v Tihomir Blaskić (IT-95–14), Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2004) 138

Prosecutor v Tihomir Blaskić (IT-95–14-T), Trial Chamber, Judgment (2000) 74, 78, 85

Admissions Case, 1948 329

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia v Serbia-Montenegro), 2007 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24, 69–71, 87, 110, 120, 122–25, 249, 250, 283, 284, 300, 303, 304–7, 325–27, 347, 350

Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Rwanda) (2006) 270, 294

Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Uganda), 2005 279, 285, 300, 302

Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v United States of America), 2004 300

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Co Ltd (Belgium v Spain), 1970 278, 279

Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium), 2002 12

LaGrand (Germany v United States of America), 2001 300

Land and Maritime Border (Cameroon v Nigeria), 2002 110

Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South-Africa in Namibia (South-West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276, 1971 307, 308, 310

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2004 276, 278, 300, 307, 333

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v United States), 1986 122, 335

North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany v the Netherlands), 1969 311

Island of Palmas Case (Netherlands v USA) (1932) 285

Austro-German Customs Union Advisory Opinion (1931) 285

Eastern Carelia Advisory Opinion (1923) 285

Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case: Preliminary Objections Judgment (1924) 286, 289, 295

Rights of Minorities in Upper Silesia (Minority Schools Case) (Germany v Poland) (1928) 293

Prosecutor v Alex Tamba Brima, Brima Bazzy Kamara and Santigie Borbor Kanu, (SCSL-04–16-T) Trial Chamber, Judgment (2007) 220, 247–49

Prosecutor v Alex Tamba Brima, Brima Bazzy Kamara and Santigie Borbor Kanu (SCSL-2004–16-A) Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2008) 220, 247–49

Prosecutor v Charles Ghankay Taylor (SCSL-2003–01–1) (2006) 208

Prosecutor v Kallon and Kamara (SCSL-2004–15-PT and SCSL-2004–16-PT) Appeals Chamber, Judgment (2004) 304

Prosecutor v Sesay, Kallon and Gbao (SCSL-04–15-PT) Amended Consolidated Indictment (2006) 220

Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional de la Capital (9 December 1985) 309-I/II Coleccion Oficial de Fallos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nacion (‘Fallos’)(‘Argentinean Generals’) 143

Letelier/Mofitt, Juez de Instrucción Bañados (12 November 1993) Fallos del Mes, año XXXV, noviembre 1993, edición suplementaria; CSJ, 30 May and 6 June 1995 143

Magistrado Ponente Javier Zapata Ortiz, Corte Suprema de Justica, Sala Penal, casción n○ 23825 del 7 marzo de 2007 143

B v R 955/99 (2004) 276

Distomo Massacre Case (2003) 115

East German Border Killings BGHSt 40, 218 (Official collection of the Supreme Court judgments in criminal matters) 236 et seq = BGH (1994) NJW 2703 143

Prefecture of Voiotia v Federal Republic of Germany (2000) 115

State of Israel v Adolf Eichmann (1961) 97–100, 143, 152, 153, 166, 178

Ferrini v Federal Republic of Germany (2004) 115, 311

Van Anraat Case (2006) 4 JICL 242 13

Abimael Guzman Reinoso et al., sentencia del 13 de octubre de2006, expediente acumulado 560–03, Sala Penal Nacional 143

Fischer and Leist (1947) 112

Joseph Buhler (1949) 112

Joseph Kramer and others (1945) 112

Erich Heyer and others (1945) 190

R (on the application of Al Rawi and others) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Secretary of State for the Home Department (2006) 276, 288

A and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department (2005) 276

Jones v Ministry of Interior Al-Mamlaka Al-Arabiya AS Saudiya (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and others (2006) 311

Jane Doe v Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) and Anwar Haddam (2003) 256

US v Long (1999) 171

Filártiga v Peña-Irala (1980) 307

United States v Ulrich Griefelt, et al. (‘RuSHA Case’) (1947) 196

USA v Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (‘Krupp Case’) (1947–1948) 113, 114

USA v Altstoetter et al. (‘Justice Trial’) (1947) 143, 196

USA v Friedrich Flick et al. (‘Flick Case’) (1947) 114

USA v Karl Brandt et al. (‘Medical Case’) (1946–1947) 206

USA v Krauch et al. (‘Farben Case’) (1947–1948) 114

USA v Kurt Goebell et al. (‘Borkum Island Case’), Case No 12–489, US National Archives Microfilm Publications 190

USA v Martin Gottfried Weiss et al. (1945) 112

USA v Otto Ohlendorf, et al. (‘Einsatzgruppen Case’) (1947–1948) 164

USA v the Accused Organizations (1946) 204

USA v Von Ribbentrop, Goring, Streicher, Keitel et al. (1948) 93, 94

USA v Wilhelm von Leeb, et al. (‘High Command Case’) (1947–1948) 97

USA, France, UK and USSR v Hermann Goering et al. (Trial of the Major War Criminals) (1946–1947) 3

Pinkerton v United States (1946) 161

USA v the Accused Organizations (1946) 204

USA v Von Ribbentrop, Goring, Streicher, Keitel et al. (1948) 93, 94

USA v Wilhelm von Leeb, et al. (‘High Command Case’) (1947–1948) 97

USA, France, UK and USSR v Hermann Goering et al. (Trial of the Major War Criminals) (1946–1947) 3

Pinkerton v United States (1946) 161

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