Cambridge University Press
0521851181 - Denial of Justice in International Law - by Jan Paulsson

Denial of Justice in International Law

Since the last comprehensive work devoted to denial of justice in international law was published in 1938, the possibilities for prosecuting this offence have evolved in fundamental ways. It is now settled law that States cannot disavow international responsibility by arguing that their courts are independent of the government. Even more importantly, the doors of international tribunals have swung wide open to admit claimants other than states: non-governmental organisations, corporations and individuals.

A vast number of new treaties for the protection of investment allow private foreign investors to seise international tribunals to claim denial of justice. This has given rise to intense controversy. There are those who consider that the very prospect of an international tribunal passing judgment on the workings of national courts constitutes an intolerable affront to sovereignty. Others believe that such must precisely be the role of international tribunals if the rule of law is to prosper.

The proponents of imperial might once found it convenient to drape the exercise of power in virtuous shrouds, as in the Don Pacifico affair in 1850, when Palmerston justified the seizure of all ships in the harbour of Piraeus (in retribution for the failure of the Greek government to grant redress to a British subject) by his Civis Romanus Sum oration in the House of Commons. Today gunships have been replaced by international tribunals, and so even those who have no might may have the right to seise international jurisdictions to question the conduct of courts in the most powerful countries. The tables may therefore be turned, as when the US in 2002 found itself taken to task on account of alleged denials of justice suffered by two Canadian investors at the hands of the courts of Massachusetts and Mississippi.

This book examines the modern understanding of denial of justice.

Denial of Justice in
International Law

Jan Paulsson

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:

© Jan Paulsson 2005

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First published 2005

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN-13 978-0-521-85118-3 hardback

ISBN-10 0-521-85118-1 hardback

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgementspage viii
1The renaissance of a cause of action1
2The historical evolution of denial of justice10
Absence of a universal standard10
Right and might in the law of nations13
Objections of weak states18
The Calvo Doctrine and Clause20
The impulse to limit the scope of denial of justice24
Modern political realities26
3Three fundamental developments38
State responsibility for the conduct of the judiciary38
Denial of justice by non-judicial authority44
Extension of locus standi53
4The modern definition of denial of justice57
The difficult emergence of a general international standard59
An evolving standard68
Relationship with specific rights created by international law69
No responsibility for misapplication of national law73
Demise of substantive denial of justice81
Judgments in breach of international law84
Judgments in breach of national law87
Confirmation of the distinction90
State responsibility for subdivisions90
Attempts at codification93
5Exhaustion of local remedies and denial of justice100
The case for exhaustion100
Loewen and the problem of waiver102
Exhaustion as a substantive requirement of denial of justice107
The qualification of reasonableness112
Application of the reasonableness qualification in Loewen120
No fresh starts at the international level126
Effect of forks in the road127
6Denial of justice by outside interference131
Jurisprudence under human rights treaties133
Denial of access to justice134
Absolute denial of access through state immunity138
Targeted legislation147
Repudiation by a state of an agreement to arbitrate149
Governmental interference157
Manipulation of the composition of courts163
Excessive public pressure164
Failure to execute judgments168
Inadequate measures against perpetrators of crimes against foreigners170
Wrongful measures of physical coercion173
7Denial of justice by the decision-maker176
Refusal to judge176
Illegitimate assertion of jurisdiction178
Fundamental breaches of due process180
Discrimination or prejudice192
Retroactive application of laws199
Gross incompetence200
Pretence of form202
8Remedies and sanctions207
General principles: restitutio, damnum emergens, lucrum cessans207
Vicarious damage and deterrence212
Illustrative precedents215
Amco II and proximate cause218
The time value of money226
9The menace of ‘obscure arbiters’?228
Anti-international challenges228
Responses to the anti-international critiques232
The urgency of prudence241
Respect for the ‘obscure arbiter’ as a test of commitment to the international rule of law252
The early American example256


This study grew out of the three Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures given in Cambridge in November 2003. I thankfully acknowledge the encouragement and support of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, the founder of Cambridge University’s Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law, and his successors as directors of the Centre, Professor James Crawford SC and Daniel Bethlehem QC.

I have benefited immensely from the constructive criticism and wise counsel of friends who have commented on the lectures and on their development into this volume. Since some of them prefer anonymity, all my expressions of gratitude will remain private.


International Treaties and Conventions

Bilateral treaties and conventions
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Great Britain and Spain, 13 May [1667–1668] Consolidated Treaty Series 63
Jay Treaty between Great Britain and United States, 19 November, 8 Stat. 116
131, 258
Convention for the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United States against Mexico between United States and Mexico, signed 11 April, ratified 7 April 1840, Moore, Arbitrations 4771
162, 202
Convention for the settlement of claims between United States and Peru, signed 12 January 1863, ratified 18 April, Moore, Arbitrations 4786
169, 213
Convention for a re-opening of the claims of citizens of the United States against Venezuela under the treaty of April 25, between the United States and Venezuela, signed 5 December 1885, 3 June 1889, Moore, Arbitrations 4810
Convention for the settlement of claims between Mexico and the United States, signed 4 July 1868, ratified 1 February, Moore, Arbitrations 4773
23, 131
Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, 8 May, J. B. Davis, Treaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and other Powers since July 4, 1776, at p. 678
Convention concerning settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either country against the other between France and the United States, signed 15 January 1880, ratified 23 June, Moore, Arbitrations 4715
131, 260
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Italy and Colombia, 27 October, reprinted in Ubertazzi, Galli and Sanna, Codice del diritto d’autore
Article 21
Treaty of 1913 between Honduras and Italy, 8 December, Trattati Convenzioni vol. XXII at p. 391
Agreement between Argentina and France for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments, July
Treaty concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment between the United States and Bahrain, 29 September, (2000) 39 ILM 252
Multinational treaties and conventions
Convention for the Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes, adopted at the First Hague Peace Conference, The Hague, 29 July, [1898–1899] Consolidated Treaty Series 410
Convention relative to the Rights of Aliens, Mexico City, 29 January
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (Porter Convention), adopted at the Second Hague Peace Conference, The Hague, 18 October, [1907] Consolidated Treaty Series 234
Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, Montevideo, 26 December 17
Article 8

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