Cambridge University Press
0521843006 - The French Actress and Her English Audience - by John Stokes


Achurch, Janet 19

Ackroyd, Peter 151

Adelaide, Queen 83

Agate, James 170

Aiglon, L’ (Rostand) 89

Albee, Edward 178

Alexander, George 9, 149

Ambassadors, The (Henry James) 11

Ambigu-Comique (Paris) 7

Amoureuse, L’ (Porto-Riche) 122

Anderson, Lindsay 175

Anderson, Mary 146–7, 148

Andromaque (Racine) 48, 52

Anouilh, Jean 159, 176

Antoine, André 104, 121, 122, 136

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) 159

Archer, William 126

Argyll Rooms 6

Arletty (Léonie Bathiat) 124

Arnold, Matthew 52, 145

Arnould, Auguste 67

Artaud, Antonin 162

As You Like It (Shakespeare) 58

Athalie (Racine) 175

Atlas, The 49, 74, 85

Augier, Emile 11, 66, 67, 79

Austen, Jane 41–2

Aventurière, L’ (Augier) 11, 66, 67, 68, 75, 77

Bailey, David 177

Bajazet (Racine) 48

Ballad of Reading Gaol, The (Wilde) 147, 154

Balmain, Pierre 167, 177

Balzac, Honoré de 143

Bancroft, Squire and Lady 99, 104, 110

Banville, Théodore de 91

Barber, John 168

Barbier de Séville, Le (Beaumarchais) 96

Barrault, Jean-Louis 159, 162–5, 175, 177

Bashkirtseff, Marie 101

Bastien-Lepage, Jules 141

Bataille, George 166

Bataille, Henri 137

Bates, Alan 172

Baudelaire, Charles 91, 94, 143

Bayard, Jean-François-Alfred 88

Beardsley, Aubrey 23, 117, 128–31, 149

Beaumarchais (Pierre-Augustin Caron) 89, 96

Beaumont, Hugh ‘Binkie’ 176

Beckett, Samuel 165

Becque, Henri 122, 133–4, 162

Bell, Marie 21, 171

Béranger, Pierre-Jean 88

Bérard, Christian 163

Bérat, Frédéric 88

Berlioz, Hector 25, 72

Bernhardt, Sarah 10, 13, 18–19, 21, 22, 23, 45, 63, 77–9, 80–1, 89–90, 99–101, 103, 116, 118, 135, 136, 138–58, 161, 162, 166–7, 169, 170, 176

Bernstein, Henri 137

Bertrand, Arthur 87

Besnard, Albert 202

Beyle, Marie-Henri – see Stendhal

Birthday Party, The (Pinter) 178

Bloom, Claire 176–8

Bonaparte à l’école de Brienne (de Villeneuve and Masson) 87

Bondois (régisseur of the Meynadier company) 101, 111

Bonne Vielle, La (Béranger) 88

Boswell, Robert Bruce 172

Bouffé, Hugues-Désiré 8

Brahms, Caryl 168, 170

Brieux, Eugène 134

Britannicus (Racine) 76

Brontë, Charlotte 22, 52–7, 61, 63

Brook, Peter 176

Bruant, Aristide 118

Bulwer, Edward (Bulwer-Lytton) 88

Caesar and Cleopatra (Shaw) 159

Camus, Albert 159

Carmen (Bizet) 118

Carr, Alice Comyns 13

Carr, Joe Comyns 13, 18, 125

Carrington, Charles 19

Casino de Paris 153

Chahut, le 131–2, 136

Champmeslé, Marie Desmares 4, 180

Charcot, Jean-Martin 19

Clairin, Georges 146

Clairon, Hippolyte 4, 14, 170, 180

Clarétie, Jules 116

Claudel, Paul 159, 162

Cocteau, Jean 159, 162

Collins, Wilkie 70, 99, 104

Colombe (Anouilh) 176

Colour Theory 147

Comédie-Française 2, 6, 7, 8, 9–12, 14, 27, 64, 67, 77, 79, 87, 89, 99, 113, 116, 140, 153, 159, 162, 182

Commune, The Paris 9, 23, 79, 89, 102, 112–14, 118, 122

Conder, Charles 144, 201

Congreve, William 28

Coningsby (Disraeli) 52

Consuelo (Sand) 54

Copyright Act (1852) 86

Coquelin, Constant 136

Corinne (de Staël) 54

Corneille, Pierre 17, 48, 112

Course du flambeau, La (Hervieu) 135

Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature (Schlegel) 31

Covent Garden Theatre 5, 7, 88, 95

Coward, Noel 176

Crabb Robinson, Henry 73

Cresset, Louis Jean-Baptiste 82

Croizette, Sophie 77–8, 80

Cromwell (Hugo) 145, 146

Cross-dressing 89–91, 96. Also see Travesti

D’Arcy, Ella 123

D’Egout, Grille 131

D’Este, Madame 83

Daily Chronicle, The 125

Daily Express, The 168

Dame aux camélias, La (Dumas fils) 19, 21, 77, 94, 102, 103, 105, 162, 167–9, 176, 177

Daubeny, Peter 168, 171

Daudet, Alphonse 122

Day after the Wedding, The (De Camp) 72

De Beauvoir, Simone 206

De Camp, Marie-Thérèse 72

De l’amour (Stendhal) 34, 41, 44

De Staël, Madame 54

Déjazet, Virginie 8, 12, 22–3, 82–98, 108

Delacroix, Eugène 25, 72

Delaney, Shelagh 169, 178

Delicate Balance, A (Albee) 178

Demi-Monde, Le (Dumas fils) 11, 102, 103

Desclée, Aimée 13, 18–19, 21, 22, 23, 77, 79, 99–118, 167, 176

Dexter, John 168, 174, 178

Diane de Lys (Dumas fils) 102, 103

Dickens, Charles 3, 8, 22, 23, 70–1, 76

Dictionnaire historique et pittoresque du Théâtre (Pougin) 67, 87

Diderot, Denis 14, 71, 183

Disciple, The (Wilde) 153–4

Disraeli, Benjamin 22, 50–2, 61, 63, 67

Doche, Eugénie 8, 77

Doll’s House, A (Ibsen) 78, 106, 122, 178

Donne, John 167

Dramatic Copyright Act (1833) 85

Druot, Juliette 143

Drury Lane 3, 8

Duchess of Padua, The (Wilde) 145–7, 148

Dudley, Lord 98

Duel of Angels (Giraudoux) 176–7

Duke of York’s Theatre 161

Dumas fils, Alexandre 11–12, 23, 79, 80, 94, 99, 102–3, 111–12, 114–17, 118, 162, 167–9

Dumas père, Alexandre 12, 27, 42, 43, 44

Dumesnil, Marie-Françoise 14, 183

Duquesnel, Félix 101

Duse, Eleonora 101, 118, 168

Duval, Alexandre 67

Eagle with Two Heads, The (Cocteau) 159, 162

Edinburgh Festival 161

Eliot, George 22, 44, 57–63, 75

Elizabeth the First, Queen 138

Emma (Austen) 41–2

Enfants du paradis, Les (dir. Carné) 175

Eroticism (Bataille) 166

Etrangère, L’ (Dumas fils) 112, 116

Evans, Edith 168

Faucit, Helen 9, 58–61, 71–3

Fausses Confidences, Les (Marivaux) 27, 34, 67, 161

Fechter, Charles 70, 87

Fédora (Sardou) 145, 148

Femme de Claude, La (Dumas fils) 99, 103, 114–17

Festival of Britain 159

Feuillère, Edwige 9, 21, 22, 24, 159–79

Feydeau, Georges 176

Fille d’honneur, La (Duval) 65, 67

Forain, Jean-Louis 202

Forbes-Robertson, Johnston 140

Franco-Prussian war 79, 114, 116

Freud, Sigmund 17, 38, 78

Froufrou (Meilhac and Halévy) 19, 23, 77, 78, 99, 102, 103, 105–11, 112

Fry, Christopher 176

Gaiety Theatre (London) 9

Gaîeté Theatre (Paris) 7

Galeries-Saint-Hubert (Brussels) 102

Gance, Abel 162

Garber, Marjorie 96

Garrick, David 1, 5, 13–15

Gautier, Théophile 42, 43, 73, 143–5, 147

Genet, Jean 165

Gentil-Bernard (Dumanoir) 98

George, Mlle 6, 12, 15–16, 25

Germinie Lacerteux (Edmond and Jules Goncourt) 23, 118, 119–21, 135

Gielgud, John 167, 169

Giraudoux Joan 159, 162, 176, 178

Globe Theatre 19

Goncourt, Edmond and Jules 23, 118, 119–21, 135, 137

Great Gatsby, The (Scott Fitzgerald) 151

Gueule de loup (Léon Laya) 103

Guilbert, Yvette 118, 135

Guinness, Alec 167

Gymnase Theatre (Paris) 7, 10, 87, 101, 102, 104, 113, 114

Hading, Jane 19, 21

Hamlet (Shakespeare) 9, 25, 72, 90, 154

Harcourt, Lord 5

Hare, David 151

Harland, Henry 123

Harris, Frank 19

Harrison, Tony 174

Hartnell, Norman 169

Harvey, Laurence 169

Haymarket Theatre (London) 1, 5, 99

Hazlitt, William 15–16, 22, 35–40, 45, 46

Hedda Gabler (Ibsen) 80, 106, 178

Henri III (Dumas père) 12, 43

Henry IV (Shakespeare) 72

Hepburn, Katharine 178

Her Majesty’s Theatre 8

Herlie, Eileen 159

Hernani (Hugo) 42, 77, 141–2, 144, 145, 149

Hervieu, Paul 135

Histoire du Romantisme, L’ (Gautier) 144

History of the Commune (Lissagaray) 113

Hobson, Harold 24, 159–68, 172

Hollingshead, John 9–11

Home (Robertson) 75

Horace (Corneille) 17, 48

Hôtel d’Alsace 152

Hôtel Voltaire 143

Hughes, Ted 175

Hugo, Victor 22, 23, 27, 42, 43–4, 63, 77, 79, 141, 143–5, 147, 148–9

Hullah, John 8

Ibsen, Henrik 18–19, 78, 101, 179

Idées de Madame Aubray, Les (Dumas fils) 80

Indiana et Charlemagne (Bayard and Dumanoir) 95–6, 108

Intentions (Wilde) 148

Irving, Henry 13, 125–6

James, Henry 1, 5, 11, 12, 13, 22, 45, 64–70, 75, 77, 80–1, 86, 89, 99, 168

Jane Eyre (Brontë) 53, 55

Jarry, Alfred 117

Jeu de l’amour et du hasard, Le (Marivaux) 27

Joconde, La (Regnier) 70

John, Augustus 201

Kemble, Charles 25

Kemble, Fanny 6, 45, 82–5, 90

Kemble, John Philip 6

King of Portugal 136

King’s Theatre 6, 7

Labisse, Félix 163

Lady Windermere’s Fan (Wilde) 149

Langtry, Lillie 138, 141

Laporte, Pierre 7

Leader, The 54

Lecouvreur, Adrienne 4, 180

Leigh, Vivien 24, 159, 168–9, 176–8

Leighton, Margaret 168

Leighton, Sir Frederick 18

Lemaître, Frédérick 8, 12, 70, 89

Les Mains de Jeanne-Marie (Rimbaud) 117–18

Lewes, G. H. 43–4, 48–50, 52–8, 71, 87, 105, 170

Liber Amoris (Hazlitt) 38

Lisette de Béranger, La (Bérat) 88

Lissagaray, Prosper Olivier 113, 118

Littlewood, Joan 169

London Coliseum 153

London Magazine, The 39

Look after Lulu (Coward) 176

Look Back in Anger (Osborne) 178

Lord Chamberlain 5, 79, 104, 148

Lorenzaccio (de Musset) 90–1

Louis-Philippe 27

Lowell, Robert 175

Lucrèce Borgia (dir. Gance) 162

Lyceum Theatre (London) 125

Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith 160

Ma Cousine (Meilhac) 122, 130–2, 134

Macbeth (Shakespeare) 72

Macready, William Charles 6, 9, 17, 25, 58, 60–1, 67, 71–3

Madame Favart (Xavier and Masson) 93

Madame Sans-Gêne (Sardou) 23, 118, 122, 123, 124–8, 134, 135

Mademoiselle d’Angeville (Villeneuve and de Livry) 93

Madwoman of Chaillot, The (Giraudoux) 178

Maeterlinck, Maurice 137, 148–9, 166

Mahatma Gandhi Hall 172

Mahon, Derek 150, 175

Man and Wife (Collins) 99

Man of Destiny, The (Shaw) 126

Manet, Edouard 105

Mariage de Figaro, Le (Beaumarchais) 8, 27, 29, 34, 67, 73, 89, 162

Marion de Lorme (Hugo) 43, 44, 147, 148

Marivaux, Pierre 27, 29, 32, 34, 75, 76, 161

Marquis de Lauzan, Le (Carmouche and Vermond) 91

Mars, Mlle 6–7, 17, 22, 25–45, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76–7, 139, 141–2

Marseillaise, La (Rouget de l’Isle) 98

Martin, Theodore 59

Marx, Karl 113

Mathews, Charles 86

Mayer, Gaston 136

Meilhac, Henri 19, 122, 130

Meilhac, Henri and Halévy, Ludovic 78–9, 99, 106

Mélingue, Etienne Marin 12

Messalina 117

Meunier, Dauphin 123, 128

Meynadier Company 101, 102, 111

Misanthrope, Le (Molière) 12, 27, 31–2, 35–6, 42, 64, 74–5

Misérables, Les (Hugo) 143

Miss Julie (Strindberg) 135

Mitchell, John 8–9, 67, 70, 72, 193

Modjeska, Helena 19, 138

Molière, Jean-Baptiste 6, 21, 27, 29–32, 64, 75, 76

Monnet, Jean-Louis 5

Monsieur Garat (Sardou) 96–8

Montansier, La (Caillavet et al.) 132

Montigny, Lemoine 101, 102, 104–5, 111, 113

Morgan, Lady (née Sydney Owenson) 29–31, 41, 43

Morning Post, The 88, 107, 110

Napoleon Bonaparte 27, 87, 94, 98, 124

Napoleon III (Louis-Napoleon) 70, 94, 95, 98, 142

New Magdalen, The (Collins) 104

New York Tribune, The 86

Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens) 3, 70

Nouveautés Theatre (Paris) 87

O’Toole, Peter 175

Occupe-toi d’Amélie (Feydeau) 176

Odéon Theatre (Paris) 121

Oiseau bleu, L’ (Maeterlinck) 137

Old Vic Company 159

Olivier, Laurence 159, 167, 176

On Actors and the Art of Acting (Lewes) 49, 63

On Golden Pond (dir. Mark Rydell) 178

Opera Comique (London) 98

Opéra-Comique (Paris) 5

Ophuls, Max 162

Osborne, John 176

Othello (Shakespeare) 42, 72

Ours (Robertson) 104

Palace Theatre 172

Palais-Royal Theatre (Paris) 7, 10, 88, 89, 91, 162

Pall Mall Gazette, The 49, 58, 62

Paradoxe sur le comédien, Le (Diderot) 14, 183

Paris Exhibition 154

Parisienne, La (Becque) 19, 122, 133–4, 162, 176

Partage de Midi (Claudel) 159–66

Pasta (Madame Giuditta) 37

Patience (Gilbert and Sullivan) 142

Patrie en Danger, La (Goncourts) 121

Paulin, Tom 35

Pen and Pencil Club (Paris) 145

Perlet 8

Perrin, Emile 10

Phaedra Britannica (Harrison) 174

Phèdre (Racine) 48, 77, 136, 141, 146, 169–75, 176

Phillips, Adam 32–3

Pipe, La (Baudelaire) 91

Place du Châtelet 152

Planché, J. R. 86

Plays and Players 168

Plessy, Madame Arnould 8, 10, 17, 22, 45, 64–81

Poe, Edgar Allan 143

Poems (Wilde) 148

Porel, Paul 124

Porte-Saint-Martin (Paris) 7

Porto-Riche, Georges de 122

Pougin (Arthur) 67, 90

Pour Lucrèce (Giraudoux) 176

Premières armes de Figaro, Les (Sardou) 96

Premières armes de Richelieu, Les (Bayard and Dumanoir) 88, 89, 98

Prince of Wales Theatre (London) 104

Princess’s Theatre (London) 19, 99

Princesse Georges, La (Dumas fils) 99, 102, 114

Proust, Marcel 121, 137

Rachel Félix 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16–17, 18, 22, 25, 45, 46–63, 67, 70, 71, 74, 77, 98, 112, 119, 122, 139, 141, 146, 170

Racine et Shakespeare (Stendhal) 34, 46

Racine, Jean 30, 46–8, 50, 52, 76, 112, 141, 169–75

Ranthorpe (Lewes) 54–5

Rattigan, Terence 168

Rawlings, Margaret 172–5

Rebellato, Dan 175

Regnard, Jean François 34

Regnier, François Joseph 70

Réjane, Gabrielle 19, 21, 22, 23, 119–37, 161, 162, 176

Renaud, Madeleine 161, 176

Renaud-Barrault Company 9, 159–60

Retrospects of Actors (Lewes) 49, 58, 62

Richelieu (Bulwer-Lytton) 88

Richelieu, Cardinal 94, 147

Ricketts, Charles 138

Ricks, Christopher 175

Rimbaud, Arthur 117–18

Ring around the Moon (Anouilh) 176

Robb, Graham 145

Robe rouge, La (Brieux) 134, 135

Robertson, T. W. 75, 104

Rodd, Rennell 142, 144

Rolland, Romain 124

Roman Spring of Mrs Stone, The (Williams) 178

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) 72

Roots (Wesker) 178

Rose Chéri 8, 21, 101, 116

Rose, Blanche and Violet (Lewes) 54–6

Ross, Robert 150

Rossini (Gioacchino) 39

Rostand, Edmond 89

Rothenstein, William 144

Royalty Theatre (London) 3, 136

Ruy Blas (Hugo) 141, 147, 148

Salomé (Wilde) 148–9, 150

Salvini, Tommaso 63

Samson, Joseph, Isidore 12

Sand, George 54, 91

Sans lendemain (dir. Ophuls) 162

Sapho (Daudet) 122

Sarcey, Francisque 76, 114

Sardou, Victorien 96, 118, 122, 123, 124–5, 145

Sartre, Jean Paul 159

Scandale, Un (Duvert and Lauzanne) 93

Schechner, Richard 21

Schlegel, Augustus William 31

Scott Fitzgerald, F. 151

Scott, Clement 2–3, 18, 99

Scott, Sir Walter 6

Scribe, Eugène 27, 28–9, 67, 87

Semiramis (Voltaire) 16

Senelick, Laurence 90

‘Shakespeare and Stage Costume’ (Wilde) 147

Shakespeare, William 28, 46–8, 58, 71, 145, 173, 174, 177. Also see under individual plays

Shaw, Bernard 115, 126

Sherard, Robert H. 140, 201, 202

Shirley (Brontë) 54, 55

Shulman, Milton 168

Siddons, Sarah 15, 86

Siege of London, The (Henry James) 11

Smithson, Harriet 25, 42, 72

smoking on stage 91–3

Sodome et Gomorrhe (Giraudoux) 162

‘Sonnet to Liberty’ (Wilde) 143

Sorel, Cécile 12, 21, 24, 137, 153

Spanish Gypsy, The (Eliot) 58

Speaker, The 136

Spectator, The 31, 79

Sphinx, The (Wilde) 143

St James Theatre 8–9, 10, 19, 57, 67, 70, 82, 159, 161, 177

Star, The 134

Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) 22, 34–5, 39–40, 41, 44, 45

Stoppard, Tom 151

Streetcar named Desire, A (Williams) 169, 177

Strindberg, August 19, 135

Sunday Times, The 159, 167

Sweet Bird of Youth (Williams) 178

Swinburne, Algernon Charles 143, 145

Symons, Arthur 23, 122, 126, 130, 132, 134

Talma, Hippolyte 5–6, 71

Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare) 72

Tancred (Disraeli) 50–2, 57, 61

Tartuffe (Molière) 8, 27, 30–1, 67, 74–5

Taste of Honey, A (Delaney) 169, 178

Terry, Ellen 19, 125–6, 138

The Downfall (Zola) 116

The Theatre Now (Hobson) 161

Théâtre de l’Œuvre, Le 150

Théâtre Déjazet (Paris) 89, 96

Théâtre du Châtelet (Paris) 113

Théâtre Libre, Le 104, 121, 122, 134

Théâtre Lyrique (Paris) 9, 113

Theatre Regulation Act (1843) 86

Théâtre Réjane (Paris) 137

Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt (Paris) 153

Theatre Workshop 169

Théâtre-Historique 3

Thiers, Adolphe 105

Times, The 31, 132

Tisbé (Hugo) 44

Tosca (Sardou) 150

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri-Marie-Raymond de 126–7, 149

Tourette, Gilles de la 111

Tragic Muse, The (Henry James) 11, 64–70, 75, 80

Travesti 87, 88, 90–1. Also see Cross-dressing

Tree, Herbert Beerbohm 149

Triolet bleu, Le (Devilleneuve and Masson) 93

Trollope, Mrs 45

Turnell, Martin 171

Tynan, Kenneth 166, 167, 170, 172

Uzanne, Octave 202

Valérie (Scribe) 27, 28–9, 32, 33, 34, 42

Variation on a Theme (Rattigan) 169

Variétés (Paris) 7, 10, 87, 89, 91

Vaudeville Theatre (Paris) 6, 7, 87, 101

Vaudevilles 87, 91

Vera (Wilde) 146

Vertpré, Jenny 8

Vert-Vert (De Leuven and De Forges) 82–5, 87, 88, 90

Vestris, Madame 8, 86, 87, 96

Vicomte de Létorières, Le (Bayard and Dumanoir) 91

Victoria, Queen 138

Vigny, Alfred de 42

Villette (Brontë) 52–7

Visite de Noces, Une (Dumas fils) 102, 111

Vitu, Auguste 77

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) 144

Waiting for Godot (Beckett) 178

Waller, Mrs Lewis 202

Watteau, Antoine 23

Wedekind, Frank 19

Wedmore, Frederick 80

Weightman, John 171, 175

Wesker, Arnold 178

Whewell, Professor William 82–5, 90

Wilde, Lady (Jane Francesca Wilde) 143

Wilde, Oscar 13, 19, 23, 128, 138–58, 201

Williams, Tennessee 169, 178

Williams, W. S. 55

Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare) 58–61

Woman of No Importance, A (Wilde) 149

World Theatre Season 171

Yellow Book, The 123–4, 126, 128, 130, 131, 135

Zaza (Berton and Simon) 132–3, 134

Zeldin, Theodore 40, 95

Zola, Emile 78, 99, 104, 116

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