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0521829496 - Debating Design - From Darwin to DNA - Edited by William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse
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absolute spirit, 266 (see also Hegel, G. W. F.)

active information, 258

actual frequency, 106

adaptations, 22

adjacent possible, 172

Aizawa, S., 88

Alberts, Bruce: The Cell as a Collection of Protein Machines, 367

Alcide d’Orbigny, 277

amino acids, 89, 156, 165, 336, 341, 343, 347, 374, 388

Anderson, Philip, 165

anthropic principle, 119, 246, 250, 255

   theistic response to, 251

anthropology, 144

appearance of design, 215

Aquinas, Thomas, 15–16, 185, 242

   proofs of the existence of God, 15

Arbuthnot, John, 103

archaeology, 287

Arecibo Observatory, 111

argument from design, 58, 173

   as argument by elimination, 142

   (see also design argument)

argument from fine-tuning, 117, 122, 141, 294

argument from homology, 39

argument from ignorance, 84, 88, 95, 322, 328

argument from imperfection, 69

argument from irreducible complexity, 84

argument from personal incredulity, 39, 81

argument from religious experience, 253

argument from temporal order, 294

argument to adaptive complexity, 17

argument to design, 22, 173, 355 (see also design argument)

argument to the only alternative, 175

Aristotle, 14–24, 35, 166, 270

   Nichomachean Ethics, 315

Armstrong, D. M., 300

arrow of time, 192, 197, 207, 339

   origin of, 199 (see also entropy; Second Law of Thermodynamics)

Arthur, Brian, 171

artificial selection, 287

artificial teleology, see teleology

asah (ordinary making), 251

assertability, 321

assertibility, 321

astrobiology, 158

At Home in the Universe, 159

Atkins, Peter, 192

attractor, 219 (see also chaos theory)

Augustine, 15

auto-catalysis, 182

autonomous agent, 157–158, 171

autopoesis, 254

Axe, Douglas, 379

axiological argument, 253

Ayala, Francisco, 385

Bacon, Francis, 16

bacteria, 85–87, 157

bacterial flagellum, 143, 177, 324, 326–327, 353, 360

Bak, Per, 170

bara (divine creative activity), 251

Barth, Karl, 27

Basilica, 60

Batterman, Robert, 218

Bauplan, 385

Bayes’ Theorem, 100

beauty, 263

Beecher, Henry Ward, 26, 58

Behe, Michael, 34, 40, 45, 84, 89, 90, 131, 133, 141, 174–175, 176–178, 275, 279, 280, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289, 363

   Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, 41, 83, 91, 353, 355, 364, 368

   Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, 42

Bell Laboratories, 332

Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, 177

Berg, Howard, 324

Bergson, Henri, 193

Berlinski, David, 388

Bernstein, Robert, 346

best possible world, 294

bifurcation event, 219

Big Bang, 140, 195, 199, 200, 216, 246, 304

big crunch, 199, 201

biological complexity, 323–327

biological function, 211, 217

black hole, 197, 206, 252

Blanco, Francisco, 379

blind spots, 120

Blind Watchmaker, The, 41, 287

blood clotting, 93, 177, 288–289, 360

B Notebook, 278

body plan, 381, 388

Bohm, David, 257

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 155, 331, 340

Borel, Emile, 318

bounded teleology, see teleology

Boyle, Robert, 44

Boyle’s Law, 195

Bradley, 348, 349, 372

Bridgewater Treatises, 20, 57, 64, 113, 276

Brillouin, Leon, 335, 340

Brooke, J. H., 276, 285

Brooks, Daniel, 338

Buckland, William, 20, 275, 281, 289

   Bridgewater Treatise, 276

   on Megatherium, 285, 286, 288, 289

   Reliquiae Diluvianiae, 282

   Vindiciae Geologicae, 282

Buffon, George, 286

Burke, Edmund, 170

Cain, Arthur, 24

Cairns-Smith, A. G., 37

Calvin, John, 275, 284, 290

Cambrian explosion, 131, 132, 280, 373, 385 (see also Cambrian information explosion)

Cambrian information explosion, 373, 374 (see also Cambrian explosion)

Camus, Albert, 72

Cannon, W. S., 281

Cantor, G., 285

carbon, 246–247

catalytic antibodies, 164

catalytic closure, 182

catalytic task, 163

catalytic task space, 162, 163

causal adequacy, 372

causal explanation, 67, 270

causal powers, 302

causation, 299 (see also causal powers)

Cell as a Collection of Protein Machines, The, 367

Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture (CRSC), 41, 130, 136

Challet, D., 179

Chance and Necessity, 345

chance process, see uniform chance process

Chaos, 311

chaos theory, 257, 311 (see also nonlinear dynamics)

chemical evolutionary theories, 372

chemistry, 151

cherry picking, see data snooping

China, 373

chloroplast, 154

Clausius, Rudolf, 331

Climbing Mount Improbable, 362, 377

closed system, see isolated system

clotting, see blood clotting

coagulation, see blood clotting

COBE satellite, 206

Cole, M., 347

collective autocatalytic, 165

common ancestor, 254

complexity specification criterion, 319

   problem of false negatives, 319–320

   problem of false positives, 320

complexity theory, 207

complex specified information (CSI), 47, 88, 91, 142, 335–336, 338, 345, 372, 384, 386

computer programs, 152

conditionally independent patterns, 316

consciousness, 261–264, 274

contingent teleology, see teleology

continuous creation, 256

Conybeare, 281, 282

Copernican revolution, 55, 56–57

   extension of, 58

Copernicus, 56, 67

core (of a complex system), 359

Cosmic Blueprint, The, 203

cosmological argument, 98, 253, 294

cosmological constant, 249 (see also fine-tuning)

counterfactuals, 299

Creation Hypothesis, The, 279

creationism, 276 (see also Young Earth creationism, Old Earth creationism)

Crews, Frederick: Saving God from Darwin, 233–234

Crick, Francis, 156, 165, 374

cruelty, 70

cryptography, 287, 314

Cuvier, 286

cyclic universe, 140, 194–195

cytochrome c, 336

Cziko, Gary: Without Miracles, 230

dark energy, 249

Darwin, Charles, 13, 20–23, 56, 83, 95, 173, 180, 275, 285, 329, 371, 382

   agnosticism of, 22

   as geologist, 278

   B Notebook, 278

   on adaptive variations, 59

   Origin of Species, 13, 56, 59, 81, 278, 283, 286, 329

   religious beliefs of, 233

Darwin, Erasmus, 20

Darwin on Trial, 41

Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, 41, 83, 91, 353, 355, 364, 368

Darwin’s Spectre, 230

data snooping, 313

Davies, Paul, 315

   The Cosmic Blueprint, 203

   The Last Three Minutes, 202

Davis, Percival, 132

Dawkins, Richard, 14, 27, 35, 105, 113, 325, 357, 377, 379, 385, 387

   Climbing Mount Improbable, 362

   on emergence of biological complexity, 325

   The Blind Watchmaker, 41, 287

deep time, 276, 288

degree of belief, 101

deism, 256

Deluge, 281, 282

Dembski, William, 44, 47, 88–91, 130, 133, 137, 141, 142, 275, 279, 280, 283, 287, 372, 378

   Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology, 42

   Mere Creationism: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design, 41

   No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligent Design, 42, 81, 88

   The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities, 42

Dennett, Daniel, 27, 289

Denton, Michael, 35, 40, 376

   Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 38, 41

Derham, William

   Physico-theology, 276, 290

Derrida, Jacques, 232

design argument, 98

   as analogical, 106

   as comparative, 105

   cosmic, 98, 114

   explanatory virtues of, 144

   as inductive, 107

   as inference to the best explanation, 144

   as likelihood argument, 107, 109, 121

   organismic, 98, 113

   to design versus from design, 7

design inference, 142, 314–315

Design Inference, The, 42

detecting design, 319–321

determinism, 241, 257

developmental biology, 157

Dewey, 348

Diaconis, Persi, 311

dialectic of history, 266

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, 17, 106–107, 113

Dillion, 346

diluvialism, 282

Discovery Institute, 130

discrete combinatorial object, 89, 90

divine interaction, 258

divine intervention, 256

divine love, 241–244

DNA, 156, 160, 178, 332, 338, 344, 345, 347, 352, 374, 375, 382–383

Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 24, 37

Doolittle, Russell, 93, 361–364

Drosophila melanogaster, 63, 167, 375, 381

dualism, 261, 273

Dyson, Freeman, 201, 203, 207, 347

Earman, John, 328–329

E. coli, 61, 333, 335, 344

econosphere, 170

Eddington, Arthur, 194, 338

   The Nature of the Physical World, 331

education, 81

Eigen, Manfred

   Steps toward Life, 345, 346

Einstein, Albert, 35, 94, 349

Eldredge, Niles, 25

electromagnetism, 248, 249

Eliade, Mircea, 194

eliminative induction, 328, 329

embodiment, 306

embryology, 21

emergence of life, see origin of life

emergent phenomena, 178

empirical falsification, 71

end of the universe, 207, 269 (see also big crunch; heat death of the universe)

energy richness, 343

English language, 334

entropy, 191, 206, 332, 338–342, 349

   gravitational, 206

entropy gap, 203, 207

epistemology, 134

estrogen, 161

eukaryotic cilium, 353, 359

evil, 22–23 (see also problem of evil)

evo-devo, 25

evolution, 58, 167

   as anticipated by God, 240–244

   antitheistic implications of, 131

   as blind process, 62

   compatibility with Christian theology, 185

   compatibility with theism, 235–239, 272

   as Copernican revolution, 67

   creative power of, 64

   as descent with modification, 174, 356

   as emergent phenomenon, 184

   ethical implications of, 47

   as goal-directed, 268

   incompatibility with theism, 268

   as inference to the best explanation, 290

   and materialism

   as materialist, 278

   mechanism of, 356

   as method of divine intelligence, 58

   as nonrandom process, 60–62, 64, 103–104, 216

   not biased toward complexity, 204

   opportunistic character of, 63, 70

   as opportunistic process, 87

   as purposive, 262

   as random, 64, 67, 246, 262, 268

   relationship to materialism, 239

   as social construction, 265

   as tinkerer, 114

   as undermining design argument, 114

   as undermining morality, 135

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 38, 41

evolutionary naturalism, 42

existentialism, 265, 266

ex nihilo, 60

exobiology, 158

expanding universe, 195

explanatory filters, 186

eye, development of, 178

Faber, G. S., 288

feedback and cybernetic control, theory of, 213

fibrin, 361

fibrinogen, 361

Finding Darwin’s God, 279, 357

fine-tuning, 115, 247, 253 (see also argument from fine-tuning)

Fisher, R. A., 102, 103, 313–314

fitness landscape, 168

flagellum, see bacterial flagellum

Flood, 281, 282

Flood geology, 282

Ford, E. B., 24

forensic science, 287

Forrest, Barbara, 33, 35–41

fossil record, 87, 204

fourth law of thermodynamics, 153, 172

Fox, Sidney, 347

Frazer, James, 271

freedom, 241–243, 256, 263, 264, 266, 295

free will, 295

Freud, Sigmund, 232

Friedman, Harvey, 311

fruitfly, see Drosophila melanogaster

function, 211, 359, 384, 387

functional logic, see means-end logic

fundamentalism, 288

Futuyma, Douglas, 131

Galapagos Islands, 21, 166

Galen, 15

Galileo, 56, 67, 236

gap theory, 288

Gatlin, Lila, 331, 335

gel electrophoresis, 24

Gell-Mann, Murray, 198

gene duplication, 176, 177, 178

general biology, 159 (see also exobiology)

General Relativity, 253, 298

genes, 376, 388

   intermediate stages of, 380

Genesis, 287

   chaos-restitution interpretation, 288

   long day interpretation, 288

genetic algorithms, 387

genetic fallacy, 36, 138


   noncoding sections of, 377, 380

   sequencing of, 367

Geological Society of London, 277

geological time, 276–278 (see also deep time)

Gibbs, Willard, 155, 331

Gleick, James: Chaos, 311

goal-directedness, 388

Gold, Thomas, 194, 199

Gordian knot, 288

Gore, Al, 159, 160

Gould, Stephen Jay, 24, 114, 159, 204, 238–239, 281

gradualism, 167

Grand Unified Theory, 249, 252, 253, 298

gravity, 197, 249

Greenspan, Neil S., 364

Gross, Paul, 33

Guernica, 73

Hacking, Ian, 108

haemoglobin, 288–289

Hagemann factor (factor XII), 93–94

Hamilton, William, 24

happiness, 263

Harold, Franklin: The Way of the Cell, 356–357

Harre, Rom, 273, 303

Hartle, J. B., 198

Harvey, William, 17

Haught, John, 185

Hawking radiation, 197

Hawking, Stephen, 194, 197, 198, 201

heat death of the universe, 191, 208 (see also end of the universe)

Hegel, G. W. F., 265

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 257

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 191

Henslow, J. S., 281

HIV, 178

Hodge, Charles, 26

homeodynamic stability, 220

homology, 22, 86, 91

Hooke, Robert: Micrographia, 276

Hooker, Richard: Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, The, 16

Hooykaas, R., 285

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 290

‘how-possibly’ questions, 173, 175–176, 184

hox genes, 381

Hoyle, Fred, 247

human dignity, 136–138

human genome, 156 (see also genome)

human nature, 264–265

human rights, 137, 145

Humean supervenience, 298

Hume, David, 48, 109, 251, 259, 298

   on the argument to complexity, 18

   Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, 17–18, 106–107, 113

Hymenoptera, 24

hyperadaptationism, 175, 179, 184

hypercycle, 346

Icons of Evolution, 42

ID movement, see Wedge movement

immune system, 178

inauthenticity, 264

incremental indispensibility, 46

inference to the best explanation, 19, 371, 386

inflation of the universe, 248

information, 193, 213–214, 254, 374

information theory, 151, 214, 332, 374

insertion of design, 133

intelligent design, 27, 32, 93, 94, 229–230

   and creationism,. 33–35

   and materialism, 35–36

   negative argument for, 37

   precursors to, 40

   and publication in peer-reviewed journals, 44–46

   as variant of Young Earth creationism, 280

Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology, 42

intelligent selection, 388

International Society for Complexity, Information and Design (ISCID), 45

interventionism, 141, 280

intracellular transport system, 353

inverse gambler’s fallacy, 108

Investigations (Kauffman), 203, 318

irreducible complexity, 46–47, 68, 82, 90, 91, 93, 95, 131, 141, 174, 186, 358, 363

   definition of, 83, 353

isolated system, 342

Jacob, Francois, 157

Jesus Christ, 267

John, B., 381

John I, 170

Johnson, N. F., 179

Johnson, Elizabeth, 243

Johnson, Philip, 33, 130, 131, 133, 137, 232, 278, 280, 281, 290

   Darwin on Trial, 41

   Reason in the Balance, 41

   The Wedge of Truth: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism, 36, 41

Judson, Olivia, 71

just-so stories, 324

Kauffman, Stuart, 181, 182, 207, 254, 348, 357, 381, 383–385

   At Home in the Universe, 159

   Investigations, 203, 318

kenosis, 185

Kenyon, Dean, 34, 40, 43, 347

Kepler, Johannes, 44, 56, 98

Keynes, J., 109

Kingsley, Charles, 256

kin selection,

Kok, Randall, 348

Koons, Robert, 42

Krebs cycle, 92, 176

Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf, 387

Lake Woebegone fallacy, 106

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de, 20

Lamarckian evolution, 204

Last Three Minutes, The, 202

law of improbability, 105

law of increasing complexity, 206–207

Laws of Ecclesiastic Polity, The, 16

left-right asymmetry, 84

Leibniz, G. W., 266

Leslie, John, 118, 250

Lewis, David, 298, 301

Lewontin, Richard, 24, 385

Lhwyd, Edward, 281

libertarianism, 282

likelihood, 100

likelihood argument, 102

likelihood principle, 99, 104, 114, 115, 119

linguistic analysis, 266

Lloyd, Seth, 318

local induction, 328

localization, 89

logical positivism, 44, 265

lottery paradox, 101

Lyell, 277, 281

MacDonald, Henry, 165

MacKay, Donald, 335

Macready, Bill, 169

macroevolution, 382

Madden, E. H. 303

Magna Carta, 170

many-universes interpretation, 198 (see also multiverse)

many worlds, see multiverse

Markov property, 108

Marsaglia, George, 312

Martian meteorite, 159

Marxism, 138

Marx, Karl, 232

master regulator genes, see hox genes

material emergence, 218, 221

materialism, 136, 137

maximum likelihood estimation, 120

Maxwell, J. C., 331, 340

Maxwell’s demon, 154

McDonald, John, 47, 364–366, 382

means-end logic, 211, 213, 214, 216

mechanistic concensus, 215, 222

mechanistic hypothesis, 212

mechanist’s dilemma, 222

Megatherium, see Buckland, William

Mere Creationism: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design, 41

metaphysical naturalism, see materialism

methodological materialism, see methodological naturalism

methodological naturalism, 32, 185, 234

methodological versus metaphysical naturalism, 231–232

Meyer, Stephen, 37, 40–41, 135–137, 138, 144, 327

   Of Pandas and People, 131

   The Creation Hypothesis, 279

Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 334

microevolution, 131

Micrographia, 276

microtubules, 382

Miklos, G., 381

Miller, Hugh, 276

Miller, Kenneth, 131, 133, 357, 359–360, 366

   Finding Darwin’s God, 279, 357

Miller–Urey experiments, 343

Mill, John Stuart, 174

Milton, John, 277

Mims, Forrest, 43, 44

minimal naturalism, see naturalism

Miscellaneous Discourses Concerning the Dissolution of the World, 281

Misteli, Tom, 181

moderate anthropic principle, 250 (see also anthropic principle)

modern evolutionary synthesis, 174

molecular diversity, 160

Moltmann, Jurgen, 243

Molton, Peter, 331

Mona Lisa, 60

Monod, Jacques, 157, 346

   Chance and Necessity, 345

Moreland, J. P., 280

Morowitz, Harold, 350

morphological innovation, 383

Morris, 282

mousetrap, 364–367

multiverse, 202, 252, 253, 305

Murphy, George, 186

mutagenesis, 376, 377, 379

mutation, 61, 262, 268, 346, 373, 375, 378, 383, 387, 389

   rates of, 379

   timing of, 381

mystery, 272

Mystery of Life’s Origin, The, 36

Myth of Sisyphus, The, 72

Napoleon Bonaparte, 138

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 110, 158

National Research Council, 318

naturalism, 133, 134, 139, 274, 281, 282, 297, 372

   metaphysical versus methodological, 133

   methodological, 285

   methodological versus metaphysical, 231–232

   minimal, 285

   ontological versus methodological, 282

natural selection, 55, 59, 346

   and genuine novelty of species, 55, 60–62

   as nonrandom process, 377

natural teleology, see teleology

natural-theological approach, 1

natural theology, 174, 185–186, 251

Natural Theology, 57, 68, 102, 140, 276, 277

Nature of the Physical World, The, 331

negentropy, 332

Nelson, Paul, 132, 276

neural networks, 220

neutral evolution, 377

Newton, Isaac, 44, 56, 67, 139, 155

Nichomachean Ethics, 315

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 232

NK model, 182

No Free Lunch, 81, 88

no free lunch theorem, 47, 169

No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligent Design, 42

nonergodic flow, 172

nonlinear dynamics, 219–220, 311 (see also chaos theory)

normativity, 263

nuclear forces, 247

nucleotides, 333, 376

objective probability, 101

observational selection effect (OSE), 115, 116–117, 118, 120, 122

Occam’s razor, 323

occasionalism, 303

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 71

Of Pandas and People, 131

Of the Personality of the Deity, 69

Ohno, Susumu, 378

Old Scratch, 286

Old Testament, 262

Olsen, Roger, 349

Omega Point, 193, 267, 268

ontological argument, 98

open system, 342

optimization, 345

organic complexity, 14

organicism, 194

organized complexity, 68

Orgel, Leslie, 335

   The Origins of Life, 315

origin of life, 37, 92, 165–166, 183, 246, 284, 332, 338, 345, 350, 371

Origin of Species, 13, 56, 59, 81, 278, 283, 286, 352

origin of the universe, 67, 202 (see also Big Bang)

Origins of Alluvial and Diluvial Formations, 282

Origins of Life, The, 315

Origins of Life’s Major Groups, The, 279

Orr, H. Allen, 46, 94, 284–285, 289

Oster, George, 162

Paley, Wiliam, 18–19, 64, 67, 68, 83, 98, 99, 107, 116, 122, 173, 178, 251, 275, 290, 371

   Natural Theology, 57, 68, 102, 140, 276, 277

   Of the Personality of the Deity, 69

   (see also watchmaker argument)

Panda’s thumb, 114

Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 243

pantheism, 242

parallel processes, 176, 178, 183

Paul (Saint), 243

Peacocke, Arthur, 257

Pearcey, Nancy, 276

Pennock, Robert, 280

   The Tower of Babel, 282

Penrose, Roger, 198, 206

personal explanation, 270–271

phage display, 162

phase transition, 384

phenomenology, 264, 265

Philips, John: Treatise of Geology, 278

Philosophical Investigations, 152

Philosophy of Biology, 371

photosynthesis, 344

phyla, 373

physical explanation, 265

physicalism, 236 (see also materialism; naturalism)

Physico-theology, 276, 290

Pitman, W., 282

Planck time, 318

Plantinga, Alvin, 42, 134, 280

plasmin, 361

Plato, 6

Polanyi, Michael, 327

Polkinghorne, 284, 289

Pope John Paul II, 55, 58

posterior probability, 100

postmodernism, 265

Powell, Baden, 278

Prigogine, I., 348

Principia Mathematica, 193

principle of increasing complexity, 203

   (see also fourth law of thermodynamics)

principle of superposition, the, 277

principle of total evidence, 108

prior probability, 100

probabilistic complexity, 316

probabilistic modus tollens, see law of improbability

probabilistic resources, 317

   replicational resources, 317

   specificational resources, 317

probability, 106

probability space, 340

problem of evil, 48, 113, 185, 269, 295

problem of irreducibility, 355

problem of other minds, 99

process theology, 193

progressive creation, 277, 280, 283, 288

prokaryotic cells, 89

proper function, 217

protein, 160, 165, 332, 336, 344, 345, 352, 368, 374, 375, 376, 388

   systems of, 379

   synthesis, 382

proteomics, 367

proteone, 367

Providence, 230

   compatibility with randomness, 240

Provine, William, 35

punctuated equilibrium, 25, 59, 284, 285, 289, 291

purposive intelligence, 372

purposiveness, 66, 211

   appearance of,

purposive universe, 267

quantum cosmology, 198

quantum mechanics, 151, 156

quantum theory, 221, 252, 253–254, 257, 270, 298

Quastler, Henry, 372, 387

Rahner, Karl, 243

randomness, 311–313

   complexity-theoretic approach to, 312

rat trap, 359

Ray, John, 275

   Wisdom of God, Manifested in the Works of Creation, 17

   Miscellaneous Discourses Concerning the Dissolution of the World, 281

   Reason in the Balance, 41

recombination, 167–168

reductionism, 215, 216, 218, 222, 270

Reidhaar-Olson, J. F., 348

relativity theory, 298 (see also General Relativity)

religious experience, 267, 294

religious explanation, 231

Reliquiae Diluvianiae, 282

replicator-first model, 345

revelation, 267

reverse engineering, 289

reverse transcription, 178

Rey, Michael, 42

rhetoric, 285–287

rhodopsin, 154

ribosome, 84

RNA, 156, 160, 178, 180, 182, 332, 346, 347, 349

robustness, 219

Rolston III, Holmes, 28–29

Roman Catholic Church, 236

Rose, Michael, 173, 185, 272, 363

   Darwin’s Spectre, 230

Russell, Bertrand

   Principia Mathematica, 193

   Why I Am Not a Christian, 191

Ryan, W., 282

Saint Augustine, 55, 173, 186

Santa Fe Institute, 348

Sarkar, S., 374

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 232

Sauer, Robert, 348, 378

Saving God from Darwin, 233

Schaefer, Henry, 40

Schroedinger, Erwin, 151, 165

   What Is Life?, 151, 155, 331

Schulman, L. S., 194

Schumpeter, Joseph, 171

Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, 42

science of design, 91

scripture, 135

Scrope, 282

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 34, 110, 144, 158, 206, 284, 311, 319

search procedures, 169

Second Law of Thermodynamics, 180, 191–193, 202, 268, 331, 332, 338, 342, 344

Sedgwick, Adam, 281, 291

   Origins of Alluvial and Diluvial Formations, 282

selectionist versus providential explanations, 230

self-assembly, 89, 92 (see also self-organization)

self-consciousness, 255

selfish gene theory, 180

self-organization, 151, 179, 181–182, 184, 254, 348, 349, 383–385, 386, 389

self-organized criticality, 170

SETI, see Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Seventh-Day Adventists, 288

sex ratio, 103–104

sexual reproduction, 167

Shannon, Claude, 154, 214, 332

Shannon information theory, see information theory

shape space, 162–163

Shapiro, Robert, 346

Sheppard, Phillip, 24

simplicity, 298

singularity, 304–305

six-day creationism, 283

six days of reconstitution, 277

Smith, George, 161

Smith, John Maynard, 14, 110

Smolin, Lee, 252

Snow, C. P., 172

Sober, Elliott, 19, 371, 386

   Philosophy of Biology, 371

Socrates, 13

Sola Fide, 16

Sola Scriptura, 16

Sorensen, R., 120

Soviet Union, 137

Spanish Civil War, 73

specificational complexity, 317–318

   complexity specification criterion, 319

specific information, 183

specificity, 374 (see also complex specified information)

specified complexity, 89, 142, 315–319, 348, 349

   arguments against assertibility of, 322

Spencer, Herbert, 23–24

Stace, W. T., 230

statistical averaging, 155

statistical mechanics, 155

Steinhardt, Paul, 140

Steinman, G., 347

Steps Toward Life, 345

Stirling’s approximation, 340

Strait, Bonnie, 348

stratigraphy, 277, 280

Strohman, Richard, 181

Strong, A. H., 58

Strong Artificial Intelligence, 34

Stuart factor, 361

subjective degree of belief, see degree of belief

subjectivity, see consciousness

sufficient causality, 263

supernaturalism, 285

supernaturalistic fallacy, 137

Swinburne, Richard, 117, 118, 119–120, 270

symmetry breaking, 218, 249

synthetic theory, 24

Taylor, John, 348

Tegmark, Max, 306

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 27, 193, 267

teleological explanation, 65

   requirements of, 65

teleological language, 212

teleology, 204, 214, 215, 217, 222, 263, 284

   artificial, 66

   bounded, 66

   bounded versus unbounded, 56

   contingent, 66

   internal versus external, 56

   natural, 66

Temple, Frederick, 26, 276

Thaxton, Charles, 135–137, 138, 144, 349

theistic evolution, 258

theistic explanation, 271

theistic realism, 137

theistic science, 280, 285, 290

theodicy, 259

theology, 237

   post-Darwinian, 243

   response to evolutionary biology, 240

theory of biological evolution, 56

theory of everything, see Grand Unified Theory

theory of puncutated equilibrium, see punctuated equilibrium

thermodynamic coupling, 214

thermodynamics, 152

   fourth law of, see Fourth Law of Thermodynamics

   second law of, see Second Law of Thermodynamics

Way of the Cell, The, 356–357

Wedge of Truth, The: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism, 36, 41

thrombin, 361

time’s arrow, see arrow of time

Tipler, Frank, 201

Tooley, Michael, 300

transition state, 163

Treatise of Geology, 278

trickster God, 371

Turing, Alan, 99

Turing machine, 153

Turok, Neil, 140

Tylor, Edward, 271

type III secretory system (TTSS), 85–88, 90, 91, 95 (see also bacterial flagellum)

uniform chance process, 102

Uniformitarianism, 277

uniformity of nature, 273

United States, 137

universal common descent, 386

universal constants, 115–116 (see also argument from fine-tuning; fine-tuning)

universal probability bound, 89, 92, 318–319, 378

universals, 300–302

universe, 297

van Inwagen, Peter, 108, 118

van Till, H., 285, 289

Venn, J., 109

vestigial organs, 283

Vindiciae Geolicae, 282

virulence factors, 85

vitalism, 194, 215

Voltaire, 266

Wade, Nicholas, 349

Wallace, A. R., 284, 288

Wallace, Bruce, 24

watchmaker argument, 18, 68, 98, 102, 112, 251, 275 (see also Paley, William)

water, 248

Watson, James, 156

Watson, John, 165

wave function of the universe, 198

weak anthropic principle, 116, 250

Weaver, Warren, 335

Wedge argument, 41, 138, 139, 144

Wedge document, 33, 136

Wedge manifesto, see Wedge document

Wedge movement, 130, 142

Wedge strategy, (see also Wedge argument) 33

Weinberg, Steven, 192, 232

Wells, Jonathan, 382

   Icons of Evolution, 42

What Is Life?, 151, 155, 331

Whewell, William, 21

Whitcomb, J. C., 282

Whitehead, Alfred North: Principia Mathematica, 193

Why I Am Not a Christian, 191

Wicken, Jeffrey, 338, 340, 344, 347

Wiley, E. O., 338

Wisdom of God, Manifested in the Works of Creation, 17

Wise, Kurt, 276

   The Origins of Life’s Major Groups, 279

Without Miracles, 230

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

   Philosophical Investigations, 152

Woese, C., 183

Wohler, Friedrich, 222

Wolfram, Stephen, 181

Wolpert, David, 169

work cycles, 154, 158

Wright, G. F., 284

Wright, Robert, 207

Xenophon, 4

Yockey, H., 337, 340, 344, 348

Young Earth creationism, 276, 288, 290

Yuanshan Formation, 373

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