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Abad, F. J., 85, 86, 90–1

Åberg-Bengtsson, L., 68

Aborigines, and intelligence testing in Australia, 344–5, 346–9, 360, 456

Abul’khanova, K. A., 194

acculturation: and Aborigines of Australia, 348–9; and cognitive consequences of schooling in India, 290–1. See also assimilation and accommodation; culture

accumulation, and Chinese concept of intelligence, 340

Ackerman, P. L., 86, 140, 436

action competencies, and intelligence in Indian context, 278

“adaptation capacity,” and concepts of intelligence in Latin America, 405

addiction, and neuropsychological functions, 294

Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), 34, 87, 88

Africa: community and indigenous religions of, 375; and cultural variation in construals of intelligence, 259; intelligence research in sub-Saharan, 376–87, 460–1. See also Zimbabwe

Afzal, M., 282

Agarwal, R., 284, 291

age and aging: Australian research on lifespan and cognitive, 357; British research on intelligence and, 7; clinical testing and patterns of decline in cognitive functions, 35; and cognitive pragmatics, 140, 158; culture-based mnemonics and cognitive mechanics of, 159–60; and differential gradients of cognitive mechanics and pragmatics, 158; inspection time and cognitive functions of, 16; and intelligence testing in Israel, 226; and research on intelligence differences in Spain, 91

Ahmavaara, Y., 54, 61

AH tests, 32–4

AIDS/HIV, in sub-Saharan Africa, 386, 387

Air Force ability test battery (Finland), 58

Ai Wei, 332

Alekseev, N. G., 201–2

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery, 292–3

Allport, G. W., 248

Aluja-Fabregat, A., 88–9

Alzheimer’s disease, 16, 308

analogical reasoning, and psychometric intelligence differences, 9

analytical abilities, and theory of successful intelligence, 430

Ananiev, B., 173

anatomic metaphor, 86

Anderson, M., 2, 16, 355–6

Ando, J., 312, 315, 317

Andrés-Pueyo, A., 87, 88, 89

Anstey, K., 358

anti-test controversy, 227, 228t, 241, 466–7

Antsyferova, L. I., 194

applied psychology, in Spain, 81, 97

Aptitude for Business Learning Exercises (ABLE), 30–1

aptitude tests: and educational system in France, 116; and radex configuration, 234–6

Arab sector, and sociocultural differences in Israel, 223–4, 225

architecture, of intelligence, 462–3, 469

Argentina, and intelligence testing, 397, 403–4. See also Latin America

Aristotle, 170, 276, 419, 446

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 11

Armstrong Laboratory, 86

Asaka, A., 317

assimilation and accommodation, model of, 153–4. See also acculturation

associationism, and intelligence research in France, 105, 127

attitude, and intelligence tests, 287–8

Australia, and intelligence research, 344–60, 456

Australian Basic Abilities Tests (AUSBAT), 358

Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), 348

Australian National University, 357

Australian Research Council, 351

Austria, and lifespan development concept, 138

Azuma, H., 317–18, 376

Bachmann, T., 146

Badan, M., 120

Baddeley, A. D., 10–11, 12, 36, 308

“bad head” concept, of intelligence in Latin America, 404

Baganda, of Uganda, 367, 377, 378

Bajaj, R., 285

Bakhtin, M. M., 193

Baldwin, J. M., 110

Balke-Aurell, G., 69

Baltes, P., 154, 155–6, 157, 161, 452

Bamberg School, and research on problem solving, 147–8

Bang, V., 113

Bangalore Neuropsychological Test Battery, 292

Bar-Ilan University, 236

Bar-On, R., 240

Barrett, P., 13, 18

Bartlett, F. C., 3, 279

Basic Cognitive Ability Test (BCAT), 335

Basic Theories of the Psychology of Child Development (Zhu, 1980), 337

Batoro, of Uganda, 377, 378

Bauer, C., 142

behavior genetics, 425–6

behaviorism, and research on intelligence in France, 127

Bekman, S., 262

Belgium, and lifespan development concept, 137

belief-in-effort, and view of intelligence in Japan, 318, 319–22

Beller, M., 227

benevolence, and Confucianism, 328

Berdiev, N., 172

Berlin Aging Study, 157

Berlin Intelligence Structure Test (BIST), 396, 403

Berlin Model of Intelligence Structure (BIS), 143, 148

Berlin wisdom model, 154–6

Berreta, I., 402–3

Beverfelt, E., 51

Bhagabad Gita (Radhakrishnan, 1948), 274

Bideaud, J., 121

Binet, A., 3–4, 51, 70, 105, 110, 127, 140, 248, 332, 454, 455, 466

Binet-Simon Intelligence Test, 109, 280, 304, 332, 336

bioecological model, of intelligence, 434. See also ecology

biological factors: and approaches in Australian psychology, 347; and association between inspection time and intelligence, 15–16; and cultural influences on cognitive mechanics and pragmatics, 156–8; and hierarchical model of intelligence, 450–1; and research on intelligence differences in Spain, 87–8; and theories of intelligence, 422–6. See also genetics

biological determinism, and Soviet educational system, 197n22

biosociological concept, of reaction, 186

Birney, D. P., 357

Biswas, P. C., 286

Blinkhorn, S. F., 18

Blonsky, P. P., 186–7

Bonastre, R., 87, 88

Bonn School, and research on problem solving, 147–8

Boring, E. G., 414

Borkowski, J. G., 285

Bradshaw, J., 17

brain functions, and neuropsychological assessment, 294. See also brain size; frontal lobe function; head injury

brain size, and biological theories of intelligence, 17, 425

Bralic, S., 392, 400

Brand, C. R., 2, 14, 17

Brandstädter, J., 153–4

Brazil, and intelligence testing, 401. See also Latin America

British Ability Scales (BAS), 25–8, 383

British Picture Vocabulary Scale II, 32

British Psychological Society (BPS), 28

Brody, N., 350–1

Bruner, J., 176n8

Brunet-Lézine scale, 117

Brushlinsky, A. V., 192, 194–5

Bruun, K., 67

Buchner, A., 147

buddhi, and Indian concept of intelligence, 272, 273–4, 275

Bühler, C., 138

Bulgakov, S., 172

Burkovik, A. Y., 256

Burt, C., 2, 4–5, 6–7, 14, 18

Cahan, S., 225, 226

Calero, M. D., 92

Cambridge school, of psychology, 2–3, 11

Cammock, T., 20

Canada: and biological theories of intelligence, 422; and implicit theories of intelligence, 420. See also North America

Cantez, E., 258

Cao Xueqin, 330

Carlstedt, B., 463–4

Carpenter, P. A., 9, 34

Carroll, J. B., 5, 24, 50, 64, 85, 402, 417, 420–1, 427–8, 435, 449, 462

Carus, F. A., 137

Caryl, P. G., 18

Case, R., 119, 309, 310

categorical regulation, of scientific thinking, 183–4

Cattell, J. McK., 14

Cattell, R. B., 7, 11, 23, 86, 138, 140, 337, 352, 418, 419, 433, 448. See also Culture-Fair Intelligence Test

Ceci, S. J., 419, 431, 434

Celik, Z., 256, 257

Charcot, J. M., 106

Chatterjee, S., 282, 284

Chaturvedi, U., 285

Chaudhari, U. S., 282

Chewa, of Zambia, 367, 368, 377, 378–9, 461

Chico, E., 89

children. See development; parents and parenting

Chile, and intelligence testing, 397, 398–401, 402–3, 404–5. See also Latin America

China, perspectives and research on intelligence in, 325–40, 456, 460, 461

Chinese-Binet Intelligence Test (CBIT), 332

Christal, R. E., 11, 86

Christensen, H., 357, 358

cigarette smoking, and neuropsychological functions, 294

City Technology Colleges (CTCs), 22–3

Claparéde, Edouard, 110

class: and educational testing in U.K., 22; and group differences in intelligence testing in Turkey, 256–7, 258–9, 260; and impact of poverty in Latin America, 397–8; and intelligence research in India, 291; and intelligence research in Japan, 314; and sociocultural differences in Israel, 221–2

clinical method, of interview, 111

clinical psychology, and intelligence tests in France, 117

clinical testing, and psychology in U.K., 32

Clinkenbeard, P. R., 432

Cognitive Abilities Measurement (CAM) test battery, 11

Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT), 23–4

Cognitive Ability Test for Identifying Supernormal Children (CATISC), 333, 335

Cognitive Assessment System (CAS), 288–9

cognitive enrichment studies, in Latin America, 395. See also enrichment programs

cognitive functions: Australian research on aging and, 357; competence in and concept of intelligence in India, 278; and intelligence research in India, 283–6, 287–92; and intervention programs in Turkey, 263–4; modifiability of and educational psychology in Israel, 236–8; and theories of intelligence, 421–2. See also cognitive mechanics; cognitive pragmatics; cognitive testing; Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) cognitive processing model

cognitive mechanics: and information processing, 141–5; interplay between cognitive pragmatics and, 156–60; and lifespan development concept, 138–41

cognitive pragmatics: and intelligence research in Germany, 138–41, 145–56; interplay between cognitive mechanics and, 156–60

cognitive stimulation studies, in Latin America, 398

cognitive testing: research on in Spain, 92–3; in U.K. schools, 21–5

Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos (Spanish Psychological Association), 96

Colom, R., 85, 86–7, 88–9, 90–1

colonialism, and Zimbabwe, 365, 376

Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), 34

communication, social situations and development of thinking, 192–3

Communist Party, in France, 114

community, and definition of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 367–8, 375–6. See also social system

“Complex Figure” test, 111

component structures, and intelligence testing in Turkey, 254–6

computers: and intelligence assessment in Australia, 358–9; and occupational testing in U.K., 31–2

confidence ratings, and measurement of self-confidence, 354

Confucianism, 326–9, 336

Confucius (551–479 B.C.), 328

consciousness: and Indian view of intelligence, 273–4; Russian concept of, 192

Conseillers d'orientation-psychologues (COP) (Guidance counselors-psychologists), 116

consistency theory, and hereditarian view of intelligence, 313–14

Contreras, M., 85, 91

cooperation, intelligence research and international, 471–2

coping, assimilative and accommodative strategies of, 153–4

correlated vectors, method of, 88

counselors. See conseillers d'orientation-psychologues; school counselors

Crabbe, J., 19

Crack-the-Code test, 286

Crawford, J. R., 15

creativity: relationship between intelligence and, 340; and theory of successful intelligence, 430

critical method, of interview, 111, 112

Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB), 29

Cronbach, L. J., 123, 248, 421

cross-cultural studies: and Indian studies on cognitive consequences of schooling, 289; and studies on Aborigines of Australia, 346–9, 360. See also culture

cross-domain assessments, and intelligence testing in U.K., 32–5

crystallized and fluid intelligence: continuing influence of theory of, 448; and explicit theories of intelligence, 418–19; and research in India, 284; and research in Spain, 86; variations on theory of in Australia, 352–5

culture: and biological influences on cognitive mechanics and pragmatics, 156–8; and Chinese concepts of intelligence, 326–9, 340; and definitions of intelligence in Zimbabwe and sub-Saharan Africa, 366–72, 377–80, 382–3; and implicit concepts of intelligence, 459–61; and intelligence research in India, 290–1, 295–6; and intelligence testing in Israel, 220–1, 227; and intelligence testing in Turkey, 258–61; and Latin American indigenous population, 406–7; mnemonics and cognitive mechanics in old age, 159–60; and PASS theory of intelligence, 287–9; and social determinants of thinking, 182–6; and view of intelligence in Japanese, 317–22. See also acculturation; cross-cultural studies; Culture-Fair Intelligence Test

Culture-Fair Intelligence Test, 11, 89, 146, 257–8, 398, 402, 418

cumulative deficit hypothesis, and group differences, 221

Cunningham, K. S., 348

Cyprus, and intelligence research, 468

Daniels, M. H., 85

Dansk Pskologisk Forlag, 52

Danthiir, V., 353

Danziger, K., 170–1

Darwin, Charles, 447

Das, J. P., 272, 286, 289–90, 293, 294, 337

Dash, A. D., 286

Dash, B. B., 286

Dash, U. N., 289–90

Dash, V., 290

Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System, 287

Davasligil, U., 257

Davies, M., 354–5

Davydov, V. V., 202–4

De, T., 286

Deary, I. J., 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 85–6, 463

decision making, and complex problem solving, 148

Defence Force Psychology Organisation, 358

Delgado, A., 91

Demetriou, A., 467–9

Dempster, F. N., 122

Denmark. See Scandinavia

DEP (Dansk Evneprøve), 52

Descartes, René, 170n1

Deshmukh, K., 285

Detterman, D. K., 85, 419

development: and intelligence research in Australia, 355–8; and lifespan concept in Germany, 136–41; Piagetian theory and research on, 119–23; social situations and thinking, 192–3; and Soviet psychology, 189; and theories of intelligence, 464–5. See also zone of proximal development

De Vijver, J. R., 295

differences, in intelligence: British contributions to understanding of, 4–21; and intelligence testing in Turkey, 256–8; Piagetian theory and research on in France, 123–5; Scandinavian research on, 67–8; SOC as general model of, 150–2; Spanish research on, 85–8, 90–1. See also class; ethnicity; gender; population differences; reaction time

Differential Ability Scales (DAS), 26

Differential Aptitude Tests for Schools, 24

differential perspective, on intelligence tests, 125–7

differential psychology, in France, 104

diligence, and Chinese concept of intelligence, 340

Doise, W., 120

Donovan, L., 397

Dörner, D., 146, 147

Dostoyevsky, F., 184

Draft Board Screening Test (DBST), 56, 67

Draycott, S. G., 86

D70 factor test, 126

dual-process model, of lifespan development, 138–41

Duncan, J., 11–12

Durgunogiu, A., 262

Dwivdedi, B., 285

dynamic assessment: and challenges to traditional beliefs about intelligence, 435–6; and educational psychology in Israel, 236–8; increasing popularity of, 456–7

dynamic relations, between systems and levels of intelligence, 463–4, 469

dynamic spatial performance, and gender studies, 91

dyslexia, and educational testing in U.K., 28, 34–5

early stimulation programs, in Latin America, 395, 398–401

Eastern Mediterranean-Middle Eastern region, and research on intelligence in Turkey, 249. See also Cyprus; Greece

Eckhoff, R., 51

ecological measures, of intelligence, 384–5. See also bioecological model

economics. See poverty; resource allocation

Educational Measurement (Okabe, 1923), 305

education and educational system: in China, 325–6, 329; and educational testing in U.K., 21–5; and intelligence testing in France, 115–17; and intelligence testing in Israel, 214–18; and intelligence testing in Scandinavia, 68–9; in Japan, 302–7, 320–2; and multiple intelligences theory, 428; and research on cognitive abilities in India, 287–92; social determinism and Soviet, 197–205; in Switzerland, 117; and theory of successful intelligence, 432–3; in Zimbabwe, 365–6. See also school counselors; teachers

effort. See belief-in-effort; diligence

Egan, V., 17

Einstein, S., 191

eleven-plus testing, in U.K., 7, 21–2

El’konin, D. B., 203

Elliott, C. D., 26, 27, 35

Embretson, S. E., 12

emic approach, to cultural differences in psychology, 296

emotional competence, and concept of intelligence in India, 278

emotional intelligence: evidence for existence of, 434–5; and intelligence testing in Israel, 240; and occupational testing in U.K., 31; and research in Australia, 354–5; and research in Spain, 91–2

Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I), 240

Engels, F., 180

Engle, R. W., 122

Engvik, H., 51

Enlistment Battery (Sweden), 56–7

enrichment programs, and theories of intelligence, 458–9. See also cognitive enrichment studies; early stimulation programs; interventions programs

environmental determination, and Soviet psychology, 186–92

environmental factors: and biological theories of intelligence, 425–6; British research on, 18–19; Japanese research on, 310–17; research on in Scandinavia, 66; research on in Spain, 88–9

Epir, S., 256, 258

epistemic subject, in Piagetian theory, 111–12, 113

equity. See fairness; test bias

Escala de Evaluacíon del Desarrollo Psychomotor (EEDP), 399–400

ethnicity: and British research on group differences in intelligence, 20, 30; and intelligence testing in Israel, 214, 222. See also culture; language

etic approach, to cultural differences in psychology, 296

eugenics movement, 20, 306

Europe: and influence on psychology in India, 279, 296; and settlement of Australia, 344–5. See also colonialism; specific countries

European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations (EFPPA), 93, 96

evoked potentials, and intelligence differences, 15–16, 17–18

evolution, Darwinian theory of, 447

Examinee Feedback Questionnaire, 239

Exam of the Talents for Sciences (Huarte de San Juan, 1575), 80


existential intelligence, 426

experiential aspect, of intelligence, 433

expertise, and effects of practice on skill acquisition, 149

explicit theories, of intelligence, 415–19, 420–35

external conditions, of thinking, 193–7

Eysenck, H. J., 8–9, 13, 15, 18, 285

facet theory, and psychology in Israel, 230–3

factor analysis: and g theory, 415; and Piagetian research in France, 123; and research in Scandinavia, 60–1

failure, attributions of in Japanese culture, 318–19

fairness: and intelligence testing in Israel, 226–9; and occupational testing in U.K., 30. See also Culture-Fair Intelligence Test; test bias

Fan Bingqing, 332

Fei Peijie, 332

Feitelson, D., 234

Fernández, M., 86

Fernández-Ballesteros, R., 91

Fernández-Hermida, J. R., 96

Ferrando, P., 87

Ferrari, M., 432

feudalism, and history of Japan, 302–3

Feuerstein, R., 111, 236–8, 242, 395, 435–6, 457

Fiche d’Orientation Professionnelle (Piéron, 1930), 109

“Fifteen Words” test, 110

Finland. See Scandinavia

Fischer, B., 142

Fischer, K. W., 454

Flores-Mendoza, C., 87

fluid intelligence. See crystallized and fluid intelligence

Flynn, J. R., 68, 88, 345n2

Flynn Effect, 59, 89, 419

France, and intelligence research, 104–28, 451–2, 454

Frank, S., 172

Frensch, P. A., 147

frontal lobe function: and British research on intelligence differences, 11–12; and neuropsychological assessment in India, 294. See also brain functions

Frost, N., 86, 421

Fukuzawa, Y., 306

Fuller, T., 17

Functional Adult Literacy Program (FALP), 262–3

Funke, J., 147

Gal’perin, P. Ya., 197, 198–9, 200

Galton, F., 3, 8, 12, 14, 17, 20, 306, 420, 447

Ganor, Y., 225, 226

García, L. F., 86, 89, 90–1

García, V., 401

García-López, O., 88–9, 90–1

García-Moriyón, F., 92

Gardner, H., 31, 108, 252, 337, 417, 422, 426–8, 434, 448, 458

Garner, W. R., 413–14

Gautam, S. B., 282

Gazmuri, V., 397

Gehr, G., 434–5

gender: and brain-size correlations, 425; and British research on sex differences in intelligence, 20, 30; and intelligence research in India, 291; and intelligence testing in Israel, 224–6; and intelligence testing in Turkey, 257–8; research on in Spain, 90–1; Swedish studies on, 68. See also differences; sex role adoption

General Abilities Test (GAT), 398, 402–3

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), 24

general (g) factor: British-U.S. argument about existence of, 5; and educational testing in U.K., 26–7; and explicit theories of intelligence, 415–17; and frontal lobe function, 12

genetics: and Australian research on intelligence, 351; of behavior, 425–6; and British research on intelligence differences, 18–20; and Japanese research on intelligence, 310–17; and ontogenesis in Soviet psychology, 181; Piagetian theory and research on in France, 123–4; research on in Scandinavia, 66–7; research on in Spain, 88–9. See also biological factors; twin studies

geometrical presentation, of intelligence test data, 233–6

Germany, and intelligence research, 135–61, 452–3

Gestalt psychology, 51–2

g Factor, The (Brand, 1996), 2

g Factor, The (Jensen, 1998), 415

giftedness, and traditional concepts of intelligence, 149–50

Girgin, Y., 258

Glick, J., 379, 385

globalization, of intelligence research, 472

glucose metabolism, 424–5

Goleman, D., 31

Göteberg University (Sweden), 53

Gould, S. J., 5

governmental employment, in ancient China, 331

Graduate and Managerial Ability Tests (GMA), 29

Greece, and intelligence research, 467–8

Greenfield, P. M., 379, 385

Grégoire, J., 124

Grigorenko, E. L., 372, 382, 384–5, 425, 432, 457

group differences. See differences

group tests, of ability, 219–20

Grudnik, J. L., 350

Guilford, J. P., 337, 396, 435

Gupta, R., 282

Gupta, S. K., 285

Gupta, U., 281

Gupta, V., 291

Gustafsson, J. -E., 5–6, 57, 61, 63, 64, 69, 450, 462, 464

Guthke, J., 149

Guttman, L., 230–1, 233–4, 240, 242

Gyessing, H. J., 51

Haeussler, I., 397–8

Hagtvet, K. A., 59, 62, 68

Haier, R., 424

Halford, G. S., 356–7

Hall, G. S., 303

Halstead, W. C., 422

Halstead Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for Adults and Children, 292

Handbook of Intelligence (Sternberg, 2000), 84

Haraguchi, T., 306

Harkness, S., 260

Härnqvist, K., 68, 69

Hatano, G., 320

Hautamäki, J., 65, 464

head injury, and neuropsychological studies in India, 294

Head Start Program, 458

health care, and intelligence testing in France, 117

Hebb, D. O., 422–3

Heckhausen, J., 152–3

Heim, A., 32, 33

Heine, S. J., 319

Helode, R. D., 285

Hendrickson, D. E., 18

Henrysson, S., 53

Herrans, L., 402

Herrnstein, R. J., 395, 413–14

Hick, W. E., 12–13

hierarchical model, of intelligence, 64–5, 450–1

historical-cultural theory, of development in Soviet psychology, 189–90

historicism, and Soviet psychology, 180

History of Child Psychology (Zhu, 1980), 337

Hjerkin, O., 51

Hoeller, G., 142

Hofstadter, D. R., 30

Horn, J. L., 23, 352, 418

Houdé, O., 122–3

Howe, M. J. A., 2, 17

Hua Chao, 332

Huarte de San Juan, Juan, 79, 80, 96, 454

Hume, David, 447

Humphreys, L. G., 5

Hunt, E. B., 86, 421, 422

Husén, T., 52–3, 56, 69

Ilhan, U., 257

Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA), 51, 55

immigration, and intelligence testing in Israel, 212, 214

implicit theories, of intelligence, 69, 414–15, 419–20, 459–61

Inagaki, K., 319

India, and intelligence research, 270–96, 460, 461

indigenous populations. See Aborigines; Africa; culture; Latin America

Indow, T., 308

inductive reasoning, and primary mental abilities, 417

information processing: and British research into intelligence and speed, 13–14; and cognitive mechanics, 141–5; and intelligence research in India, 283–6; and intelligence research in Zimbabwe, 385–6; and research on intelligence differences in Spain, 86–7

Inhelder, B., 112–13, 115, 121

inhibition, neo-Piagetian research on limitations in, 122–3

Inoue, E., 311

inspection time (IT): and Australian research on intelligence, 349–51; and British research on intelligence differences, 14–17; cognitive mechanics and speed of information processing, 141–4; and research on intelligence differences in Spain, 87. See also reaction time

Institut d’Orientation Professionnelle (Institute for Vocational Guidance), 109, 116

Institute of Psychology (China), 325, 335

intellect, and concept of intelligence, 170–1

intellectual retardation, and poverty in Latin America, 397

intellectual strategy, and concepts of intelligence in Soviet/Russian psychology, 178–9

intelligence, concepts of and research on: in U. K., 1–36, 447–8; in Australia, 344–60, 456; in China, 325–40, 456, 460, 461; development of theory, methods, and practices of across different countries, 446–72; in France, 104–28, 451–2, 454; in German-speaking countries, 135–61, 452–3; globalization of, 472; in Greece, 467–8; in India, 270–96, 460, 461; in Israel, 212–42, 459, 467; in Japan, 302–22, 456, 460, 461; in Latin America, 391–407, 459; in Russia/Soviet Union, 170–205, 453–4, 466, 470; in Scandinavia, 49–71, 457–8; in Spain, 79–98, 454; in Switzerland, 104–28; in Turkey, 248–65, 459; in U.S. and Canada, 411–36, 448–51; value of universal picture of psychology of, 445; in Zimbabwe, 364–87, 460–1. See also emotional intelligence; intelligence testing

Intelligence (journal), 14, 349

Intelligence Development Project (Venezuela), 395, 398

intelligence testing: in ancient and modern China, 329–35; in Australia, 358–60; and clinical psychology in Soviet Union, 179; current status of, 470; and development of theories of intelligence, 454–8; differential perspective on, 125–7; in France, 114–18; history of in ancient China, 329–32; in India, 280–3; in Israel, 212–29, 233–6, 239, 467; in Japan, 307–10; in Latin America, 396; in modern China, 332–5; problem solving and operative, 148–9; in Scandinavia, 50–60, 64–5, 70–1; social aspects of and bias in, 466–7; in Spain, 93–6; in Turkey, 250–1, 253–61, 264–5; and typical versus maximum performance, 436; in U.K., 21–36; in U.S., 411–14. See also aptitude tests; dynamic assessment; intervention programs; standardization

Intelligence Test for Primary School Children (ITPSC), 332

Interamerican Psychological Society (SIP), 392

internal conditions, of thinking, 193–7

International Congress on Psychotechnics (Spain), 81

international cooperation, in intelligence research, 471–2

International Test Commission (ITC), 31, 93, 96

intervention programs: and cognitive enrichment studies in Latin America, 395–6; and intelligence testing in Turkey, 261–4. See also enrichment programs

interviews, and Piagetian theory, 111, 112

IQ QTL project, 19

Irvine, S. H., 375, 377–8, 380, 381

Irwing, P., 20

ISOC (Spain), 81–3

Israel, and intelligence research, 212–42, 459, 467

item bias analysis, and occupational testing, 30

item response theory (IRT): and bias analysis, 30, 57; and model test theory, 61

Ivanovic, R., 396

Iwashita, T., 316

Jaederholm, G., 50, 60, 62–3

Jäger, A. O., 396, 403

Jain, M., 284

Jansson, C. -G., 67–8

Japan, concepts of and research on intelligence in, 302–22, 456, 460, 461

Japanese Eugenics Society, 306

Japanese Journal of Psychology, 311

Jensen, A. R., 88, 90, 350, 356, 413, 415–16, 423, 427–8, 449–50

Jerath, J., 285

Jewish culture, and intelligence testing in Israel, 212–13, 220, 221–2

Jordanova, M., 158

Jöreskog, K. G., 61

Journal of Educational Psychology, 419

journals, and psychology in Latin America, 391

Juan-Espinosa, M., 85, 86, 89, 90–1

Just, M. A., 9, 34

Kagitcibasi, C., 256, 260

Kalawski, A., 403

kanji subtest, of working memory, 309–10

Kano, H., 313–14

Kaplan, K., 403, 404

Kaplan, Z., 238–9

Karakas, S., 258

karma, and Indian concept of intelligence, 272–3

Kashiwagi, K., 317–18

Kathuria, R., 383–4

Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT), 418

Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), 115, 215, 216–17t, 218, 219, 220

Keats, J., 348

Kennet-Cohen, T., 226

Kenya, and Luo, 367, 372, 382, 384–5

kinesthetic abilities, 353

Kitayama, S., 318–19

Klich, L. Z., 346

Kline, P., 86

Klix, F., 146

Knorr, E., 143

knowledge: and Confucianism, 328; and Indian view of intelligence, 273; and models of wisdom, 154–6

knowledge-acquisition components, of successful intelligence, 429

Kodama, H., 306

Koga Intelligence Test, 311

Kohs Block design task, 125–6

Komilov, K. N., 186

Kornilova, T. V., 195

Koskenniemi, M., 54

Kostiuk, G. S., 181

Kozulin, A., 172, 173, 457

Kpelle, of Liberia, 379

Krampe, R. T., 161

Kranzler, J. H., 350

Krishnamurti, J., 276, 277, 279

Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 276

KTK-Performance Scales, 54–5

Kubo, Y., 305

Kuchinsky, G. M., 193

Kugelmass, S., 223

Kuhlman-Anderson Test, 51

Kulkarni, S. S., 293

Kumar, A., 284

Kumar, K., 280, 285

Kunzmann, U., 464

Kurseja, M., 284

Kurtz, B. E., 285

Kurztest für Allgemeine Intelligenz (KAI), 142–3

Kuscul, H., 262

Kyllonen, P. C., 11, 86

Kyodai NX, 315

Kyoto University, 304, 307

labor, and belief-in-effort in Japanese culture, 320

Lally, M., 14, 349–50

language: and English in Australia, 345; and intelligence testing in Israel, 220–1, 224; of Scandinavian countries, 49, 71; and Soviet concepts of intelligence and thinking, 171–2, 178, 192; and view of intelligence in India, 272, 277–8. See also culture; ethnicity

Lapshin, I., 172

latent-trait model, and modern test theory, 61

Latin America, and intelligence research, 391–407, 459

Laurendeau, M., 113

Lautrey, J., 114, 122, 123, 124

Lazarus, A. A., 375

learning: and Confucianism, 328; and Soviet educational system, 203–4

Learning and Individual Differences (journal), 351

Learning Propensity (Potential) Assessment Device (LPAD), 237

Lécuyer, R., 121

Lehrl, S., 142

Leont’ev, A. N., 177n9, 180, 181, 185, 191, 195

Levy, P., 15

Li, S. -C., 142, 158, 464

Liberia, and intelligence research, 377, 379

Lieblich, A., 222, 223, 224, 226

life management, and motivational competencies, 150–4

lifespan development: and age gradients of cognitive mechanics and pragmatics, 158; historical tradition of concept in Germany, 136–41; and psychology in Australia, 357

Liker, J., 431

Lilus, A., 50

Lin, C. T., 336–7, 338

Lindenberger, U., 157, 158

LIS measurement scale for nonverbal reasoning, 308

LISREL (Linear Structural RELations), 61

literacy, and intervention programs in Turkey, 261–4

Liu, F., 338–9

Liu Shao, 330

Locke, John, 447

Lockhart, K., 319

Loftus, J., 50

London school, of psychology, 2–3, 11

Longeot, F., 113, 123–4

Looft, C., 50

Lopez, D. F., 155–6

Lord, F. M., 308

Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test, 219

Losada, J., 403

Lossky, N., 172

Lucking, S., 13

Lund, T., 69

Lunneborg, C., 86, 421

Luo, of Kenya, 367, 372, 382, 384–5

Luria, A. R., 181, 191, 287, 423

Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, 292

Lu Zhiwei, 332

Lynn, R., 20–1, 90

Macguire, T., 380

Mackintosh, N. J., 2, 17

Magnus, P., 66

Maimonides, 213

Makanza, M., 380, 381

Malhotra, L., 285

Malmo Study (Finland), 68–9

Mamardashvili, M. K., 176n7, 184–5

Mantel-Haenszel procedure, and bias analysis, 30

Markkanen, T., 67

marriage, and assortative mating for intelligence in Spain, 88–9

Martin, N., 351

Marx, K., 180

Marxism, and psychology in Soviet Union, 172–4, 177, 188, 190, 453

Masuda, K., 304

mathematics, and comparative study of students in U.S. and China, 325–6

Mathur, P., 286

Matsumoto, H., 318–19

Matsumoto, M., 304, 306

maximum performance, and typical performance, 426

Mayer, J. D., 434–5

McCrimmon, R. J., 17

McDonalds, R. P., 348

McReynolds, P., 80n2

Measurement of Intelligence, The (Hua Chao, 1924), 332

Measurement of Mental Development of the Child, The (Binet & Simon, 1922), 332

mediated learning experiences (MLE), 237

mediation, concept of in Soviet Union, 188

megascience, and globalization of intelligence research, 471, 472

Mehrota, G. P., 282

Mehta, J., 288–9

memory: culture-based mnemonics and cognitive mechanics in old age, 159–60; and primary mental abilities, 418. See also olfactory memory; working memory

Mencius (371–289 B.C.), 328

mental energy, and forms of intelligence, 339–40

mental retardation, research on in France, 121–2

metacognition: and Indian concept of intelligence, 279; and self-confidence, 354

metacomponents, and theory of successful intelligence, 429

Mexico, and intelligence testing, 402, 403

Milicic, N., 397

military: and development of testing in Scandinavia, 55–8; and intelligence testing in Australia, 358; and intelligence testing in France, 118; and psychology in Australia, 348

Milta Group Verbal Intelligence Test, 219

Minami, H., 306

minimal cognitive architecture, theory of, 355–6

Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, 425

Mishra, G., 277, 278

Mishra, H. C., 290

Mishra, R. C., 291

Mishra, R. K., 285

Mitchell, R. F., 421

Mitchell, S., 274, 275–6

Miyake, A., 122

Miyake, K., 304

Miyamoto, M., 319

Miyazawa, O., 311

modernization, and history of education in Japan, 303

Mohan, J., 284, 285

Mohanty, M. M., 290

molecular genetics, and study of intelligence differences, 19

Mønnesland, K., 51

Montangero, J., 120–1

Montenegro, H., 395

Moray House Test, 7

Mori, M., 423–4

Morikawa, M., 311–12

Morrisby Battery, 24

Mortensen, E. L., 52, 56, 63

Moscow Meta-theoretical Circle (MMC), 200–1, 202

Moscow Psychological School, 178n10

Mother-Child Education Program (MOCEP), 261–2

motives and motivation: motivational competencies and life management, 150–4; and regulatory influences on thinking, 196–7

Motora, Y., 303–4

Mounoud, P., 119–20

Mpofu, E., 376, 381, 382–3, 385

Mugny, G., 120

Mukherjee, M., 282

multilayered nature, of intelligence in Zimbabwean culture, 374–6

multiple intelligences: and occupational testing in U.K., 31; and systems theories of intelligence, 426–8

Mundy-Castle, A., 259

Munich Longitudinal Study, 144

Muñiz, J., 96

Muraishi, Y., 315, 317

Muraleedharan-Pillai, P. G., 282

Murray, C., 413–14

Nakashima, N., 319

Namiki, H., 308, 309

Nassefat, M., 113

Nath, K. S., 290

National Adult Reading Test (NART), 32, 35, 36

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), 280, 283

National Examination for College Enrollment (NECE), 331–2

National Health Service (U.K.), 32

National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), 292

National Intelligence Test, 305

National Labour Market Board (Sweden), 65

National Library of Educational and Psychological Tests (NLEPT), 280

National Longitudinal Study on Youth (NLSY), 90

naturalist intelligence, 426

Nature of Intelligence and the Principles of Cognition, The (Spearman, 1923), 3

nature-nurture controversy, in Japan, 310–12. See also environmental factors; genetics

Nelson, J., 16, 35

nerve conduction velocity (NCV), 87–8, 423–4

Nettelbeck, T., 14, 16, 349–50, 351

Neubauer, A. C., 142, 143

neural efficiency hypothesis, 87–8

neural intelligence, and theory of true intelligence, 433

neurobiological correlates, of cognitive mechanics and information processing, 144–5

neuronal conduction, speed of, 87–8, 423–4

neuropsychological assessment, in India, 292–5

neurotoxic agents, and neuropsychological functions, 294–5

Nevo, B., 239

Newcomb, T., 279

New Zealand, influence of Australia on psychology in, 345

NFER-Nelson Non-Verbal Reasoning test series, 22, 24

Nishi, A., 303

Noken Intelligence Test, 311

non-verbal reasoning tests, 22

Nordvik, H., 51

North America: and intelligence research, 411–36; and tests of working memory, 10. See also Canada; United States

Norway. See Scandinavia

Nouvelle Echelle Métrique de l’Intelligence (NEMI), 109, 115

numbers, and primary mental abilities, 417

Nyanungo, K. R. L., 381, 383

Nygaard, H. D., 51

Nygård, A., 51

Obonai, T., 311

observation methods, and study of intelligence in ancient China, 329–30

occupational testing: applications of in U.K., 28–32; and work domain in France and Switzerland, 118. See also governmental employment

OCTO-Twin project, 66–7

Ohira, K., 312

Okabe, Y., 305

Okagaki, L., 260–1

Oléron, P., 104

olfactory memory, 353–4

Omnibus Screening Protocol (OSP), 358

O’Neil, W. M., 345

Oney, B., 262

Ono, Y., 312

ontogenesis: and model of wisdom, 155–6; and Soviet psychology, 181

operative intelligence tests, 148–9

optimism, and belief-in-effort in Japanese culture, 319–20

Oren, C., 226

orientational activity, and Soviet education system, 199

Osaka, R., 307

Oswald, W. D., 142

Otis Beta Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test, 253

Owen, A. M., 12

Oye, M., 320

Paine, P., 401

Palacios, A., 86–7

Panda, S. K., 290

Panga Muntu (Make a Person) Test, 383–4

Paour, J.-L., 121–2

Papua New Guinea, 345

parents and parenting: and cultural differences, 260–1; and educational systems in U.S. and China, 325

Parker, D. M., 15

Partanen, J., 67

Pascual-Leone, J., 122

Passalong test, 126–7

Pati, P., 286

Patna University, 279

Pavlov, I. P., 175n5, 176

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Scale, 32

Pearson, K., 17

pedagogical/group testing, and educational testing in U.K., 21–5

pedagogy, and Soviet psychology, 203

Pedersen, N. L., 66

Pedology, Decree of (Soviet Union), 174, 176, 177

perceptual processes: and abilities related to sensory modalities, 353–4; and primary mental abilities, 417

Pérez-Olle, J., 86

performance components, of successful intelligence, 429

Perkins, D. N., 433–4

Perret-Clermont, A. N., 120

Pershad, D., 281–2

personality: and dynamic relations among levels of mind, 469; and intelligence research in India, 282–3, 285; and intelligence research in Israel, 238–40; social-historical situations and Soviet research on thinking, 183

Phillips, G. E., 348

philosophy: and development of psychology in Russia, 175; and view of intelligence in India, 272–3

Philosophy for Children (Spain), 92

phylogenesis, and Soviet research on thinking, 180–1

Piaget, J., 104, 109–10, 111–14, 119, 121, 127, 190n19, 277, 283, 337, 385, 451–2, 465, 470

Piagetian Number Conservation task, 146

Piagetian scales, unidimensionality of, 65

Piéron, H., 107–9, 114, 116

Pinard, A., 113

Pioneer Fund, 20–1

Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) cognitive processing model, 287–9, 290, 423

Plato, 276, 446

Plomin, R., 18–19

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 403

Poortinga, H., 295

Popper, K., 173

population differences, and intelligence research in Spain, 90–1. See also differences

Porteus, S. D., 347–8

positive manifold, and g theory, 415

Posner, M. I., 13, 421

poverty, and intelligence studies in Latin America, 396–401, 405

practical abilities, and theory of successful intelligence, 430–2

practice, and expertise performance, 149

“precision of thinking,” and Soviet concept of intelligence, 184–5

prediction studies, and intelligence testing in Latin America, 396

predictive validity, of standardized measures of intelligence, 89–90

Prien, B., 56

Prieto, G., 85, 87, 91, 96

Prieto, M. D., 92–3

Primary mental abilities (PMA) theory, of intelligence, 52, 89, 90, 417–18

Primary Mental Abilities Test, 93

primary and secondary control (OPS), model of, 152–3

problem solving: and cognitive pragmatics, 146–8; and research on intelligence in Scandinavia, 70; and strategy use in intelligence tests, 126–7

process-oriented studies, and intelligence research in Zimbabwe, 385–6

Progressive Matrices Series, 34

psyche, and concept of intelligence, 170n1

PsychInfo, 81, 83–4, 391

Psychologues Scolaires (School Psychologists), 115

psychology: Cambridge and London schools of, 2–3; development of in Australia, 345, 347, 348; development of in Soviet Union, 172–4; and education in Soviet Union, 203–204; Euro-American influences on Indian, 279, 296; future of, 470–1; history of in Japan, 310; influences on Danish research in, 51–2; influences on development of Spanish, 81; institutionalization of in France, 108; and intelligence conceptions of teachers in Latin America, 403–5; and intelligence research in Israel, 229–42; and intelligence testing in Soviet Union, 179; and study of intelligence in ancient China, 329–30; and universities in Latin America, 391

Psychometric Entrance Exam (PET), 215, 216–217t, 218, 219, 222, 223, 227, 239

psychometrics: and current status of theories of intelligence, 470; and explicit theories of intelligence, 420–1; and intelligence research in Zimbabwe and sub-Saharan Africa, 380–1, 383–6; and intelligence testing in Israel, 218–19; and psychology in Australia, 346

publication databases, and study of intelligence in Spain, 81–4

Puerto Rico, and intelligence testing, 402

Puhan, B. N., 293

Puzyrei, A. A., 187, 191–2

QTL (quantitative trait loci), 19

Quan Xue (Encouraging Learning), 328

Queensland Test, 348

Quetelet, A., 137

Quiroga, M., 89

Raaheim, K., 70

Rabbitt, P., 16

race and racial bias, and psychometric studies of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 383. See also ethnicity

radex configuration, in aptitude tests, 234–6

Radhakrishnan, S., 274

RajaGopalan, M., 291

Rand, Y., 457

Rani, R., 282

Rasch, G., 56, 60–1, 457

Rasch Model, of measurement, 457

Räty, H., 69

Raven, J. C., 9, 32

Raven’s Progressive Matrices, 32, 34–5, 51, 89, 93, 219–20, 281, 396, 403, 424

Ray, S., 282

Raz, N., 8

reaction, biosociological concept of, 186

reaction time (RT): and British research on intelligence differences, 12–14; and Indian research on intelligence differences, 284; cognitive mechanics and information processing, 141–4. See also inspection time

reason, and concept of intelligence, 170–1

reasoning: German research on higher-order, 146; primary mental abilities and inductive, 417; psychometric intelligence differences and analogical, 9

Rebollo, I., 87

RECI Series of Perceptual Tests, 34

Reed, T. E., 423

reflective aspect, of intelligence, 433–4

Reid, C., 16

Reinisch, J. M., 52, 63

relational complexity theory, 357

religion: emphasis on community in indigenous African, 375; and sociocultural differences in Israel, 223–4. See also Jewish culture

resource allocation, and concept of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 367, 368–9

Reuchlin, M., 123, 124, 128

Reuterberg, S.-E., 63, 68

Rey, A., 110–11, 115

de Ribaupierre, A., 122, 123, 124

Ribsskog, B., 51

Richard, J.-F., 126–7

Richardson, K., 2

Rieben, L., 122, 123, 124–5

Roberts, M. J., 2

Roberts, R. D., 351, 354–5, 358

Rodríguez, J., 402

Rogers, T., 380

Rosas, R., 396, 403, 404, 406

Roth, E., 13, 142

Rozencwajg, P., 125–6

Rubin, E., 52

Rubinstein, S. L., 174n4, 176–7, 181, 191, 194–5

rural areas, and group differences in intelligence testing in Turkey, 256

Rushton, J. P., 89

Russia, study of intelligence in, 170–205, 453–4, 466, 470

Safir, M. P., 224

Sagara, M., 311–12

Sahin, N., 254–5, 258–9, 260

Salomaa Scales, 54

Salovey, P., 92, 434–5

Samejima, F., 308

Sanct-Petersburg State University, 178n10, 179

Sandven, J., 50

Sano, T., 307

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), 225, 306–7, 320

Savasir, I., 258–9, 260

Sawade, S. D., 285

Scandinavia, and intelligence research, 49–71, 457–8

Schmidt, S., 397

Schneider, W., 144

school counselors, in India, 280–1

Schulz, R., 152

science: and categorical regulation of thinking, 183–4; difference between everyday concepts and, 190; and intelligence research as megascience, 471, 472. See also biological factors; ecology

Scotland, and intelligence research, 7, 13

Scottish Council for Research in Education, 7

Scottish Mental Survey (1932), 32

Scribner, S., 431

secondary school system, and intelligence testing in France, 116–17

Seim, S., 51

selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC), model of, 150–2

self-concept, and dynamic relations among levels of mind, 469

self-confidence, and metacognitive aspects of intelligence, 354

semantic priming paradigm, 120

Sen, A., 284

Senegal, and intelligence research, 377, 379

sensory functioning: correlation between intellectual functioning and, 157–8; and structure of abilities, 353–4

Serpell, R., 378–9, 381, 383–4, 385

sex role adoption (SRA), 283

Sharp, D., 289

Shchedorvitsky, P. G., 200n24, 201–2

Shell, P., 9, 34

Shi, J., 339–40

Shinagwa, F., 306

Shipley, B. A., 16

Shona, and definitions of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 366–72, 375, 377–80, 461

Shringy, R. K., 276

Siddiqui, A., 291–2

Siegvald, H., 52

Simarro, L., 81

Simon, B., 3, 22, 248, 332

Simonetti, F., 404, 406

Simonetto, E., 16

simulations, and intelligence testing in Australia, 359–60

Singh, J., 294–5

Singh, K., 282

Singh, T., 291–2

Sinha, D., 280

Sinivui, J., 58

Smallest Space Analysis (SSA), 233–4, 236

Smirnov, S. D., 190, 192n20

social constructivism, and psychology in Australia, 347

socialization, and Soviet psychology, 181

social policy, and Japanese view of intelligence, 320–2

social system: and concept of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 367–8, 375–6, 378, 382–3; and recent research on intelligence, 465–7; social competence and concept of intelligence in India, 278; social determinants of intelligence in Soviet theories of thinking, 182–205

sociocognitive conflict, and Piagetian theory, 120

sociocultural differences, and intelligence testing in Israel, 221–2, 223–4

socioeconomic groups. See class; poverty

Soejima, Y., 316

Solheim, R., 51

Soviet Union. See Russia

Spain, and intelligence research, 79–98, 454

spatial visualization, and primary mental abilities, 417–18

Spearman, C. E., 3–4, 4–5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 34, 50, 57, 64, 70, 415, 447, 455, 465

spiritual intelligence, 426

Sri Aurobindo, 275, 277

Srivastava, A. K., 280–1, 291–2

Srivastava, S., 277, 278, 283

stage formation, theory of, 197

Stahle, G., 68

standardization, of intelligence tests, 253, 254, 394–5, 401–403

Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), 34–5

Stanford-Binet test, 50, 51, 281, 305, 306, 332

Stanford University, 234

Stankov, L., 351, 354–5, 358

Stankov’s Test of Cognitive Abilities (STOCA), 358

statistical analyses, and intelligence research in Japan, 314–15

Staudinger, U. M., 155–6

Stephen, E., 15

Sternberg, R. J., 9, 12, 65, 69, 92–3, 252, 260–1, 271, 310, 335, 336, 337, 371, 372, 375, 384, 385, 419, 420, 421–2, 425, 428–33, 453, 457, 458–9, 463, 467

Sternberg, S., 13

Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT), 93

Stevenson, H., 325

Stevenson, N. J., 2

strategy use, in intelligence tests, 126–7

Streri, A., 121

Stroop test, 286

success, attributions of in Japanese culture, 318–19

successful intelligence, theory of, 428–33

Sudhir, M. A., 282

Sundet, J. M., 66

Super, C., 260

Suzuki, H., 305

Suzuki-Binet Intelligence Test, 313

Swaps Test, 352

Sweden. See Scandinavia

Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA), 66

Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (SweSAT), 53, 63, 68

Swedish Twin Registry, 66

Switzerland, and intelligence research, 104–28

systems theories, of intelligence, 426–35

tactile abilities, 353

Taisho Free Education movement, 305

Taiwan, and research on intelligence, 335–6

Takagi, H., 318–19

Takagi, M., 304

Takala, M., 54

Takuma, T., 311–12

Talyzina, N. F., 197

Tambs, K., 66

Tanaka, K., 305–6

Tanwar, U., 285

task accomplishment and participation, and concept of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 367–8

teachers, and conceptions of intelligence in Latin America, 403–5

Teasdale, T. W., 52, 63, 67

Technique de Psychologie Expéritmentale (Toulouse, Vaschide, & Piéron, 1904), 107–8, 109

technology, of intelligence testing, 59–60

Teplov, B. M., 182–3

Terman, L., 51, 332

Terman-Binet Test, 80

test anxiety, and intelligence assessment in Israel, 239

test bias: and equity in intelligence testing in Israel, 226–9; and urban children in Zimbabwe, 383. See also anti-test controversy; fairness

testosterone, and Culture-Fair Intelligence test, 257–8

Test of Tacit Knowledge for Natural Herbal Medicines, 384

test validity, research on in Scandinavia, 62–3

Tetens, J. N., 136–7

Texas Adoption Project, 425

Thapa, K., 293, 294

thinking, and ideological-philosophical bases for research in Russian/Soviet psychology, 172–205

Thompson, G., 279

Thomson, G. H., 4–5, 7

Thrane, V. C., 69

Thurstone, L. L., 5, 52–3, 57, 64, 70, 81, 346, 420, 448

Tikhomirov, O. K., 176n8, 194, 195–7

TML Scales (Terman-Merrill-Lehtovaara), 54, 55

Tokyo City National Intelligence Scale, 311

Toulouse, E., 107–8, 109, 114

Toyoda, H., 315, 317

Trait de Psychologie Expérimentale (Oléron et al., 1963), 104

transformation analysis of factorial data, 54

Triarchic Ability Test, 65

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (Sternberg, 1988), 92–3

Tripathi, S. R., 295

true intelligence, theory of, 433–4

Tsukuba University, 304

Turkey, and intelligence research, 248–65, 459

Turkish Educational Volunteers Foundation, 264

Turró, R., 81

twin studies: in Australia, 351; in Japan, 311–12, 315, 316–17; and Scandinavia, 66; in U.K., 18–19; in U.S., 425

two-factor theory, of intelligence, 447

typical performance, intelligence as, 436

Tzuriel, D., 237–8

Uganda, Baganda and Batoro of, 367, 377, 378

Umemoto, A., 307

understanding, and concept of buddhi, 275

Undheim, J. O., 57, 59, 61, 62, 63–4, 68

United Kingdom, intelligence research and practice in, 1–21, 36, 447–8, 470

United States: anti-test controversy in, 227, 228t, 241; approaches to intelligence research in, 411–36, 448–51, 470; cultural view of intelligence compared with Japanese, 318; and enrichment programs, 458; and gender differences in intelligence testing, 225; influence on intelligence testing in Scandinavia, 59; influence on life in Australia, 345; influence on psychology in India, 279, 296; mathematics students compared with Chinese, 325–6; and research on intelligence in Israel, 240–1. See also North America

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 403

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 85, 86, 92

Universidad de Granada, 92

Universidad de Málaga, 91–2

Universidad de Murcia, 92–3

Universidad de Salamanca, 85

Universidad de Tarragona, 86

University of London, 376

University of Michigan, 325–6, 329

University of Sydney, 345, 358

University of Tokyo, 303

University of Zimbabwe, 376

Upanishad, 270–1, 272

urban areas: and group differences in intelligence testing in Turkey, 256, 260; and psychometric studies of intelligence in Zimbabwe, 383

Varela, J., 396

Vaschide, N., 107–8

Venezuela. See Intelligence Development Project; Latin America

verbal comprehension and fluency, and primary mental abilities, 417

verbal reasoning tests, 22

Vernon, P. A., 424

Vernon, P. E., 4–5, 6, 8, 23, 423–4

Vickers, D., 14, 349

vidya (acquired knowledge), 273

Vigil-Colet, A., 86, 87

Vineland’s Maturity Scale, 400–1

Vygotsky, L. S., 175, 176n7, 178, 187–92, 198, 203, 276, 277, 337, 435, 453–4, 470

Watkins, D. A., 383

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 15, 32, 51, 55, 86, 87, 146, 255, 281–2, 306, 402, 425

Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence scale, 306

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), 25

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), 25, 51, 115, 179n12, 215, 216–17t, 218, 219, 220, 223, 233–4, 306, 380, 397, 400–1, 402

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), 32, 255

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for Intelligence (WPPSI), 25, 51, 115, 215, 216–17t, 218, 220, 223, 253

Weinert, F. E., 144

Wekker, L. M., 178n10

Wertsch, J. V., 189–90

Westerlund, A., 63

West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study, 13

White, K. R., 63

Wickett, J. C., 424

Wigdor, A. K., 413–14

will, and Chinese concept of intelligence, 340

Willerman, L., 8, 425

Windelband, W., 248

wisdom: and expert knowledge, 154–6; and Indian view of intelligence, 274

Wober, M., 375, 381, 385

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability – Revised, 418

Woodworth, R. S., 336

working memory: British research on individual differences and, 9–11; intelligence testing and research on in Japan, 308–10, 315; and neo-Piagetian research in France, 122; and research on information processing in Germany, 143–4; and research on intelligence differences in Spain, 86–7; and theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence in Australia, 352–3. See also memory

Wright, M. J., 312

Wu, T. M., 335–6, 337–8

Wundt, W., 105–6

Xu, F., 339–40

Xun Zi (325–238 B.C.), 328–9

Yale University, 432

Yalin, A., 258

Yama, M., 8

Yang, S.-Y., 335, 336

Yan Zhitui (531–591 B.C.), 329–30

Yaroshevsky, M. G., 183–4

Yela, M., 81, 85

Youniss, J., 189

Zahlen-Verbindungs-Test (ZVT), 142

Zamani, M., 126

Zambia, and Chewa, 367, 368, 377, 378–9, 461

Zaporozhets, A. V., 181

Zeidner, M., 222, 223, 225, 226, 234, 239

Zeigarnik, B. V., 191

Zha, Z., 333

Zhang, H., 335–6

Zhu Geliang, 330

Zhu, Z., 337, 338

Zimbabwe, and intelligence research, 364–87, 460–1

Zinov’ev, A. A., 176n7, 200n24

zone of proximal development, 189, 198, 456

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